
2017-08-06 作者: 387阅读


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  1.The quadratic functionis graphed in the-plane above. Iffor all values of, which of the following could be the coordinates of point?






  2.In a certain lawn-mower factory, 0.06 percent of all mowers produced are dective. On the average, there will be 3 dective mowers out of how many produced?

  (A) 500

  (B) 1800

  (C) 5000

  (D) 18000

  (E) 50000

  3.The circle above has center . Given segments of the following lengths, which is the length of the longest one that can be placed entirely inside this circle?

  Answer Choices






  4.If 22 times 3 times Q = 6, then Q =

  (A) 1 over 11

  (B) 1 over 10

  (C) 10

  (D) 11

  (E) 20


  1.The correct answer is C

  The fact thatfor all values ofmeans that the pointis the maximum of the quadratic function, somust be the vertex of the parabola. The parabola intersects the-axis at the pointsand, somust be halfway betweenand. Therore,. Of the choices, the only one with-coordinate equal tois. Therore,could be the coordinates of point.

  2.The correct answer is C

  Recall that 0.06 percent means 0.06 out of every 100, or 6 out of every 10000. The question asks for an equivalent ratio: 3 out of how many. The ratio 6 out of 10000 can be reduced (by dividing both members by 2) to 3 out of 5000.

  3.The correct answer is C

  Since the radius of the circle is , the diameter of the circle is . In a circle, the diameter is longer than any segment that can be placed entirely inside the circle. Therore, segments of length or length could not be placed entirely within the circle, and the correct answer is .

  4.The correct answer is A

  The question states that 22 times 3 times Q = 6. Solving for Q gives Q = 6 over (22 times 3) = 1 over 11 when the fraction is reduced.



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