
2017-08-06 作者: 273阅读


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  A. Trigonometry of the right triangle

  1 Dinitions of the six functions

  2 Relations of the functions of the complementary angles

  3 Reciprocal relations among the functions

  4 Variations in the functions of acute angles

  5 Pythagorean and quotient relations

  6 Functions of 30°, 45°, and 60°

  7 Applications of the functions to right triangle problems

  B. Trigonometric functions of the general angle

  1 Generating an angle of any size

  2 Radians and degrees

  3 Using radians to determine arc length

  4 Dinitions of the functions of an angle

  5 Signs of the functions in the four quadrants

  6 Functions of the quadrantal angle

  7 Finding the value of functions of any angle

  C Identities and equations

  1 Difference between identities in equations

  2 Proving identities

  3 Solving linear trigonometric functions

  4 Solving trigonometric quadratic equations

  D Generalized trigonometric relationships

  1 Functions of the sum of two angles

  2 Functions of the difference of two angles

  3 Functions of the double angle

  4 Functions of the half angle

  E Graphs of trigonometric functions

  1 Graphs of the sine, cosine, and tangent curves

  2 Properties of the sine, cosine, and tangent curves

  3 Dinitions of amplitude, period, and frequency

  4 Solving trigonometric equations graphically

  F Solutions of oblique triangles

  1 Law of sines

  2 Law of cosines

  3 Using logarithms to solve oblique triangle problems

  4 Vector problems—parallelogram of forces

  5 Navigation problems


  A. Complex numbers

  1 Meaning

  2 Operations

  a) Addition and subtraction

  b) Multiplication and division

  i Powers of i

  ii Complex conjugate

  3 Complex roots of quadratic equations

  B Number Bases

  1 Converting from base 10 to other bases

  2 Converting from other bases to base 10

  3 Operations in other bases

  C Exponents and logarithms

  1 Meaning of logarithms

  2 Computation with exponents and logarithms

  3 Equations

  4 Graphs of exponential and logarithmic functions

  D Binary operations

  1 Dinition of binary operations

  2 Properties of binary operations

  3 Application to modular arithmetic

  E Identity and inverse elements

  1 Addition

  2 Multiplication

  3 Other operations



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