
2017-08-05 作者: 232阅读

转载请注明澳际留学 SAT考试填空练习题第17套


1. Seeking to_________ what people view and read by determining what art and literature should be available, censorship laws directly_________ free expression.

(A) govern.. liberate

(B) juxtapose .. prescribe

(C) der.. nullify

(D) control.. prohibit

(E) balance .. promote

2. Because little rain falls in the district during summer, municipalities are necessarily_________ to _________ water from winter storms.

(A) ready.. squander

(B) reluctant.. retain

(C) free.. absorb

(D) carul.. store

(E) unwilling .. conserve

3. Excessive secrecy tends to_________ excessive curiosity and thus serves to_________ the very impulses against which it guards.

(A) inhibit.. protect

(B) disguise.. supplant

(C) satisfy.. limit

(D) compel.. deride

(E) invite .. provoke

4. Toni Cade Bambara&aposs novels are engrossing because the protagonists, in striving to achieve goals, are not simply_________ characters.

(A) passive (B) tangible (C) abandoned (D) autonomous (E) redundant

5. Myra laughed exuberantly and embraced her friends repeatedly, so_________ was she about having been selected.

(A) ambivalent (B) quizzical (C) euphoric (D) jaded (E) exacting

6. The new policy has been called a quiet revolution because, though introduced without_________, it is already producing_________ changes.

(A) warning .. specious

(B) fanfare .. momentous

(C) concealment. . transient

(D) hesitation . . ostensible

(E) debate.. negligible

7. Artists who are described as_________ are the first to experiment with new forms or concepts.

(A) aesthetic (B) partisan (C) decorous (D) cerebral (E) avant-garde

8. Once his integrity had been_________, the mayoral candidate was quick both to_________ these attacks and to issue counterattacks.

(A) debunked .. buttress

(B) restored .. recommence

(C) revoked .. relinquish

(D) impugned .. repudiate

(E) vitiated.. avoid

9.When two chemical compounds are combined, a_________ fect can be achieved; the resulting combination can be more potent than either of the individual compounds alone.

(A) synergistic (B) naturalistic (C) competitive (D) retroactive (E) neutralizing


1. Although visitors initially may find touring the city by subway to be_________, they are pleased to discover that subways are an inexpensive and_________ way to get around.

(A) wastul.. generous

(B) daunting .. ficient

(C) extravagant.. prohibitive

(D) convenient.. solitary

(E) enjoyable .. easy

2. New data measuring the_________ of land beneath the oceans permit accurate generalizations about the topography of the seafloor.

(A) models (B) contours (C) remnants (D) populations (E) pigments

3. One critic asserts that modem urban architecture causes sensory deprivation because it fails to provide visual and tactile_________.

(A) latency (B) stimulation (C) complacence (D) confusion (E) extension

4. It would be a waste of time for any reviewer to bother_________ a book whose utter worthlessness is_________ to even the least discerning reader.

(A) enjoying.. doubtful

(B) mocking .. figurative

(C) assessing.. welcome

(D) condemning.. obvious

(E) ignoring.. obnoxious

5. In frigid regions a layer of permafrost under the soil surface prevents water from sinking deep into die soil, and so the water_________ the land, helping to create bog and_________ conditions.

(A) freezes.. tropical

(B) parches .. marsh

(C) inundates .. desert

(D) aerates .. jungle

(E) floods .. swamp

6. Although the bystander&aposs account of the car accident at first seemed_________. the police officer was surprised, on further investigation, to find that it was_________.

(A) dubious .. erroneous

(B) incongruous .. inconsistent

(C) implausible .. correct

(D) logical.. pertinent

(E) probable .. coherent

7. The legislation facing Congress was so_________ that it threatened to shatter the governing body&aposs fragile bipartisanship.

(A) divisive (B) transparent (C) concordant (D) repetitive (E) rhetorical

8. In All God&aposs Children Seed Traveling Shoes, author Maya Angelou uses_________, bri descriptive sketches, to provide_________ view of Ghana that clearly details the land and its people.

(A) missives .. an illusory

(B) themes . . a thorough

(C) vignettes.. a vivid

(D) treatises .. an authentic

(E) abstracts .. an ambiguous

9. Because an older horse is more_________ than a younger one, it is safer for a novice rider.

(A) frolicsome (B) cantankerous (C) gargantuan (D) tractable (E) precipitate

10. The library&aposs collection is a _________ of Asian American historical documents, including rare materials about race relations.

(A) summary (B) fabrication (C) consensus (D) trove (E) replication

SAT考试填空练习题第17套 参考答案:

Section One

1. D 2.D 3.E 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.E 8.D 9.A

Section Two

1. B 2.B 3.B 4.D 5.E 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.D 10.D


转载请注明澳际留学 SAT考试填空练习题第17套


1. Seeking to_________ what people view and read by determining what art and literature should be available, censorship laws directly_________ free expression.

(A) govern.. liberate

(B) juxtapose .. prescribe

(C) der.. nullify

(D) control.. prohibit

(E) balance .. promote

2. Because little rain falls in the district during summer, municipalities are necessarily_________ to _________ water from winter storms.

(A) ready.. squander

(B) reluctant.. retain

(C) free.. absorb

(D) carul.. store

(E) unwilling .. conserve

3. Excessive secrecy tends to_________ excessive curiosity and thus serves to_________ the very impulses against which it guards.

(A) inhibit.. protect

(B) disguise.. supplant

(C) satisfy.. limit

(D) compel.. deride

(E) invite .. provoke

4. Toni Cade Bambara&aposs novels are engrossing because the protagonists, in striving to achieve goals, are not simply_________ characters.

(A) passive (B) tangible (C) abandoned (D) autonomous (E) redundant

5. Myra laughed exuberantly and embraced her friends repeatedly, so_________ was she about having been selected.

(A) ambivalent (B) quizzical (C) euphoric (D) jaded (E) exacting

6. The new policy has been called a quiet revolution because, though introduced without_________, it is already producing_________ changes.

(A) warning .. specious

(B) fanfare .. momentous

(C) concealment. . transient

(D) hesitation . . ostensible

(E) debate.. negligible

7. Artists who are described as_________ are the first to experiment with new forms or concepts.

(A) aesthetic (B) partisan (C) decorous (D) cerebral (E) avant-garde

8. Once his integrity had been_________, the mayoral candidate was quick both to_________ these attacks and to issue counterattacks.

(A) debunked .. buttress

(B) restored .. recommence

(C) revoked .. relinquish

(D) impugned .. repudiate

(E) vitiated.. avoid

9.When two chemical compounds are combined, a_________ fect can be achieved; the resulting combination can be more potent than either of the individual compounds alone.

(A) synergistic (B) naturalistic (C) competitive (D) retroactive (E) neutralizing 上12下




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