
2017-08-05 作者: 307阅读

转载请注明澳际留学 SAT考试填空练习题第17套


1.In the Renaissance, when few women were formally educated and most were forced to marry, the rebellious Cecilia Gonzaga succeeded in_________ scholarship and_________ the marriage planned for her.

(A) obtaining . . succumbing to

(B) escaping . . subverting

(C) pursuing . . avoiding

(D) ignoring .. observing

(E) disavowing .. enjoying

2. During the day downpours were_________ starting and stopping at nearly regular intervals.

(A) unmediated (B) spontaneous (C) periodic (D) incidental (E) endemic

3. As a physicist Veronica is a gifted_________; she loves to go beyond particular facts and speculate about general principles.

(A) dogmatist (B) consultant (C) prodigy (D) materialist (E) theorist

4. Although hostile demonstrations and_________ marred James Meredith&aposs 1962 enrollment at the University of Mississippi, the commencement ceremony in which he became the university&aposs first African American graduate was surprisingly_________.

(A) discord .. tranquil

(B) pomp.. daunting

(C) banality .. conventional

(D) turmoil.. controversial

(E) serenity.. opportune

5. The editor&aposs comment was not intended as a criticism, but as a_________ by which she sought further clarification.

(A) query (B) confession (C) dismissal (D) condemnation (E) credo

6. Although Clifton often appeared_________, he actually devoted_________ amount of time trying to keep up a neat appearance.

(A) orderly .. an enormous

(B) disheveled .. an inordinate

(C) annoyed .. an unfortunate

(D) distracted .. an unrealistic

(E) agitated . . a considerable

7. In 1991 salsa_________ ketchup as the best-selling condiment in the United States, outselling ketchup by $40 million in retail stores.

(A) supplanted (B) redoubled (C) augmented (D) brandished (E) evaded

8. The Earth&aposs oceans sustain a_________ of marine creatures, an abundance that makes the seas teem with life and activity.

(A) melee (B) profusion (C) configuration (D) symmetry (E) dimension

9. The gentle flow of the speaker&aposs words became Of increasingly balanced and rhythmic; such_________ oratory was quite hypnotic.

(A) cadent (B) specious (C) convoluted (D) adulatory (E) impassioned

10.The of the art world, its "apparent inviolability," was sullied in 1997 when investigators

uncovered several dubious art transactions.

(A) turpitude (B) sacrosanctity (C) perspicuity (D) verisimilitude (E) duplicity


1. Despite the wide-ranging curiosity about her personal life. Eleanor Roosevelt enjoyed a degree of_________ that today&aposs highly scrutinized public figures can only_________.

(A) privacy . . envy

(B) popularity . . celebrate

(C) privilege..imitate

(D) isolation . . regret

(E) generosity .. ruse

2. Unable to decide between a career in biology and one in philosophy. Gwen_________ her two interests and became a medical ethicist.

(A) reclaimed (B) merged (C) dined (D) abandoned (E) conveyed

3. The incompetent judge conducted the hearing in so_________ a manner that the entire proceeding was considered a_________, an insult to the standards of the judicial system.

(A) apathetic . . victory

(B) exacting .. spectacle

(C) astute .. debacle

(D) negligent.. travesty

(E) surreptitious .. triumph

4. Constance was_________ by the speech, regarding such criticisms of her company as extremely annoying.

(A) fascinated (B) galled (C) uplifted (D) soothed (E) disoriented

5. Steven tried hard to give up sweets, but he found it particularly difficult to_________ chocolate.

(A) digest (B) extol (C) impugn (D) forgo (E) relish

6. At first merely_________, his actions grew so bewildering and bizarre as to appear entirely_________ to us.

(A) dignified . . mystifying

(B) perplexing .. inexplicable

(C) eccentric . . stolid

(D) intriguing . . reasonable

(E) logical.. questionable

7. Rather than focusing on the_________ sequence of events. the historian E.M.W. Tillyard_________ a chronological approach and portrays, instead, the dominant beli patterns of an age.

(A) rational. . acknowledges

(B) temporal.. avoids

(C) universal., embraces

(D) qualitative . . employs

(E) unseen. .forsakes

8. The fashion designer&aposs new line of spring clothing was described in the style section of the newspaper as_________, even_________; the runway collection had dazzled the audience.

(A) unassuming . . audacious

(B) capricious . . innocuous

(C) tawdry .. precocious

(D) vivacious . . insipid

(E) resplendent.. incandescent

9. Robb Armstrong&aposs Jump Start fills a void in the cartoon industry, namely, a_________ of comic strips representing African Americans.

(A) spate (B) revision (C) dearth (D) dispersal (E) consensus


Section One

1. C 2.C 3.E 4.A 5.A 6.B 7.A 8.B 9.A 10.B

Section Two

1. A 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.D 6.B 7.B 8.E 9.C


转载请注明澳际留学 SAT考试填空练习题第17套


1.In the Renaissance, when few women were formally educated and most were forced to marry, the rebellious Cecilia Gonzaga succeeded in_________ scholarship and_________ the marriage planned for her.

(A) obtaining . . succumbing to

(B) escaping . . subverting

(C) pursuing . . avoiding

(D) ignoring .. observing

(E) disavowing .. enjoying

2. During the day downpours were_________ starting and stopping at nearly regular intervals.

(A) unmediated (B) spontaneous (C) periodic (D) incidental (E) endemic

3. As a physicist Veronica is a gifted_________; she loves to go beyond particular facts and speculate about general principles.

(A) dogmatist (B) consultant (C) prodigy (D) materialist (E) theorist

4. Although hostile demonstrations and_________ marred James Meredith&aposs 1962 enrollment at the University of Mississippi, the commencement ceremony in which he became the university&aposs first African American graduate was surprisingly_________.

(A) discord .. tranquil

(B) pomp.. daunting

(C) banality .. conventional

(D) turmoil.. controversial

(E) serenity.. opportune

5. The editor&aposs comment was not intended as a criticism, but as a_________ by which she sought further clarification.

(A) query (B) confession (C) dismissal (D) condemnation (E) credo

6. Although Clifton often appeared_________, he actually devoted_________ amount of time trying to keep up a neat appearance.

(A) orderly .. an enormous

(B) disheveled .. an inordinate

(C) annoyed .. an unfortunate

(D) distracted .. an unrealistic

(E) agitated . . a considerable

7. In 1991 salsa_________ ketchup as the best-selling condiment in the United States, outselling ketchup by $40 million in retail stores.

(A) supplanted (B) redoubled (C) augmented (D) brandished (E) evaded

8. The Earth&aposs oceans sustain a_________ of marine creatures, an abundance that makes the seas teem with life and activity.

(A) melee (B) profusion (C) configuration (D) symmetry (E) dimension

9. The gentle flow of the speaker&aposs words became Of increasingly balanced and rhythmic; such_________ oratory was quite hypnotic.

(A) cadent (B) specious (C) convoluted (D) adulatory (E) impassioned

10.The of the art world, its "apparent inviolability," was sullied in 1997 when investigators

uncovered several dubious art transactions.

(A) turpitude (B) sacrosanctity (C) perspicuity (D) verisimilitude (E) duplicity 上12下




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