
2017-08-05 作者: 355阅读


SECTION ONE 1. Like foolish people who continue to live near an active volcano, many of us are_________ about the_________ of atomic warfare and its attendant destruction. (A) worried...possibility (B) unconcerned...threat (C) excited...power (D) cheered...possession (E) 2. By communicating through pointing and making gestures, Charles was able to overcome any_________ difficulties that arose during his recent trip to Japan. (A) peripatetic (B) linguistic (C) plausible (D) monetary (E) territorial 3. It is the task of the International Wildlife Preservation Commission to prevent endangered species from becoming_________ in order that future generations may_________ the great diversity of animal life. (A) tamed...recollect (B) evolved...value (C) extinct...enjoy (D) specialized...anticipate (E) widespread...appreciate 4. We find it difficult to translate a foreign text literally because we cannot capture the_________ of the original passage exactly. (A) novelty (B) succinctness (C) connotations (D) ambivalence (E) alienation 5. It is remarkable that a man so in the public eye, so highly praised and imitated, can retain his_________ . (A) magniloquence (B) dogmas (C) bravado (D) idiosyncrasies (E) humility 6. For all the_________ involved in the study of seals, we Arctic researchers have occasional moments of, pure over some new idea or discovery. (A) tribulations...despair (B) hardships...exhilaration (C) confusions...bewilderment (D) inconvenience...panic (E) thrills...delight 7. Despite the growing_________ of Hispanic actors in the American theater, many Hispanic experts feel that the Spanish-speaking population is_________ on the stage. (A) decrease...inappropriate (B) emergence...visible (C) prominence...underrepresented (D) skill...alienated (E) number...misdirected 8. As a sportscaster, Cosell was apparently never _________; he made_________ comments about every boxing match he covered. (A) excited...hysterical (B) relevant...pertinent (C) satisfied...disparaging (D) amazed...awe-struck (E) impressed...laudatory 9. Even critics who do not_________ Robin Williams&apos interpretation of the part_________ him as an inventive comic actor who has made a serious attempt to come to terms with one of the most challenging roles of our time. (A) dissent from...dismiss (B) cavil at...welcome (C) agree with...denounce (D) recoil from...deride (E) concur with...acknowledge 10. This latest biography of Malcolm X is a nuanced and sensitive picture of a very complex man, _________analysis of his personality. (A) an infectual (B) a telling (C) a ponderous (D) a simplistic (E) an overblown SECTION TWO 1. Although he is_________ about the problems that still confront blacks in ballet, Mitchell nevertheless is optimistic about the future, especially that of his own dance company. (A) hopul (B) uninformed (C) abstract (D) realistic (E) unconcerned 2. Despite all its_________, a term of enlistment in the Peace Corps can be both stirring and satisfying to a college graduate still undecided on a career. (A) rewards (B) renown (C) adventures (D) romance (E) frustrations 3. Although he had the numerous films to his credit and a reputation for technical_________, the moviemaker lacked originality; all his films were sadly_________ of the work of others. (A) skill...independent (B) ability...unconscious (C) expertise...derivative (D) competence...contradictory (E) blunders...enamored 4. John Gielgud crowns a distinguished career of playing Shakespearean roles by giving a performance that is_________. (A) mediocre (B) outmoded (C) superficial (D) unsurpassable (E) insipid 5. Those interested in learning more about how genetics applies to trees will have to_________ the excellent technical journals where most of the pertinent material is_________. (A) subscribe to...ignored (B) suffer through...located (C) rely on...unrepresented (D) resort to...found (E) see through...published 6. Rent control restrictions on small apartment owners may unfortunately_________ rather than alleviate housing problems. (A) resolve (B) diminish (C) castigate (D) minimize (E) exacerbate 7. In the light of Dickens&aposs description of die lively, even_________ dance parties of his time, Sharp&aposs approach to country dancing may seem overly formal, suggesting more_________ than is necessary. (A) sophisticated...expertise (B) rowdy...decorum (C) prudish...propriety (D) lewd...ribaldry (E) enjoyable...vitality 8. It is said that the custom of shaking hands originated when primitive men held out empty hands to indicate that they had no_________ weapons and were thus_________ disposed. (A) lethal...clearly (B) concealed...amicably (C) hidden...harmfully (D) murderous...ill (E) secret...finally 9. The biochemistry instructor urged that we take particular care of the_________ chemicals to prevent their evaporation. (A) insoluble (B) superficial (C) extraneous (D) volatile (E) insipid


Section One

1. B 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.E 6.B 7.C 8.C 9.E 10.B

Section Two

1. D 2.E 3.C 4.D 5.D 6.E 7.B 8.B 9.D



SECTION ONE 1. Like foolish people who continue to live near an active volcano, many of us are_________ about the_________ of atomic warfare and its attendant destruction. (A) worried...possibility (B) unconcerned...threat (C) excited...power (D) cheered...possession (E) 2. By communicating through pointing and making gestures, Charles was able to overcome any_________ difficulties that arose during his recent trip to Japan. (A) peripatetic (B) linguistic (C) plausible (D) monetary (E) territorial 3. It is the task of the International Wildlife Preservation Commission to prevent endangered species from becoming_________ in order that future generations may_________ the great diversity of animal life. (A) tamed...recollect (B) evolved...value (C) extinct...enjoy (D) specialized...anticipate (E) widespread...appreciate 4. We find it difficult to translate a foreign text literally because we cannot capture the_________ of the original passage exactly. (A) novelty (B) succinctness (C) connotations (D) ambivalence (E) alienation 5. It is remarkable that a man so in the public eye, so highly praised and imitated, can retain his_________ . (A) magniloquence (B) dogmas (C) bravado (D) idiosyncrasies (E) humility 6. For all the_________ involved in the study of seals, we Arctic researchers have occasional moments of, pure over some new idea or discovery. (A) tribulations...despair (B) hardships...exhilaration (C) confusions...bewilderment (D) inconvenience...panic (E) thrills...delight 7. Despite the growing_________ of Hispanic actors in the American theater, many Hispanic experts feel that the Spanish-speaking population is_________ on the stage. (A) decrease...inappropriate (B) emergence...visible (C) prominence...underrepresented (D) skill...alienated (E) number...misdirected 8. As a sportscaster, Cosell was apparently never _________; he made_________ comments about every boxing match he covered. (A) excited...hysterical (B) relevant...pertinent (C) satisfied...disparaging (D) amazed...awe-struck (E) impressed...laudatory 9. Even critics who do not_________ Robin Williams&apos interpretation of the part_________ him as an inventive comic actor who has made a serious attempt to come to terms with one of the most challenging roles of our time. (A) dissent from...dismiss (B) cavil at...welcome (C) agree with...denounce (D) recoil from...deride (E) concur with...acknowledge 10. This latest biography of Malcolm X is a nuanced and sensitive picture of a very complex man, _________analysis of his personality. (A) an infectual (B) a telling (C) a ponderous (D) a simplistic (E) an overblown 上12下




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