
2017-08-05 作者: 304阅读


态度题单词是整个考试当中重量最重的一部分,这里所谓的态度单词是广义的单词.下面我们先 重点介绍看考察频率比较高而且容易出错的一些态度题单词,在填空题和阅读题中考察的重点,然后串讲态度题单词,并辅以练习题进行训练.


对态度题单词要注重情景掌握,当然有些情景可能是需要你通过做题才能把握的,那么很遗憾, 你要背过这道题.


1. Acquisitive: 贪得无厌的,eager to acquire and possess things especially material possessions or ideas,带有方向性的动词在加形容词词尾之后就很容易变为贬义色彩的词语,表示这个动作的幅度太强烈,如这样的词语有acquire--- acquisitive(贪得无厌的),assert--- assertive(自以为是的),inquire--- inquisitive (因相当好奇而打破沙锅问到低的),demonstrate---demonstrative (感情外露的),furt(词根偷)--- furtive(偷偷摸摸的)imperative(急需的,Prompt action is imperative果断行动是必要的),incise--- incisive(一针见血的),intrusive 让人烦的侵扰,invective 侮辱的,rest-restive(难以驾驭的)

acquisitive<> ascetic/ stoic

ascetic: living without any physical pleasures or comforts, especially for religious reasons 禁欲的,很好想象,像和尚之类的就是绝对的ascetic…

2. Aggressive: (1) having or showing determination and energetic pursuit of your ends (不达目的誓不罢休的意思,在事情上就是做绝了;对人来说就是相当有进取心)

(2) characteristic of an enemy or a situation or one eager to fight (好侵略,富有侵略性的)


(3) more severe ,intensive or comprehensive than usual especially in dosage or extent(程度范围比正常状况下要大)

情景(对人): 因为生活而创造,因为创造而生活。人的一生都在自我实现着,一旦创造停止,也就失去了存在的意义,因此我们要创造地生活着。这种态度就是 aggressive

eg: The usually__ CEO shocked his employees by severely overeating to the jocular tease made by one of his subordinates.

(A) demanding

(B) inarticulate

(C) aggressive

(D) persuasive

(E) composed

3.Affected: speaking or behaving in an artificial way to make an impression.


红极台湾的林志玲天生媚气,一张口就是甜美娇嗲的声音,温柔入骨。但大陆网民可看不惯,成群结队地炮轰她恶心做作。有人更是讥讽地说,如果鸡皮疙瘩 能卖钱,那她下辈子的生计都不用愁了。她的做作是因为:She speaks in an affectedly sweet voice at all time.

装腔作势的做作:airs and graces


盛名之下的章子怡人红是非多,每次出现总是风光无限,也因此惹来不少非议和质疑。许多人认为她狂妄大胆,喜欢摆架子耍大牌,总是一副装腔作势的模 样。所以她被认为:She always puts on airs (and graces) in front of cameras.


注意! disaffected: 是心怀不满的意思,和做作的不相关!

Disaffected members have lt to form a new party

4. Ambivalence:文学评论常用的单词,指一个人同时或者交替时间内容纳截然相反的态度或者情感,典型的情景是“又爱又 恨”。

情景:世界上最遥远的距离,不是生与死的距离,不是天各一方,而是,我就站在你面前,你却不知道我爱你。(泰戈尔)这种感觉就是 ambivalence

Appreciative:来自于appreciate,因为appreciate的词根是prec(price),表示价值,价 格,所以表示内行看门道的appreciate,是“事物内在价值的欣赏”,是相比于enjoy的高级词汇,又是知识分子专用词汇,另外 appreciate最原始的意思是增值。Appreciative就是appreciate的形容词形式,所以表示“能欣赏事物内在价值”。情景:比如 钟子期对俞伯牙的音乐的那种“知音”,即是一种appreciative。Appreciate的反义词是depreciate,表示“贬值”。另外注意 还有一个很容易混淆的单词deprecate,表示贬低的意思,常考的是deprecatory,表示“不满的”,而且常搭配为“self- deprecatory”,表示自谦的(自己贬低自己的),比如语言中有很多自谦的词,典型的如“有忝同列”。看下面这道考过的题目,好好体会一下这种感 觉。

Fortunately, she was_ her accomplishments, properly unwilling to _ them bore her friends.

(A) excited by------ parade

(B) immodest about--- discuss

(C) deprecatory about---- flaunt

(D) uncertain of-----concede

(E) unaware of-----conceal

5. Anticipation:the act of predicting (as by reasoning about the future),pleasure expectation,所以anticipation表示美好的愿望,而且是有根有据的,而不像speculation,是建立在很少的事实的基础上 的。

6. Apprehensiveapprehension, apprehend忧虑的

7. Astonishedastounded 都表示惊吓的意思,我觉得这个词的词根绝对是个拟声词,ton(toun),因为我高中的时候喂过很多狗,然后无聊了,便把鞭炮放在狗窝旁边,点着然后走 开,鞭炮响了之后,我家的狗便一整天都把屁股露在外面不见人,吓得不敢出来,后来,他敢出来了,等他精神恢复了,我就“当”一声,他又把屁股对着我,后来 发展到,只要他的窝前有冒烟的东西他就只把屁股露出来。所以ton(toun)这个词根表示惊吓的意思。当然astonished的情景也就不必举出来 了,只要记住我家的狗把屁股露在狗窝旁边你就完全可以想象出来。

8. Baffling=bewildering

9. Enthusiastic 热情的,因为这个词很常见,所以就部解释了,我想我是最有体会了,因为我们山东人的酒文化,那就一个字,enthusiastic,而且酒喝多了,舌头就 不容易打卷,所以只能说感叹句了。

10. Indulgent:放纵的,ind(in里面)+ulg(原来指怪物,后来有了ulgy表示丑陋的)+ent:心里面有怪 物在作怪,所以是放纵的。(fulgent:f(off跑出去)+ulg(怪物)+ent:怪物跑出心里面,所以会让你心里就充满阳光:光辉的, 灿烂的)


abstemious: marked by temperance in indulgence. 节制的

11. Complacent (词根plac,拉丁词根,原来表示广场,所以place表示地方,是来自于法语,广场是人们清闲的 时候才去的,所以词根plac又引申为‘闲,满意,安静’的意思,com(一直)+plac(满意)+ent(adj词尾),表示自满的,自负的) 由词根plac(安静)构成的单词还有placate(plac+ate) 平息,使之安静;placebo(安慰剂),placid (安静的,平和的)

不要和complaisant相混淆了,complaisant=com+ plais (please的变体)+ant (一直请),谦恭的,顺从的

Although at times Nickolai could be disagreeable even___, more often than not he was the most___ person you could hope to meet.

(A) contentious---complaisant

(B) disgruntled---buddled


(D)misguided--- solicitous


disagreeable:不友好的(agreeable 友好的,令人欣赏的)

contentious:inclined or showing an inclination to dispute or disagree 好表现不同意见的

complaisant:showing a cheerful willingness to do favors for others 非常乐意去帮助别人


12. Condescending:以恩赐态度对待,里面暗含一种澳际和傲慢,而表面上是屈尊俯就。词根记忆这个单词。情 景:现在希拉里和奥巴马在争民主党候选人的选票,克林顿也公开场合支持希拉里,克林顿在公开场合揭发奥巴马的记录时,不屑的加了一句:give me a break,而且他还称奥巴马为kid,那么这种行为立即引起了黑人的反对,认为克林顿这种态度是一种condescending的态度。再比如,假如我 和姚明一块打篮球,规定谁赢了可以得到CBA的10亿美元的奖金,然后姚明说了,我蹲着和你打也能把你打趴下,那么这时候我觉得的姚明的态度就是 condescending的.其就等于patronizing: characteristic of those who treat others with condescension, 俨然以恩人态度的,要人领情的

13. Critical批评的,注意和resentful的区别是,critical是一种 evaluation,judgment(评论)的态度中的一种,而resentful是一种强烈的个人态度,所以其用词都会表现的无理性的抱怨和 辱骂,resentful youth 反叛的青年;



After rolling up the curtain of pearls, she just sat there with her brows knitted, pensive and anguished. Her faces was stained by the tears, yet who was it that she was so resentful of?

14. Demonstrative: given to or marked by the open expression of emotion


Cito Gaston, one of the least___ baseball managers, surprised reporters by weeping openly after his team won the play-offs.


(B) demonstrative

(C) insufferable


(E) wistful

15. Disdainful: scornful 轻蔑的

16. Disparagedis(不再)+par(pari的变体,平等):不再平等的看人:蔑视

Disparaging:express a negative opinion of对…持负面的态度


17. Dynamic: 有活力的,一般来形容人的个性,相当的褒义

18. Enlightening有启迪作用的,看一下这个单词构词方法,超牛,light前面一个en,后面一个en,就怕光照 不到你,所以说启迪,启蒙,这个单词造的太好了。另外,启蒙运动,

The Age of Enlightening.

19. Exultant, elated, enrapture, exhilarate 相当的高兴,这些高兴都有词根显示,所以都是非常的”会意”的一种单词:

exultant: ex(出)+ult(跳),所以是蹦来蹦去的那种兴高采烈;(altitude 海拔)

elate: e(出)+lat(产生), 产生出的那种高兴,而且有一种喜出望外的感觉;(relate)

enrapture: en(使)+rapture(疯狂), 进入疯狂那种状态的高兴,是狂喜的意思,这种人多半要么是彩票中奖,要么是吃摇头丸了; rapture

exhilarate: ex(出)+hila(高兴)就是一般的高兴,只不过用词文雅一点罢了

稍微低级一点的单词如excited, happy, delighted,也都有高兴的意思,但都是很笼统的一种表达.

20. Fidgety 坐立不安的,比如青春期的我们,都是这种情况,即无名的烦躁

21. Generosity:慷慨的,情景很简单,generosity,generous(来自于gen),我们复习一下表示慷 慨的一些单词magnanimous(mag大+anim生命),还有benevolent,charitable等

22. Humorous?humorous, comical, ironic(sardonic, sarcastic) 之间的区别是什么?


Ironic (sardonic,sarcastic),讽刺,是指通过比喻,夸张的手法对不良或愚蠢的行为进行批判;幽默则是通过比喻,双关,影射等修辞手法,在善 意的微笑中,揭露不通情理之处。

所以微笑是幽默的外在表现,方式有相声,小品,笑话,无厘头,恶搞等。通过说politician 是ready listeners, 用psychological equipment, 表现了一种humorous精神在里面,但这些人认为人民大众是idiot,显然是contempt。

21. Insightful: 富有洞察力的,有深刻见解的able to understand or showing that you understand what a situation or person is really like. 在阅读态度题中insightful是个非常常见的单词,那么什么样的叙述才算得上是insightful呢?

比如说,乌龟和兔子赛跑的故事,小马过河的故事,这些故事都是insightful story,因为他会让你思考!中国作家理insightful的作者是鲁迅,而现在的很多作家越来越pretentious.

Latoya’s___ is shown by her ability to be__: she can see her own faults more clearly than anyone else can.

(A) perceptiveness, self-centered

(B) objectivity, restrictive

(C) cynicism, self-destructive

(D) open-mindedness, complacent

(E) insightfulness, self-critical

22. Intrusive是个贬义程度比较低的单词,指“侵扰的”,多用于指那些“不速之客”,比如你平时正在用电脑,突然冒出一 个网页,或者你的电脑被病毒感染,这些行为都是intrusive

Stop intrusive pop-up ads and regain control of your online world! Intrusive and distracting pop-up windows are not an unavoidable part of being online. You don&apost have to put up with offensive, time consuming and bandwidth stealing pop up ads. Visit today to try out some of the most sophisticated pop-up blockers on the market - for free!

Put up with是忍受的意思

23. Melancholy: thoughtful sadness这个词语是一个只有文人雅士才会用的词语,我们凡人痛苦了,就直接写在脸上,而非凡人则要先感叹一番,或忧国忧民,或悲叹世道,然后两眼深 邃后,这才算作melancholy。因为这里是说的一些社会批评人士对电视作用的评价,而且这些人直接就说了Television makes you stupid,所以这里用了melancholy。

agreeable melancholy:令人愉悦的忧伤,这是一个非常经典组合,而且这个组合只有在我身在日本的同学把他拍的在 东京赏樱花的照片的时候,我才体会出来,所以人间少有。这里melancholy引起了大家什么思绪呢?

24. Nonchalant:blithe unconcern冷淡的,漠不关心non+chalant(care的变体)


Nostalgia: longing for something past 怀旧之情 我们看一下下面几道题所给出的情景。

(1)Finding her old dolls and toys in the attic evoked__ in the old woman as she fondly remembered her childhood.


(B) determination

(C) regret


(E) nostalgia

(2)As she consigned the yellow-painted wooden pencil to the wastebasket of history, I felt a rush of nostalgia for the perfumed sharpener shavings of my youth.

Question:The author mentions “sharpener shavings” in order to portray a mood of

(A) unrestrained joy

(B) sentimental reminiscence

(C) bitter disappointment

(D) cautious optimism

(E) dark foreboding

25. Obdurate: stubbornly persistent in wrongdoing

Alex is so ----- that it is nearly impossible to offer him constructive criticism without him taking it personally and acting densive.

(A) cerebral

(B) obdurate

(C) sensitive

(D) pretentious

(E) enervated

26. Objective:很多同学会误选objective,看来还是不了解客观的定义,客观就是要求叙述中不夹杂作者的任何感 情,该是什么就是什么,而这篇文章中,我们可以看到有providential,因为就作者说是providential,而在我看来也许 unprovidential呢?这就不客观了,而对石头的大小重量外形描述时就是objective了,因为让我描述这些东西我也只能那么描述。

27. Paradoxical 也是一个经常考到的作者态度词,从词根来记意思,para(旁边)+dox(doc变体表示写),在一旁写,虽然不是写在正好的地方,但至少是写出来了, 所以即引出来这个单词的意思了,paradoxical:seemingly contradictionary but nonetheless possibly true

情景:people are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered, love them anyway; If you do good, people will discuss you of selfish ulterior motives, do good anyway…..

Paradoxical commander 似非而是的戒律

提一下,关于para表示旁边:parallel :para+llel(level变体):平行的



28. (1) paranoia,往往为了表示自己异常的热心而出现反常的行为,是妄想狂的意思,态度题里出现这种单词肯定是错误 的,因为作者不可能是精神病患者。

Possessive:desirous of owning 占有欲的

(2) cynical, 第一讲的时候已经重点讲过,复习一下,它也是只要出现了它大多数情况下不可能成为正确选项的一个单词.

29. Predictable是个非常重要的单词,当用来修饰音乐,绘画时,都表示“毫无创意”的意思above reproach无可指责的意思。


To avoid being___, composer Stephen Sondheim strives for an element of surprise in his songs.


(B) informal

(C) elaborate


(E) idiosyncratic

30. Pedestrian: lacking wit or imagination 缺乏想象的,它的反义词 enthralling: capturing interest as if by a spell 迷人的.


We were amazed that a man who had been heretofore the most__ of public speakers could, in a single speech, electrify an audience and bring them cheering to their feet.


(B) accomplished



(E) masterful

31. Preemptive: designed or having the power to deter or prevent an anticipated situation or occurrence (预先做好了一切防止事情的发生)

情景: Iraq war is W. Bush’s diplomatic strategy, which is attacking a potential enemy bore the United States is attacked 美国发动伊拉克战争就是出于这样的目的.

32. Pretentious:making claim to or creating an appearance of (often undeserved) importance or distinction。做作的,相当自命不凡的;

情景:被称为八十后领军人物的郭敬明,他在散文和小说里动不动就仰望天空、泪流满面,成篇的煽情和虚无主义,整个黔驴伎穷的“抄级男生”。而且他老 大不小了还自称是“少年”,拍半裸照自以为是性感男,实在是藻饰多于实料,整个自我标榜的自恋男。所以他是the most pretentious writer in China。所以当你一看到pretentious的时候你马上就想到他人了。

33. Presumptuous:指那种自以为是的那种高傲(presume――只凭假设就给人家下结论,自以为是的)

34. Provocative:serving or likely to arouse a strong reaction,esp. stimulating discussion or exciting controversy引起很强烈的反应,特别是能刺激起讨论或者争端

从词根构成上来看这个单词的意思:pro(forward向前)+voc(话)+tive(adj词尾表多)向前引起很多话,即引起争论的那种刺激 性

例题:An experienced politician who knew better than to launch a campaign in troubled political waters, she intended to wait for a more____ occasion bore she announced her plans.

(A) propitious(B) provocative (C) unseemly(D)questionable(E)theoretical

35. Resignation:acceptance of despair,resigned指逆来顺受,认命的意思


Since many disadvantaged inpiduals view their situations as ___ as well as intolerable, their attitudes best described as ____.

(A) squalid---obscure

(B) unpleasant---bellicose

(C) acute---sanguine

(D) immutable---resigned

(E) political---perplexed

36. Somber: sullen指性格上比较阴郁,如某些更年期的女人,又阴郁,又动辄发脾气

37. Speculative:not based on fact or investigation 推测性的,即结果总不是那么令人相信的


1)Since none of the original doors or windows of Mayan Indian homes has survived, restoration work on these portions of these buildings has been largely___.

(A) exquisite(B) impertinent(C) speculative (D) appeased(E)abstract

38. Spontaneity: coming from natural feelings without constraint之后情景就非常简单了,所以这也出现了spontaneous的一个情景:象小孩子那样的思想大多都是spontaneous的(形 容人物性格方面)

The author constructed a scenario in which playful, creative children are rewarded for their___ and strict, dour adults are punished for their___.

A. spontaneity, rigidity

B. digressions, mirth

C. solemnity, malice

D. inflexibility, rigor

E. improvisations, buoyancy

39. Unfounded: without a basis in reason or fact. 没有根据的, unfounded rumor 无稽之谈

情景: Talented children "burn themselves out" in the early years, and, therore, are subjected to failure and at worst, mental illness. 对这句话判断的话,显然是unfounded,要不然澳际的老师要么都是疯子,要么都是骗子,而显然我们是相当正常的人类.

40. Volatile temperament 反复无常的个性

41. Wrenching 悲痛比如说你离开你的祖国的那一时间,你的感觉就是wrenching

42. zealotry: excessive intolerance of opposing views狂热

和狂热有关的单词fanatic franticfreneticlunatic(以后我们会在分类单词中再仔细讲的)


41. exclusivelywithout any others being included or involved专门的,所以其反义词就是comprehensively了

例如:This room is exclusively for women. 这个房间是专门给女人用的。Exclusively的 语气相当重。

Dr. Schwartz’s lecture on art, while detailed and scholarly, focused___ on the premodern; some students may have appreciated his specialized knowledge, but those with more____ interests may have been disappointed.

(A) literally--- medieval

(B) completely--- pedantic

(C) expansively--- technical

(D) voluminously---- creative

(E)exclusively--- comprehensive


42. unfortunately表示前后语气的转折,而且用的时候会单独把它摘出来,然后在其后加上逗号,这时英 语中常用的方法,即语气(表达一种遗憾的态度,而不是转折)。


1. When the children won the baseball game, their parents were so__ that__ reaction spread through the stands.

(A)perplexed, a spirited

(B) enraged, a distressing

(C) dejected, a raucous

(D)elated, an exuberant

(E) thrilled, a scornful

2. Because they had expected the spacecraft Voyager 2 to be able to gather data only about the planets Jupiter and Saturn, scientists were ________ the wealth of information it sent back from Neptune twelve years after leaving Earth.

(A)A) disappointed in

(B) B) concerned about

(C) C) confident in

(D)D) elated by

(E) E) anxious for

3. Edmund White is a ------- author: he has written novels, essays, short stories, a travel book, and a biography.


(B) nebulous

(C) meticulous


(E) metaphoric

versatile, persity, 在后面有很多列举的时候,填空题肯定是是考这两个主考单词的.

4. The merger will eliminate___ and provide more___ cross-training of staff.

(A)profit, and more

(B) paperwork, or less

(C) duplication, fective

(D)bosses, wastul

(E) competitors, aggressive

5. The usually__ CEO shocked his employees by severely overeating to the jocular tease made by one of his subordinates.

(A) demanding

(B) inarticulate

(C) aggressive

(D) persuasive

(E) composed


composed: serenely self-possessed and free from agitation especially in times of stress,是指受了多大的刺激多不会为所动的意思.

6. Despite an affected__ which convinced casual observers that he was indifferent about his painting and enjoyed only frivolity, Warhol cared deeply about his art and labored at it__.

(A)nonchalance, diligently

(B) empathy, methodically

(C) fervor, secretly

(D)gloom, intermittently

(E) hysteria, sporadically

7.Even though the programmers are ------- about their new software, they are wary of publicly ------- its capabilities until further testing.

(A) anxious . . commending

(B) apprehensive . . substantiating

(C) confident . . disclosing

(D) positive . . decrying

(E) cynical . . celebrating


8. The guest speaker on Oprah Winfrey’s talk show offended the audience by first____ them and then rusing to moderate these____ remarks.

(A)flattering, commendable

(B) haranguing, intemperate

(C) praising, radical

(D)enraging, conciliatory

(E) accommodating, indulgent

harangue: to speak in a loud angry way, often for a long time, in order to criticize someone or to persuade them that you are right.言词激烈的演说,这种演说常常是为了批评某一个人并彰显自己是正确的.

9. Fanatically committed to one political cause, Anderson was a___, maintaining an exclusively___ outlook.

(A)libertine, provincial

(B) zealot, partisan

(C) patriot, indulgent

(D)maverick, altruistic

(E) rebel, vicarious

10. No real-life hero of ancient or modern days can surpass James Bond with his nonchalant__ of death and the___ with which he bear torture.

A. contempt, distress

B. disregard, fortitude

C. veneration, guile

D. concept, terror

E. ignorance, fickleness

fortitude刚毅, fortuitous 偶然的,意外的


11. OG—584

A cousin of the tenacious Asian longhorned beetle—which since its initial discovery in 1996 in New York City has caused tens of millions of dollars in damage annually—the citrus longhorned beetle was discovered on a juniper bush in August 2001 in Tukwila, Washington. Exotic pests such as the longhorned beetle are a growing problem—an unintended side fect of human travel and commerce that can cause large-scale mayhem to local ecosystems. [To stop the citrus beetle, healthy trees were destroyed even thoughthere was no visible evidence of infestation, and normal environmental regulations were suspended so that a rapid response could be mounted.]

Q: The passage suggests that the actions undertaken in the last sentence are best characterized as

A. tested and reliable

B. deliberate and fective

C. costly and unpopular

D. preemptive and aggressive

E. unprecedented and unfounded


12. OG-60-17

As a mime, I am a physical medium, the instrument upon which the figures of my imagination play their dance of life. The inpiduals in my audience also have responsibilities—they must be alert collaborators. (They cannot sit back, mindlessly complacent, and wait to have their emotions titillated by mesmeric musical sounds or visual rhythms or acrobatic feats, or by words that tell them what to think.) Mime is an art that, paradoxically, appeals both to those who respond instinctively to entertainment and to those whose appreciation is more analytical and complex.

Questions: The author’s description of techniques used in the types of performances is

A. disparaging

B. astonished

C. sorrowful

D. indulgent

E. sentimental


13. The Internet is rapidly becoming another means of disseminating information traditionally made available through radio and television stations. Indeed, it is now possible or journalists and the public to access new release of audio- and videotapes, satellite media tours, and on-line news conferences via their computers. The number of news sites on the Internet grows each day. As one media company executive notes, “With many of these Web sites generating new content every hour and exponentially larger audience, on-line news sites represent a dynamic and vital outlet for news.”

Question: Which of the following best captures the attitude of the “company executive” toward the Internet?

A. anxiety

B. distrust

C. ambivalence

D. excitement

E. curiosity


14. Barron-Test 1-S 2-10

The Rosetta Stone! What a providential find that was. And what a remarkable set of circumstances it took for people to be able to read Egyptian hieroglyphics after a hiatus of some 1400 years. It even took a military campaign. In 1798, Napoleon Bonaparte’s army attacked British-held Egypt, seeking to cut off England from the riches of the Middle East. Rebuilding a fortress, a French soldier uncovered a block of basalt inscribed with writing in three distinct scripts; Greek, demotic script (an everyday cursive form of Egyptian), and Egyptian hieroglyphs. At that moment, modern Egyptology began.

Question: The author’s tone in writing of the discovery of the Rosetta Stone can best be characterized as

A. ironic

B. enthusiastic

C. condescending

D. nostalgic

E. objective


15. OG-80-17

It is April 1959, I’m standing at the railing of the Batory’s upper deck, and I feel that my life is ending. I’m looking out at the crowd that has gathered on the shore to see the ship’s departure from Gdynia—a crowd that, all of a sudden, is irrevocably on the other side—and I want to break out, run back, run toward the familiar excitement, the waving hands, the exclamations. We can’t be leaving all this behind—but we are.

Question: For the author, the experience of leaving Cracow can best be described as

A. enlightening

B. exhilarating

C. annoying

D. wrenching

E. ennobling


16. OG-82-18

My parents are highly agitated; they had just been put through a body search by the customs police. Still, the officials weren’t clever enough, or suspicious enough, to check my sister and me.

Question: The author’s description of the customs police suggests that the author views them with

A. alarm

B. skepticism

C. disrespect

D. caution

E. paranoia


17. OG-486-15

“Television makes you stupid”

Virtually all current theories of the medium come down to this simple statement. As a rule, this conclusion is delivered with a melancholy undertone. Four principal theories can be distinguished.

Question: The author’s attitude toward the evaluators of television can best described as

A. intrigued

B. scornful

C. equivocal

D. indulgent

E. nonchalant


18. As she consigned the yellow-painted wooden pencil to the wastebasket of history, I felt a rush of nostalgia for the perfumed sharpener shavings of my youth.

Question:The author mentions “sharpener shavings” in order to portray a mood of

(A) unrestrained joy

(B) sentimental reminiscence

(C) bitter disappointment

(D) cautious optimism

(E) dark foreboding


19. OG-486-19

On the other hand, they have found ready listeners among politicians. That is not surprising, for the conviction that one is dealing with millions of idiots “out there in the country” is part of the basic psychological equipment of the professional politician. One might have second thought about the theorists’ influence when one watches how the veterans of televised election campaigns fight each other for every single minute when it comes to displaying their limousine, their historic appearance bore the guard of honor, their hairstyle on the platform, and above all their speech organs.

Question: The author’s attitude toward politician is primarily one of

A. humorous contempt

B. outraged embarrassment

C. worried puzzlement

D. relieved resignation

E. begrudging sympathy


20. OG-420-14

Anna and Chris made me at ease the first day in their polished living room—though I was not sure why these people would bother putting themselves out for me at all. And when they kept inviting me back for dinner parties and extending their hospitality, I wondered if maybe they were bored, or if their ignorance of American types was such that they failed to see that I was not at all of their social class: I kept expecting some crude regional expression to betray me; and, once I thought of it in those terms, I knew I would have to make sure they saw that side of me—to do less would be like trying to “pass”. Yet whatever I said seemed to make no difference in their acceptance.

Question: According to the passage above, the narrator’s perspective changes from

A. suspicion of his hosts to outright mistrust of them

B. estrangement to a sense of camaraderie

C. insecurity to feelings of despondency

D. apprehensiveness to a desire to reveal himself

E. rejection of his social status to an acceptance of it


21. OG-525-6

The critic Edmund Wilson was not a self-conscious letter writer or one who tried to sustain studied mannerisms. Nor did he resort to artifice or entangle himself in circumlocutions. The young, middle-aged, and old Wilson speaks directly through his letters, which are informal for the most part and which undisguisedly rlect his changing moods. On occasion—in response, perhaps, to the misery of a friend or a public outrage or a personal challenge—he can become eloquent, even passionate, but that is not his prevailing tone.

Question: Based on the information in the passage, Wilson’s letters can best be described as

A. cynical

B. spontaneous

C. critical

D. preachy

E. witty


22. OG55519

Music was the only landscape in which he seemed at ease. In that raunchy kitchen, elbows propped on either side of the cooling soup, he was fidgety, even a little awkward. But when he sat up behind his instrument, he had the irresistible beauty of someone who had found his place.

Question: The description of the author in the kitchen and he behind his instrument present a contrast between his

A. chaos and organization

B. mediocrity and excellence

C. pretension and genuineness

D. laziness and dedication

E. clumsiness and graculness


23. OG-403-10

1Situation 1

I went to her studio in Redcliffe Square feeling uncomfortable and even embarrassed, thinking how awful to be an artist, having to put up with prospective buyers coming to gape.

Situation 2

People stopped and stared and admired and I wanted to shout that what they were looking at was mine.

Question: Which statement best summarizes the description of the hypothetical group of people in situation 1 compared to that of the actual group in situation 2?

A. The first is uneducated; the second has professional training.

B. The first slights the artist; the second is apparently appreciative

C. The first is somewhat intrusive; the second is apparently appreciative

D. The first rejects the artist’s methodology; the second praises it.

E. The first is acquisitive, the second is generous and giving.


24. OG-668-21

I require my writing students to turn in taped readings of their work. This is not only a convenience that allows me to return their work as quickly as a sighted teacher would. But reading their work aloud also makes the students more conscious of flaws in their prose.

Question: the author’s reasons for setting the requirement described in lines 60-61 are best

A. rigorous and presumptuous

B. pragmatic and pedagogical

C. capricious and creative

D. provocative and unprecedented

E. arbitrary and idiosyncratic


25. OG-851-12

Every time another report appears, the media tout the new position, thus providing a misleading view. Most likely, all of these factors have been working in tandem.

Question: the author’s attitude toward the “media” might best be described as

A. respectful

B. indifferent

C. ambivalent

D. resentful

E. critical



态度题单词是整个考试当中重量最重的一部分,这里所谓的态度单词是广义的单词.下面我们先 重点介绍看考察频率比较高而且容易出错的一些态度题单词,在填空题和阅读题中考察的重点,然后串讲态度题单词,并辅以练习题进行训练.


对态度题单词要注重情景掌握,当然有些情景可能是需要你通过做题才能把握的,那么很遗憾, 你要背过这道题.


1. Acquisitive: 贪得无厌的,eager to acquire and possess things especially material possessions or ideas,带有方向性的动词在加形容词词尾之后就很容易变为贬义色彩的词语,表示这个动作的幅度太强烈,如这样的词语有acquire--- acquisitive(贪得无厌的),assert--- assertive(自以为是的),inquire--- inquisitive (因相当好奇而打破沙锅问到低的),demonstrate---demonstrative (感情外露的),furt(词根偷)--- furtive(偷偷摸摸的)imperative(急需的,Prompt action is imperative果断行动是必要的),incise--- incisive(一针见血的),intrusive 让人烦的侵扰,invective 侮辱的,rest-restive(难以驾驭的)

acquisitive<> ascetic/ stoic

ascetic: living without any physical pleasures or comforts, especially for religious reasons 禁欲的,很好想象,像和尚之类的就是绝对的ascetic…

2. Aggressive: (1) having or showing determination and energetic pursuit of your ends (不达目的誓不罢休的意思,在事情上就是做绝了;对人来说就是相当有进取心)

(2) characteristic of an enemy or a situation or one eager to fight (好侵略,富有侵略性的)


(3) more severe ,intensive or comprehensive than usual especially in dosage or extent(程度范围比正常状况下要大)

情景(对人): 因为生活而创造,因为创造而生活。人的一生都在自我实现着,一旦创造停止,也就失去了存在的意义,因此我们要创造地生活着。这种态度就是 aggressive

eg: The usually__ CEO shocked his employees by severely overeating to the jocular tease made by one of his subordinates.

(A) demanding

(B) inarticulate

(C) aggressive

(D) persuasive

(E) composed

3.Affected: speaking or behaving in an artificial way to make an impression.


红极台湾的林志玲天生媚气,一张口就是甜美娇嗲的声音,温柔入骨。但大陆网民可看不惯,成群结队地炮轰她恶心做作。有人更是讥讽地说,如果鸡皮疙瘩 能卖钱,那她下辈子的生计都不用愁了。她的做作是因为:She speaks in an affectedly sweet voice at all time.

装腔作势的做作:airs and graces


盛名之下的章子怡人红是非多,每次出现总是风光无限,也因此惹来不少非议和质疑。许多人认为她狂妄大胆,喜欢摆架子耍大牌,总是一副装腔作势的模 样。所以她被认为:She always puts on airs (and graces) in front of cameras.


注意! disaffected: 是心怀不满的意思,和做作的不相关!

Disaffected members have lt to form a new party

4. Ambivalence:文学评论常用的单词,指一个人同时或者交替时间内容纳截然相反的态度或者情感,典型的情景是“又爱又 恨”。

情景:世界上最遥远的距离,不是生与死的距离,不是天各一方,而是,我就站在你面前,你却不知道我爱你。(泰戈尔)这种感觉就是 ambivalence

Appreciative:来自于appreciate,因为appreciate的词根是prec(price),表示价值,价 格,所以表示内行看门道的appreciate,是“事物内在价值的欣赏”,是相比于enjoy的高级词汇,又是知识分子专用词汇,另外 appreciate最原始的意思是增值。Appreciative就是appreciate的形容词形式,所以表示“能欣赏事物内在价值”。情景:比如 钟子期对俞伯牙的音乐的那种“知音”,即是一种appreciative。Appreciate的反义词是depreciate,表示“贬值”。另外注意 还有一个很容易混淆的单词deprecate,表示贬低的意思,常考的是deprecatory,表示“不满的”,而且常搭配为“self- deprecatory”,表示自谦的(自己贬低自己的),比如语言中有很多自谦的词,典型的如“有忝同列”。看下面这道考过的题目,好好体会一下这种感 觉。

Fortunately, she was_ her accomplishments, properly unwilling to _ them bore her friends.

(A) excited by------ parade

(B) immodest about--- discuss

(C) deprecatory about---- flaunt

(D) uncertain of-----concede

(E) unaware of-----conceal

5. Anticipation:the act of predicting (as by reasoning about the future),pleasure expectation,所以anticipation表示美好的愿望,而且是有根有据的,而不像speculation,是建立在很少的事实的基础上 的。

6. Apprehensiveapprehension, apprehend忧虑的

7. Astonishedastounded 都表示惊吓的意思,我觉得这个词的词根绝对是个拟声词,ton(toun),因为我高中的时候喂过很多狗,然后无聊了,便把鞭炮放在狗窝旁边,点着然后走 开,鞭炮响了之后,我家的狗便一整天都把屁股露在外面不见人,吓得不敢出来,后来,他敢出来了,等他精神恢复了,我就“当”一声,他又把屁股对着我,后来 发展到,只要他的窝前有冒烟的东西他就只把屁股露出来。所以ton(toun)这个词根表示惊吓的意思。当然astonished的情景也就不必举出来 了,只要记住我家的狗把屁股露在狗窝旁边你就完全可以想象出来。

8. Baffling=bewildering

9. Enthusiastic 热情的,因为这个词很常见,所以就部解释了,我想我是最有体会了,因为我们山东人的酒文化,那就一个字,enthusiastic,而且酒喝多了,舌头就 不容易打卷,所以只能说感叹句了。

10. Indulgent:放纵的,ind(in里面)+ulg(原来指怪物,后来有了ulgy表示丑陋的)+ent:心里面有怪 物在作怪,所以是放纵的。(fulgent:f(off跑出去)+ulg(怪物)+ent:怪物跑出心里面,所以会让你心里就充满阳光:光辉的, 灿烂的)


abstemious: marked by temperance in indulgence. 节制的

11. Complacent (词根plac,拉丁词根,原来表示广场,所以place表示地方,是来自于法语,广场是人们清闲的 时候才去的,所以词根plac又引申为‘闲,满意,安静’的意思,com(一直)+plac(满意)+ent(adj词尾),表示自满的,自负的) 由词根plac(安静)构成的单词还有placate(plac+ate) 平息,使之安静;placebo(安慰剂),placid (安静的,平和的)

不要和complaisant相混淆了,complaisant=com+ plais (please的变体)+ant (一直请),谦恭的,顺从的

Although at times Nickolai could be disagreeable even___, more often than not he was the most___ person you could hope to meet.

(A) contentious---complaisant

(B) disgruntled---buddled


(D)misguided--- solicitous


disagreeable:不友好的(agreeable 友好的,令人欣赏的)

contentious:inclined or showing an inclination to dispute or disagree 好表现不同意见的

complaisant:showing a cheerful willingness to do favors for others 非常乐意去帮助别人


12. Condescending:以恩赐态度对待,里面暗含一种澳际和傲慢,而表面上是屈尊俯就。词根记忆这个单词。情 景:现在希拉里和奥巴马在争民主党候选人的选票,克林顿也公开场合支持希拉里,克林顿在公开场合揭发奥巴马的记录时,不屑的加了一句:give me a break,而且他还称奥巴马为kid,那么这种行为立即引起了黑人的反对,认为克林顿这种态度是一种condescending的态度。再比如,假如我 和姚明一块打篮球,规定谁赢了可以得到CBA的10亿美元的奖金,然后姚明说了,我蹲着和你打也能把你打趴下,那么这时候我觉得的姚明的态度就是 condescending的.其就等于patronizing: characteristic of those who treat others with condescension, 俨然以恩人态度的,要人领情的

13. Critical批评的,注意和resentful的区别是,critical是一种 evaluation,judgment(评论)的态度中的一种,而resentful是一种强烈的个人态度,所以其用词都会表现的无理性的抱怨和 辱骂,resentful youth 反叛的青年;



After rolling up the curtain of pearls, she just sat there with her brows knitted, pensive and anguished. Her faces was stained by the tears, yet who was it that she was so resentful of?

14. Demonstrative: given to or marked by the open expression of emotion


Cito Gaston, one of the least___ baseball managers, surprised reporters by weeping openly after his team won the play-offs.


(B) demonstrative

(C) insufferable


(E) wistful

15. Disdainful: scornful 轻蔑的

16. Disparagedis(不再)+par(pari的变体,平等):不再平等的看人:蔑视

Disparaging:express a negative opinion of对…持负面的态度


17. Dynamic: 有活力的,一般来形容人的个性,相当的褒义

18. Enlightening有启迪作用的,看一下这个单词构词方法,超牛,light前面一个en,后面一个en,就怕光照 不到你,所以说启迪,启蒙,这个单词造的太好了。另外,启蒙运动,

The Age of Enlightening.

19. Exultant, elated, enrapture, exhilarate 相当的高兴,这些高兴都有词根显示,所以都是非常的”会意”的一种单词:

exultant: ex(出)+ult(跳),所以是蹦来蹦去的那种兴高采烈;(altitude 海拔)

elate: e(出)+lat(产生), 产生出的那种高兴,而且有一种喜出望外的感觉;(relate)

enrapture: en(使)+rapture(疯狂), 进入疯狂那种状态的高兴,是狂喜的意思,这种人多半要么是彩票中奖,要么是吃摇头丸了; rapture

exhilarate: ex(出)+hila(高兴)就是一般的高兴,只不过用词文雅一点罢了

稍微低级一点的单词如excited, happy, delighted,也都有高兴的意思,但都是很笼统的一种表达.

20. Fidgety 坐立不安的,比如青春期的我们,都是这种情况,即无名的烦躁

21. Generosity:慷慨的,情景很简单,generosity,generous(来自于gen),我们复习一下表示慷 慨的一些单词magnanimous(mag大+anim生命),还有benevolent,charitable等

22. Humorous?humorous, comical, ironic(sardonic, sarcastic) 之间的区别是什么?


Ironic (sardonic,sarcastic),讽刺,是指通过比喻,夸张的手法对不良或愚蠢的行为进行批判;幽默则是通过比喻,双关,影射等修辞手法,在善 意的微笑中,揭露不通情理之处。

所以微笑是幽默的外在表现,方式有相声,小品,笑话,无厘头,恶搞等。通过说politician 是ready listeners, 用psychological equipment, 表现了一种humorous精神在里面,但这些人认为人民大众是idiot,显然是contempt。

21. Insightful: 富有洞察力的,有深刻见解的able to understand or showing that you understand what a situation or person is really like. 在阅读态度题中insightful是个非常常见的单词,那么什么样的叙述才算得上是insightful呢?

比如说,乌龟和兔子赛跑的故事,小马过河的故事,这些故事都是insightful story,因为他会让你思考!中国作家理insightful的作者是鲁迅,而现在的很多作家越来越pretentious.

Latoya’s___ is shown by her ability to be__: she can see her own faults more clearly than anyone else can.

(A) perceptiveness, self-centered

(B) objectivity, restrictive

(C) cynicism, self-destructive

(D) open-mindedness, complacent

(E) insightfulness, self-critical

22. Intrusive是个贬义程度比较低的单词,指“侵扰的”,多用于指那些“不速之客”,比如你平时正在用电脑,突然冒出一 个网页,或者你的电脑被病毒感染,这些行为都是intrusive

Stop intrusive pop-up ads and regain control of your online world! Intrusive and distracting pop-up windows are not an unavoidable part of being online. You don&apost have to put up with offensive, time consuming and bandwidth stealing pop up ads. Visit today to try out some of the most sophisticated pop-up blockers on the market - for free!

Put up with是忍受的意思

23. Melancholy: thoughtful sadness这个词语是一个只有文人雅士才会用的词语,我们凡人痛苦了,就直接写在脸上,而非凡人则要先感叹一番,或忧国忧民,或悲叹世道,然后两眼深 邃后,这才算作melancholy。因为这里是说的一些社会批评人士对电视作用的评价,而且这些人直接就说了Television makes you stupid,所以这里用了melancholy。

agreeable melancholy:令人愉悦的忧伤,这是一个非常经典组合,而且这个组合只有在我身在日本的同学把他拍的在 东京赏樱花的照片的时候,我才体会出来,所以人间少有。这里melancholy引起了大家什么思绪呢?





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