2017-08-05 289阅读
1.felicitous:指话语,行为得体的,合适的,比如a felicitous writer为一位善于措辞的作家。Felicitous translation是指终于原文的合适的翻译。
2.judicious:词根jud表示判断,聪明的意思,比如judge,所以judicious表示有判断力的,marked by the exercise of good judgment or common sense in practical matters.
Wemmick, the soul of kindness in private, is obliged in_____ to be uncompassionate and even____ on behalf of his employer, the harsh lawyer Jaggers.
(A) conclusion, careless
(B) principle, contradictory
(C) theory, esoteric
(D) court, judicious
(E) public, ruthless
这道题会有很多同学选D,显然是还没有熟悉填空题做题的真谛!选D就句子意思上来说通,但是作为填空题,逻辑不通,不然kindness in private,uncompassionate,even不都是没用了吗?所以学好词汇是前提,同时对填空题,阅读题,要熟悉考点,这个在以后填空阅读课上会仔细的讲。
3. lenient: not strict 仁慈的
Paradoxically, Helen, who had been a strict mother to her children, proved__ mistress to her cats.
(A)a harsh
(B) an indolent
(C) an ambivalent
(D)a cautious
(E) a lenient
4. magnanimous: 这个单词的词根构成非常重要,magn(大,宽广)+anim(生命,精神),慷慨的,magnify(扩大),magnate(巨头),magniloquent(夸张,loqu,说),magnitude(重要性,星球的光亮度);animation, animated, animal, unanimous(uni一+anim精神,心一致,全体一致的),pusillanimous(pusill,怕死哦+anim精神)胆小懦弱的;另外从辞源学上来说animus ,animosity都表示敌意的意思,后来怕和其他anim词根单词意思相混淆,所以才开发了enemy(即把a,i都换成e)以及enmity,也即 animus,animosity,enemy,enmity都是“敌意的”意思。
(1)Because the congresswoman has been so openhanded with many of her constituents, it is difficult to reconcile this___ with her private___.
(A)selfishness, inattention
(B) insolence, virtue
(C)magnanimity, pettiness
(D)opportunism, ambition
(E) solicitousness, generosity
magnanimous/openhanded <> petty/miserly
(2)Since the mid-eighteenth century, there has been much__ between the cultures of France and Germany despite the frequent___ between those two countries.
(A) communication, alliances
(B) hatred, opposition
(C) interaction, enmity
(D) antagonism, misunderstandings
(E) hostility, alienation
5. reverent: 虔诚的,尊敬的,来自于revere 尊敬,我们先记一个词根,有一本很古老的拉丁文书《Vere a? Fantazie》(《真实还是幻想?》)这里vere(或ver)是“真实的”意思,因为真实的都是要受到认真对待的,所以后来又引申为“尊重”的意思,比如说
(1)revere(re一再+vere尊重)尊重,而且程度要比respect要高,从辞源学上来说,respect(re+spect看)只是表示很尊重,所以很笼统,而revere是理解对方之后发自内心的那种尊重;(2)severe严厉的,严重的,severe(se分开,不再+vere 尊重,和其他人之间不再又尊重,所以对你就比较严厉了),severe(se分开+vere事实,偏离了真实,那么后果当然是非常严重的)。
Eg:Don&apost be so severe to her---she couldn&apost help it.(严厉的)
The bad harvest led to severe food shortage. (严重的)
The columnist almost___ when he mentioned his friends, but he unpleasant and even___ when he discussed people who irritated him.
A. recalcitrant, laconic
B. reverential, acrimonious
C. sensitive, remorsul
D. insipid, militant
E. benevolent, stoical
6. solicitous: ,我们先讲一下汉字“殷”,说文解字里说:“殷”,左是士兵的各种兵器,右是女人的各种装束,我们可以从上面殷的甲骨文里可以基本上看出来。关于“殷”,在汉语里基本上就这三个词组:殷切(eager,anxious,ardent),殷实(abundant,prosperous,flourish),殷勤(showing a cheerful willingness to do favors for others::solicitous,industrious, complaisant).注意,solicitous除了有殷勤的意思(solicitous teachers, solicitous waiters)之外还有“热切希望”的意思
7. unanimous:一致的 表示一致的compatible,harmony,rapport
8. abhorrent:来自于词根hor,表示可怕,horrible可怕的
9. demanding:requiring more than usually expected or thought due,especially great patience and fort and skill 在技术,耐性等方面要求要比平常要高(要求苛刻的)
Although the rigors of ballet dancing are primarily-------, this art is also emotionally and spiritually -------.
(A) illusory . . taxing
(B) exaggerated . . balanced
(C) physical . . demanding
(D) appealing . . indulgent
(E) strenuous . . dubious
10. fastidious:它有两层意思(1)giving carul attention to detail; hard to please 因为要求高而难以取悦。A fastidious person has high standards but is more concerned with quality than speed.(2)挑食的 fastidious <> voracious (贪吃的),greedy,gluttonous
稍微区别以下meticulous, carul, painstaking, scrupulous, fastidious, punctilious这些形容词都指对所有方面或细节表示注意或以这种注意为特征的。 (1)Meticulous :stresses extreme, sometimes exaggerated care for small details: Meticulous 强调极度的,有时是过分的对于小细节的关心: “He had throughout been almost worryingly meticulous in his business formalities” “他一直对他的业务手续表现出几乎是担心一样的极度细心” (2)Carul suggests the exercise of attention, circumspection, and solicitude: Carul 意味着运用注意力、细心和关心: A carul examination of the antique bronze showed it to be a forgery. 对古董铜像的仔细检查证明它是件赝品。 (3)Painstaking means extremely carul: Painstaking 意味着极度细心: The skillful repair of fine lace entails slow and painstaking work. 对精致花边的熟练修补需要缓慢而极度细心的工作。 (4)Scrupulous suggests care prompted by conscience: Scrupulous 表示出于良知的细心: “Cynthia was scrupulous in her forts to give no trouble” (Winston Churchill). “辛西娅非常细心地极力不带来任何麻烦” (温斯顿·丘吉尔)。 (5)Fastidious implies concern, often excessive, for the requirements of taste: Fastidious 表示的是出于品味要求的,通常是过分的关心: “Your true lover of literature is never fastidious” (Robert Southey). “真正的文学爱好者从不挑剔” (罗伯特·骚塞)。 (6)Punctilious specifically applies to strict, exact attention to minute details of conduct: Punctilious 专指对极微小行为细节的严格的、精细的注意: “The more unpopular an opinion is, the more necessary is it that the holder should be somewhat punctilious in his observance of conventionalities generally” (Samuel Butler). “一个观点越不受欢迎,这个观点的持有者越应谨小慎微地观察习俗惯例” (塞缪尔·巴特勒)
(1)Though a hummingbird weighs less than one ounce, all species of hummingbirds are__ eaters, maintaining very high body temperatures and__ many times their weight in food each day.
(A)voracious, consuming
(B) fastidious, discarding
(C) hasty, locating
(D)prolific, producing
(E) delicate, storing
(2)MacDougall’s former editors remember him as a___ man whose___ and exhaustive reporting was worth the trouble.
A. domineering, wearisome
B. congenial, pretentious
C. popular, supercilious
D. fastidious, garbled
E. cantankerous, meticulous
这里的trouble就是指这个人因为cantankerous(好争吵)而引起的trouble,但是这个人的仔细还有彻底完工的精神是 worth the trouble(值得这个麻烦的)
Cantankerous (cant,黑话+ank,anger生气)所以说是好争吵的
(3)The actor was noted for his___ behavior: he quickly became irritated if his every whim was not immediately satisfied.
(B) sedulous
(C) vindictive
(E) mercenary
Petulant:unreasonably ill-tempered。看一下这道题的意境,就很容易选了。
(4)Having published more than three hundred books in less than fifty years, science fiction writer Issac Asimov may well be the most____ author of our day.
(B) insecure
(C) outmoded
(E) indigenou
11. gauche:伴考单词,粗鲁的
12. haughty:having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of those one views as unworthy; 同义词:disdainful,supercilious,swaggering,conceited(自满的)
In speech and in action she was never haughty or_____; she was always willing to_____ any recommendations, even if she did not agree with them at first.
(A) persistent---deny
(B) conceited---consider
(D) open-minded---embrace
(E) accommodating, ignore
13. levity:a manner lacking seriousness,轻率,来自于词根lev,轻,如elevate(提升),alleviate(减轻),leverage(杠杆作用)
Though the politician’s inauguration was a generally__ occasion, it was not without moments of__, including a few jokes during her acceptance speech.
(A)grim, cleverness
(B) exciting, curiosity
(C) mirthful, humor
(D)solemn, levity
(E) sober, gravity
14. malign:诽谤(伴考单词),vilify,asperse,dame诽谤;来自于词根mal,表示坏的意思,maladroit(笨拙的),malcontented(不满的),malevolent(恶毒的),malfunction(故障),malicious(恶意的),malinger(装病以逃避工作),malnutrition(营养不良),注意以上这些单词都是伴考单词,知道意思即可。
The sergeant suspected imposition that the private was____ in order to avoid going on the____ march scheduled for that morning.
(A) malingering, arduous (B) proselytizing, interminable(C)invalidating, threatened
(D) exemplary, leisurely
15. notorious臭名昭著的
Famed athlete Bobby Orr was given his first pair of skates by a__ Canadian woman who somehow “knew” he would use them to attain sporting greatness.
(B) prescient
(C) notorious
(E) fallible
16. obdurate:固执的,obstinate,recalcitrant都是固执的意思;记忆ob(强调)+dur(时间due,during),在时间上不松口,固执的。
17. peevish易怒的 这个单词意思经常容易忘,我们合weep(哭泣),peevish(易怒),discreet(谨慎的),weep(w看成扭曲的嘴,p看成耷拉的脸,ee看做是两只眼睛),peevish(p看成耷拉的脸,v看成是张开的要骂人的嘴,这样的形态肯定是在生气),discreet(两只眼睛连在一块,谨慎的),如果是discrete(两只眼睛分开了,意思即分开的,不连续的)
Safire as a political commentator is patently never__; he writes__ editorials about every action the government takes.
(A)content, derential
(B) querulous, biased
(C) amazed, bemused
(D)overawed, flattering
(E) satisfied, peevish
18. querulous:爱抱怨的
19.sarcastic, sardonic,satirical=ironic,参见第二讲ironic 的词条。
20. unctuous 油腔滑调的 He made an unctuous assurance. 他做了一个虚情假意的承诺。
21. vindictive unreasonably cruel and unfair towards someone who has harmed you报复心理的,我们看下面这道填空题是如何考察vindictive这个解释的。
The heretofore peacul natives, seeking____ the treachery of their supposed allies, became_____ enough according to their perspective, embittered and vindictive.
(A) acquiescence in, understandably
(B) magnanimity towards, logically
(C) evidence of, impartially
(D) retribution for, justifiably
(E) exoneration of, ironically
22. wicked邪恶的The little boy had a wicked twinkle in his eyes.
1.felicitous:指话语,行为得体的,合适的,比如a felicitous writer为一位善于措辞的作家。Felicitous translation是指终于原文的合适的翻译。
2.judicious:词根jud表示判断,聪明的意思,比如judge,所以judicious表示有判断力的,marked by the exercise of good judgment or common sense in practical matters.
Wemmick, the soul of kindness in private, is obliged in_____ to be uncompassionate and even____ on behalf of his employer, the harsh lawyer Jaggers.
(A) conclusion, careless
(B) principle, contradictory
(C) theory, esoteric
(D) court, judicious
(E) public, ruthless
这道题会有很多同学选D,显然是还没有熟悉填空题做题的真谛!选D就句子意思上来说通,但是作为填空题,逻辑不通,不然kindness in private,uncompassionate,even不都是没用了吗?所以学好词汇是前提,同时对填空题,阅读题,要熟悉考点,这个在以后填空阅读课上会仔细的讲。
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