
2017-08-05 作者: 223阅读

321.measurable: unfathomable 可测量的:无法测量的

The many respect living native Americans remain as mysterious, exotic, and unfathomable to their contemporaries at the end of the twentieth century as they were to the pilgrim settlers over three hundred fifty years ago.

322.measured: reckless 仔细考虑的:草率的

323.mechanical: emotional 呆板的:易动感情的

324.meek: unyielding温顺的:不屈的

325.mellifluous/melodious: raspy/jarring/raucous 声音甜美的:刺耳的

Canaries are often said to have___ voices because they make such sweet, harmonious sounds.

(A) insistent

(B) unnatural

(C) melodious

(D) inaudible

(E) strident

326.mendacity: candor/veracity/honesty 谎言:坦白

The entrepreneur had a well-deserved reputation for-------, having accurately anticipated many changes unforeseen by established business leaders.

(A)prescience (B) sincerity (C) avarice (D) complicity (E) mendacity


327.mercurial/mischievous : constant 易变的/淘气的:不变的

(1)The children&aposs ---- natures were in sharp contrast to the even-tempered

dispositions of their parents.

(A) mercurial(B) blithe (C) phlegmatic (D) introverted(E) artless

(2)In the classroom, Carol was unusually___; on the playground, however, she became as intractable as the other children.

(A) optimistic

(B) mercurial

(C) magnanimous

(D) taciturn

(E) docile

(3)Tame koala bears handled by tourists are___, but wild koalas are hard to control and typically require two people to hold them.

(A) mischievous

(B) gluttonous

(C) supple

(D) adroit

(E) docile

328.methodical: haphazard 系统的:偶然的

329.meticulous: carelessness 细心的:初心的

330.miff: please 小的争执:讨好,和解

331.migratory: sedentary 迁移的:久坐的

Noting the murder victim’s flaccid musculature and pearlike figure, she deduced that the unfortunate fellow had earned his living in some _______occupation.

A) treacherous B) prestigious C) ill-paying

D) illegitimate E) sedentary

332.misgiving: certainty 疑虑:必然

Even though the large computer company seems to have cornered the personal computer and software market, the CEO insists that his company has no___ the industry.

(A) interest in

(B) misgivings about

(C) monopoly on

(D) responsibility in

(E) consensus on

333.mockery: tribute 嘲弄:尊重

334.monotonous: piebald单调的:花斑的

The salesman’s speech was so ------- that nearly everyone in the room purchased something.

A. monotonous B. persuasiveC. uniqueD. damaging

335.morbid: hale/salubrious/verdant 病态的:健康的

(1) Was not Europe in its groping era of discovery in the fifteenth century in fact in search of salvation, as its morbid sonnets said, or of that regeneration which new lands and new peoples and of course new riches would be presumed to provide?

(2) He displayed a nearly pathological__, insisting on knowing every detail of his friends’ lives.

(A) orderliness(B) credulity(C) curiosity(D) shyness(E) morbidity

336.moribund : hale/beginning/currency/nascent垂死的:健康的

Oren missed the play’s overarching significance, focusing instead on details so minor that they would best be described as -----.

A. pragmatic B. indelible C. moribund D. picayune E. impervious

337.morose: cheerful郁闷的,乖僻的:高兴的,爽快的

338.motley: unvaried杂色的:没变化的

The café attracts a__ clientele: a startlingly heterogeneous group of people collects there.

(A) Motley

(B) Callous

(C) Languid

(D) Mysterious

(E) humane

339.myopic/shortsighted: prescient 短见的:预见的

(1)The professor highlighted the importance of ___ the experiences of many different ethnic groups when he warned against ___ policies which fail to consider the wide variety of cultural standards.

(A) portraying--- discriminatory (B) considering---myopic(C)remembering---alluring(D)delineating---captivating(E)disparaging—pedantic


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