SAT巴朗3500词汇 E.

2017-08-05 作者: 254阅读

writhe V. 翻腾 twist in coils; contort in pain. belie V. 掩饰,造成假象;矛盾 contradict; give a false impression. stymie V. 从中作梗;桩子;障碍物 present an obstacle; stump. aerie N. 猛禽的窝 nest of a large bird of prey (eagle, hawk). camaraderie N. 友情 good-fellowship. eerie ADJ. 怪异的 weird. menagerie N. 动物园 collection of wild animals. coterie N. 同行,圈内人 group that meets socially; select circle. reverie N. 冥想;发呆;白日梦 daydream; musing. vie V. 竞争 contend; compete. slake V. 结束;平息;消除;伺候舒服 quench; sate. forsake V. 放弃 desert; abandon; renounce. wake N. 尾迹;痕迹 trail of ship or other object through water; path of something that has gone bore. sphinx-like ADJ. 谜的 enigmatic; mysterious. stoke V. 填饱;司炉 stir up a fire; feed plentifully. revoke V. 撤回;取消 cancel; retract. invoke V. 恳请,借助于,找来,调用 call upon; ask for. convoke V. 召集 call together. provoke V. 激怒;惹;煽动;挑起 stir to anger; cause retaliation. yoke V. 结合;连接 join together, unite. rebuke V. 严厉批评;猛烈的训斥 scold harshly; criticize severely. fluke N. 意外;小概率事件 unlikely occurrence; stroke of fortune. scale V. 爬升;升高 climb up; ascend. gale N. 大风;一阵感情的爆发 windstorm; gust of wind; emotional outburst (laughter, tears). regale V. 取悦,娱乐,享受 entertain. finale N. 结论,结尾,结局 conclusion. rationale N. 基础科学;基本原理 fundamental reason or justification; grounds for an action. impale V. 刺穿 Pierce. imperturbable ADJ. 沉着冷静;平静 calm; placid; composed. implacable ADJ. 不能平静的 incapable of being pacified. impeccable ADJ. 没有缺点 faultless. amicable ADJ. 温和的,友好礼貌的 politely friendly; not quarrelsome. practicable ADJ. 可行的 feasible. irrevocable ADJ. 不能取消的;不能变更的 unalterable; irreversible. formidable ADJ. 威胁的,险恶的 menacing; threatening. malleable ADJ. 有延展性的;可锻的 capable of being shaped by pounding; impressionable. permeable ADJ. 可渗透的,可学习的 penetrable; porous; allowing liquids or gas to pass through. impermeable ADJ. 不能渗透的 impervious; not permitting passage through its substance. affable ADJ. 平易近人的 easily approachable; warmly friendly. infable ADJ. 不可言喻的,无法用语言表达的;不能说的,避讳的 unutterable; cannot be expressed in speech. indatigable ADJ. 疲倦 tireless. navigable ADJ. 可以通航的 wide and deep enough to allow ships to pass through; able to be steered. unimpeachable ADJ. 无懈可击的 blameless and exemplary. irreproachable ADJ. 无可指责的;没有缺点的 blameless; impeccable. remediable ADJ. 可挽回的 reparable. irremediable ADJ. 不能挽回的;不能治愈的 incurable; uncorrectable. pliable ADJ. 圆滑的;柔韧的;易弯曲的 flexible; yielding; adaptable. amiable ADJ. 可爱的,友好的,惬意的 agreeable; lovable; warmly friendly. insatiable ADJ. 不容易伺候的;贪婪的 not easily satisfied; unquenchable; greedy. viable ADJ. 能养活的;可行的 practical or workable; capable of maintaining life. unassailable ADJ. 攻不破的 not subject to question; not open to attack. irreconcilable ADJ. 不相容的;矛盾的 incompatible; not able to be resolved. inviolable ADJ. 无敌的;神圣不可亵渎的 secure from corruption, attack, or violation; unassailable. unfathomable ADJ. 不可理解的;不能渗透的 incomprehensible; impenetrable. inalienable ADJ. 无可取代的;不能给与的 not to be taken away; nontransferable. amenable ADJ. 有服从义务的,随时服从的 readily managed; willing to be led. untenable ADJ. 防不住的;防不胜防的;站不住的 indensible; not able to be maintained. impregnable ADJ. 不受影响的;无敌的 invulnerable. abominable ADJ. 可恶的,非常糟糕 detestable; extremely unpleasant; very bad. interminable ADJ. 无尽的 endless. unconscionable ADJ. 不合理的;不道德的;过度的 unscrupulous; excessive. exceptionable ADJ. 不可的,可反对的 objectionable. personable ADJ. 有吸引力的 attractive. palpable ADJ. 易于领会的;明显的 tangible; easily perceptible; unmistakable. impalpable ADJ. 难以明了,难以觉察的 imperceptible; intangible. arable ADJ. 可耕种的 fit for growing crops. parable N. 寓言 short, simple story teaching a moral. reparable ADJ. 可修复的 capable of being repaired. irreparable ADJ. 不能弥补的,不能修复的;无可挽救的 not able to be corrected or repaired. comparable ADJ. 相似的 similar. execrable ADJ. 非常糟糕的 very bad. venerable ADJ. 庄严的;值得尊重的 deserving high respect. vulnerable ADJ. 易受攻击的 susceptible to wounds. invulnerable ADJ. 无懈可击的 incapable of injury. insuperable ADJ. 不可战胜的,不能克服的 insurmountable; unbeatable. inexorable ADJ. 无情的;残酷的 relentless; unyielding; implacable. impenetrable ADJ. 难以进入的;难以渗透的;不可理解的 not able to be pierced or entered; beyond understanding. impassable ADJ. 无路可通的;没法通行 not able to be traveled or crossed. table V. 搁置 set aside a resolution or proposal for future consideration. palatable ADJ. 可接受的;美味的 agreeable; pleasing to the taste. unpalatable ADJ. 厌恶的;不好吃的;味道糟糕的 distastul; disagreeable. redoubtable ADJ. 可怕的 formidable; causing fear. tractable ADJ. 驯良的;温顺的;易处理的 docile; easily managed. intractable ADJ. 难以处理的 unruly; stubborn; unyielding. delectable ADJ. 使人愉快的 delightful; delicious. indubitable ADJ. 不容置疑的;无疑的 unable to be doubted; unquestionable. illimitable ADJ. 无限 infinite. inimitable ADJ. 独一无二的,独特的;防伪的,难以模仿的 matchless; not able to be imitated. indomitable ADJ. 不屈服的;不可被征服的 unconquerable; unyielding. equitable ADJ. 公平的,公允的 fair; impartial. inevitable ADJ. 不可避免地 unavoidable. unaccountable ADJ. 无责任的;无法解释的 inexplicable; unreasonable or mysterious. insurmountable ADJ. 不能克服的,不能超越的 overwhelming; unbeatable; insuperable. notable ADJ. 显著的;值得注意的 conspicuous; important; distinguished. potable ADJ. 可饮用的 suitable for drinking. irrutable ADJ. 不可否认的;不能驳倒的 indisputable; incontrovertible; undeniable. immutable ADJ. 不可动摇的,不能改变的 unchangeable. reputable ADJ. 著名的;令人尊敬的 respectable. indisputable ADJ. 没有争论余地;非常清楚的 too certain to be disputed. inscrutable ADJ. 不可渗透的;不可理解的,谜 impenetrable; not readily understood; mysterious. equable ADJ. 平静的,均衡的,稳定的 tranquil; steady; uniform. irretrievable ADJ. 不能复原的;不能挽回的 impossible to recover or regain; irreparable. babble V. 嘟囔 chatter idly. dabble V. 涉猎,尝试;溅 work at in a non-serious fashion; splash around. squabble N. 争吵 minor quarrel; bickering. quibble N. 遁词;狡辩;支吾;吹毛求疵 minor objection or complaint. rubble N. 碎片 broken fragments. invincible ADJ. 无敌的 unconquerable. irascible ADJ. 易怒的;暴躁的 irritable; easily angered. deducible ADJ. 可推导的,可推论的 derived by reasoning. negligible ADJ. 可忽略不计的 so small, trifling, or unimportant that it may be easily disregarded. incorrigible ADJ. 不可救药 not correctable. tangible ADJ. 可触摸的;真实的 able to be touched; real; palpable. intangible ADJ. 难以明了的,无形的;暧昧的,模糊的 not able to be perceived by touch; vague. indelible ADJ. 去不掉的;不可磨灭的 not able to be erased. fallible ADJ. 容易犯错的 liable to err. infallible ADJ. 一贯正确的 unerring. gullible ADJ. 易受骗的 easily deceived. foible N. 缺点;弱点 weakness; slight fault. feasible ADJ. 可行的 practical. reprehensible ADJ. 应该谴责的 deserving blame. insensible ADJ. 迟钝的;硬心肠的 unconscious; unresponsive. ostensible ADJ. 显然的;虚假的 apparent; professed; pretended. accessible ADJ. 可得到的 easy to approach; obtainable. irrepressible ADJ. 压不住的,抑制不住的 unable to be restrained or held back. plausible ADJ. 似是而非的 having a show of truth but open to doubt; specious. implausible ADJ. 难以置信的;不像是真的 unlikely; unbelievable. compatible ADJ. 和谐的 harmonious; in harmony with. incompatible ADJ. 不和谐;不兼容 inharmonious. imperceptible ADJ. 察觉不到的 unnoticeable; undetectable. susceptible ADJ. 易受影响的;易感动的;易患病的 impressionable; easily influenced; having little resistance, as to a disease; receptive to. incontrovertible ADJ. 无疑的,无可争议的 indisputable; not open to question. combustible ADJ. 易燃的 easily burned. amble N. 漫步,缓行 moving at an easy pace. preamble N. 导言;介绍词 introductory statement. ramble V. 游荡;漫无目的游荡 wander aimlessly (physically or mentally). ensemble N. 全体;歌舞团;套装 group of (supporting) players; organic unity; costume. dissemble V. 伪装,做作,掩饰 disguise; pretend. ignoble ADJ. 不高贵的;不光彩的 of lowly origin; unworthy. warble V. 颤声轻唱;鸟鸣 sing; babble. bauble N. 小玩意儿 trinket; trifle. soluble ADJ. 可溶解的;可解决的 able to be dissolved; able to be explained. indissoluble ADJ. 不能分解的;永久的 permanent. voluble ADJ. 口齿伶俐的;爱说话的 fluent; glib; talkative. debacle N. 崩溃 sudden downfall; complete disaster. pinnacle N. 顶尖;顶点 peak. chronicle V. 编年史 report; record (in chronological order). addle V. 使变疯,腐坏 muddle; drive crazy; become rotten. riddle V. 刺出无数窟窿,打排孔;充斥,弥漫;通过粗眼筛子过滤;谜语;解决,解释;提出,解谜 pierce with holes; permeate or spread throughout. coddle V. 娇养,溺爱 to treat gently. buddle V. 迷惑 confuse thoroughly. muddle V. 迷惑的;搞乱了的,混淆了的 confuse; mix up. wheedle V. 哄骗;诱骗 cajole; coax; deceive by flattery. kindle V. 点燃,照亮,激起 start a fire; inspire. dwindle V. 缩水;减少 shrink; reduce. doodle V. 涂鸦;浪费时间 scribble or draw aimlessly; waste time. dawdle V. 游手好闲;混日子 loiter; waste time. clientele N. 常客 body of customers. baffle V. 挫败 frustrate; perplex. waffle V. 闲聊;胡扯 speak equivocally about an issue. scuffle V. 徘徊(思考问题);混战 struggle confusedly; move off in a confused hurry. stifle V. 使窒息;扑灭 suppress; extinguish; inhibit. haggle V. 讨价还价 argue about prices. bedraggle V. 邋遢的;湿的 wet thoroughly; stain with mud. spangle N. 衣服上亮晶晶的小金属饰件 small metallic piece sewn to clothing for ornamentation. bungle V. 搞砸 mismanage; blunder. ogle V. 抛媚眼;送秋波 look at amorously; make eyes at. mobile ADJ. 移动的 movable; not fixed. facile ADJ. 充足的;容易完成的;肤浅的 easily accomplished; ready or fluent; superficial. domicile N. 家 home. reconcile V. 抛弃前嫌;不打不相识;结为好友;化解冲突 correct inconsistencies; become friendly after a quarrel. docile ADJ. 驯服的,听话的;善良的 obedient; easily managed. dile V. 污染;亵渎 pollute; profane. simile N. 明喻;比较 comparison of one thing with another, using the word like or as. facsimile N. 复制品 COPY. compile V. 聚集,积累,汇集 assemble; gather; accumulate. rile V. 激怒 vex; irritate; muddy. puerile ADJ. 幼稚的,孩子气的 childish. virile ADJ. 男子的;男子气概的 manly. prehensile ADJ. 可以得到的;可以抓住的 capable of grasping or holding. tensile ADJ. 可伸展的;可拉长的 capable of being stretched. missile N. 投掷物 object to be thrown or projected. volatile ADJ. 挥发的;飞行的;可变的;爆炸的 changeable; explosive; evaporating rapidly. versatile ADJ. 万能的;通用的;多面手的 having many talents; capable of working in many fields. tactile ADJ. 触觉的 pertaining to the organs or sense of touch. projectile N. 发射;导弹 missile. ductile ADJ. 柔软的,有韧性 malleable; flexible; pliable. infantile ADJ. 婴儿的,幼稚的 childish. futile ADJ. 没出息;无望,没效果的 useless; hopeless; infectual. guile N. 奸诈狡猾;诡计 deceit; duplicity; wiliness; cunning. beguile V. 欺骗,骗住;消磨时间 mislead or delude; pass time. revile V. 辱骂,谩骂,诽谤 attack with abusive language; vilify. servile ADJ. 奴隶的;奴性的 slavish; cringing. shackle V. 手铐;枷锁;脚镣 chain; fetter. ramshackle ADJ. 摇摆的;摇摇欲坠的 rickety; falling apart. fickle ADJ. 变化无常的;薄情的 changeable; faithless. rankle V. 激怒;溃烂;化脓 irritate; fester. hyper N. 夸张 exaggeration; overstatement. aureole N. 日冕 sun&aposs corona; halo. cajole V. 哄骗,勾引 coax; wheedle. ample ADJ. 丰富的,富足的 abundant. grapple V. 格斗,摔跤 wrestle; come to grips with. supple ADJ. 柔顺的;顺从的;柔韧的 flexible; pliant. scruple V. 踌躇;忧郁 fret about; hesitate, for ethical reasons. title N. 名字;等级;拥有权 right or claim to possession; mark of rank; name (of a book, film, etc. dismantle V. 拆除 take apart. disgruntle V. 使郁闷 make discontented. chortle V. 得意的笑 chuckle with delight. hurtle V. 冲击;碰撞;急冲 crash; rush. jostle V. 推,挤;撞 shove; bump. bustle V. 喧嚣,繁忙,熙熙攘攘 move about energetically; teem. prattle V. 闲聊;胡说;废话;唠叨 babble.

mettle N. 勇气;精神 courage; spirit. nettle V. 烦恼;激怒;荨麻 annoy; vex. whittle V. 切;削;损害 pare; cut off bits. belittle V. 蔑视,使渺小 disparage or depreciate; put down. brittle ADJ. 易碎的;困难的 easily broken; difficult. scuttle V. 沉没 sink. scuttle V. 迈着碎步轻快的走 scurry; run with short, rapid steps. molecule N. 分子 the smallest particle (one or more atoms) of a substance, having all the properties of that substance. minuscule ADJ. 极小的 extremely small. dame V. 丑化;诽谤 harm someone&aposs reputation; malign; slander. acme N. 顶点 top; pinnacle. regime N. 政体 method or system of government. sublime ADJ. 庄严的;崇高的;壮观的 exalted or noble and uplifting; utter. clime N. 地域;气候 region; climate. pantomime N. 演哑剧 acting without dialogue. maritime ADJ. 海事的,海运的,海上的 bordering on the sea; nautical. gnome N. 地精;小矮人;土地公公 dwarf; underground spirit. frolicsome ADJ. 闹着玩的;嬉戏的 prankish; gay. meddlesome ADJ. 爱管闲事的;好事的;好插手的 interfering. venturesome ADJ. 冒险的 bold. gruesome ADJ. 可怕的 grisly; horrible. noisome ADJ. 有害的,有毒的;恶臭的 foul-smelling; unwholesome. irksome ADJ. 令人厌恶的;冗长乏味的 annoying; tedious. fulsome ADJ. 过分的 disgustingly excessive. winsome ADJ. 迷人的 agreeable; gracious; engaging. cumbersome ADJ. 粗笨的;累赘 heavy; hard to manage. tome N. 册;卷 large volume. epitome N. 典型,摘要 perfect example or embodiment. exhume V. 出土,发掘 dig out of the ground; remove from the grave. bane N. 祸根 cause of ruin; curse. urbane ADJ. 文雅的;高雅的;彬彬有礼的 suave; rined; elegant. arcane ADJ. 秘密;谜 secret; mysterious; known only to the initiated. mundane ADJ. 世俗的;日常的 worldly as opposed to spiritual; everyday. profane V. 亵渎 violate; desecrate; treat unworthily. germane ADJ. 密切相关 pertinent; bearing upon the case at hand. humane ADJ. 仁慈 marked by kindness or consideration. inane ADJ. 傻;粗心 silly; senseless. membrane N. (动植物的)膜,薄膜 thin soft sheet of animal or vegetable tissue. wane V. 减少;变弱 decrease in size or strength; draw gradually to an end. convene V. 召集,集合 assemble. intervene V. 干预;干涉 come between. incline N. 倾斜,斜面 slope; slant. beeline N. 直线 direct, quick route. aquiline ADJ. 弯曲的,钩状的 curved, hooked. undermine V. 破坏 weaken; sap. predetermine V. 预定;预先确定 predestine; settle or decide borehand; influence markedly. canine ADJ. 狗的 related to dogs; dog-like. asinine ADJ. 愚蠢 stupid. saturnine ADJ. 阴郁的 gloomy. pine V. 消瘦,憔悴;渴望;松树 languish, decline; long for, yearn. saccharine ADJ. 糖精的;代糖的;极甜的 cloyingly sweet. doctrine N. 教育;学说 teachings, in general; particular principle (religious, legal, etc. figurine N. 小雕像 small ornamental statuette. quarantine N. 隔离 isolation of person or ship to prevent spread of infection. clandestine ADJ. 秘密 secret. philistine N. 俗气的人,无教养的人;心胸狭窄的人 narrow-minded person, uncultured and exclusively interested in material gain. pristine ADJ. 史前的;质朴的 characteristic of earlier times; primitive; unspoiled. sanguine ADJ. 高兴的;有希望的;乐天的 cheerful; hopul. equine ADJ. 似马的 resembling a horse. divine V. 运用直觉,超能力;预见 perceive intuitively; foresee the future. bovine ADJ. 牛的;迟钝的;耐心的 cowlike; placid and dull. hone V. 磨尖 sharpen. drone V. 嗡嗡声;语气呆板的声音 talk dully; buzz or murmur like a bee. drone N. 闲人;雄蜂 idle person; male bee. prone ADJ. 倾向于 inclined to; prostrate. atone V. 补偿;偿还 make amends for; pay for. touchstone N. 试金石;准绳;标准;尺度 stone used to test the fineness of gold alloys; criterion. immune ADJ. 免疫;抵抗 resistant to; free or exempt from. prune V. 切掉;修剪 cut away; trim. importune V. 强求;不停的求 beg persistently. opportune ADJ. 世纪恰巧的;刚好的 timely; well-chosen. inopportune ADJ. 不合时宜的 untimely; poorly chosen. floe N. 浮殡冰块;大浮冰 mass of floating ice. woe N. 悲哀的 deep, inconsolable gri; affliction; suffering. ape V. 模仿 imitate or mimic. gape V. 张着嘴呆看;裂缝 open widely; stare open-mouthed. kaleidoscope N. 万花筒 tube in which patterns made by the rlection in mirrors of colored pieces of glass, etc. lope V. 慢跑 gallop slowly. misanthrope N. 厌恶人类的人;憎人者 one who hates mankind. dupe N. 易被开涮的人 someone easily fooled. archetype N. 原形 prototype; primitive pattern. stereotype N. 老套;一成不变;铅版 fixed and unvarying representation; standardized mental picture, often rlecting prejudice. prototype N. 原型 original work used as a model by others. threadbare ADJ. 褴褛的;破烂不堪的 worn through till the threads show; shabby and poor. fanfare N. 号角声 call by bugles or trumpets. blare N. 大声喊叫,令人眩晕的强光 loud, harsh roar or screech; dazzling blaze of light. mediocre ADJ. 普通的,一般的 ordinary; commonplace. adhere V. 黏着 stick fast. cohere V. 粘住的 stick together. austere ADJ. 严厉的;朴素的 forbiddingly stern; severely simple and unornamented. ire N. 怒气 anger. doctrinaire ADJ. 教条的;顽固的 unable to compromise about points of doctrine; dogmatic; unyielding. mire V. 陷入(泥塘);麻烦缠身 entangle; stick in swampy ground. quagmire N. 沼泽;湿地 soft wet boggy land; complex or dangerous situation from which it is difficult to free oneself. repertoire N. 节目表;保留节目 list of works of music, drama, etc. vampire N. 吸血鬼 ghostly being that sucks the blood of the living. aspire V. 热望;热心于 seek to attain; long for. satire N. 讽刺的 form of literature in which irony, sarcasm, and ridicule are employed to attack vice and folly. acquire V. 获取 obtain; get. genre N. 风格(文学、艺术) particular variety of art or literature. underscore V. 强调 emphasize. deplore V. 悔恨 regret; disapprove of. implore V. 恳求 beg. pore V. 沉思;考察;深思熟虑;小孔,细口 study industriously; ponder; scrutinize. yore N. 往昔 time past. bizarre ADJ. 怪异的 fantastic; violently contrasting. accoutre V. 装备 equip. sinecure N. 闲职,报纸茶水的工作 well-paid position with little responsibility. epicure N. 老饕;享乐主义者 connoisseur of food and drink. obscure V. 使模糊;使暗淡 darken; make unclear. obscure ADJ. 模糊的,不明了的,暗淡的 dark; vague; unclear. coiffure N. 发型 hairstyle. disfigure V. 诬陷,抹黑,诽谤 mar in beauty; spoil. brochure N. 小册子 pamphlet. abjure V. 发誓放弃 renounce upon oath. allure V. 诱惑,引诱 entice; attract. demure ADJ. 端庄的;认真的;腼腆的 grave; serious; coy. tenure N. 任期;(土地的)使用年限 holding of an office; time during which such an office is held. censure V. 责怪;批评 blame; criticize. cynosure N. 广受注意的目标 the object of general attention. composure N. 镇定,沉着 mental calmness. discomposure N. 心乱;不安 agitation; loss of poise. exposure N. 曝光,揭露;暴露(于疾病、恶劣的环境等)的状态 risk, particularly of being exposed to disease or to the elements; unmasking; act of laying SAT巴朗3500词汇 ESAT巴朗3500词汇 E

writhe V. 翻腾 twist in coils; contort in pain. belie V. 掩饰,造成假象;矛盾 contradict; give a false impression. stymie V. 从中作梗;桩子;障碍物 present an obstacle; stump. aerie N. 猛禽的窝 nest of a large bird of prey (eagle, hawk). camaraderie N. 友情 good-fellowship. eerie ADJ. 怪异的 weird. menagerie N. 动物园 collection of wild animals. coterie N. 同行,圈内人 group that meets socially; select circle. reverie N. 冥想;发呆;白日梦 daydream; musing. vie V. 竞争 contend; compete. slake V. 结束;平息;消除;伺候舒服 quench; sate. forsake V. 放弃 desert; abandon; renounce. wake N. 尾迹;痕迹 trail of ship or other object through water; path of something that has gone bore. sphinx-like ADJ. 谜的 enigmatic; mysterious. stoke V. 填饱;司炉 stir up a fire; feed plentifully. revoke V. 撤回;取消 cancel; retract. invoke V. 恳请,借助于,找来,调用 call upon; ask for. convoke V. 召集 call together. provoke V. 激怒;惹;煽动;挑起 stir to anger; cause retaliation. yoke V. 结合;连接 join together, unite. rebuke V. 严厉批评;猛烈的训斥 scold harshly; criticize severely. fluke N. 意外;小概率事件 unlikely occurrence; stroke of fortune. scale V. 爬升;升高 climb up; ascend. gale N. 大风;一阵感情的爆发 windstorm; gust of wind; emotional outburst (laughter, tears). regale V. 取悦,娱乐,享受 entertain. finale N. 结论,结尾,结局 conclusion. rationale N. 基础科学;基本原理 fundamental reason or justification; grounds for an action. impale V. 刺穿 Pierce. imperturbable ADJ. 沉着冷静;平静 calm; placid; composed. implacable ADJ. 不能平静的 incapable of being pacified. impeccable ADJ. 没有缺点 faultless. amicable ADJ. 温和的,友好礼貌的 politely friendly; not quarrelsome. practicable ADJ. 可行的 feasible. irrevocable ADJ. 不能取消的;不能变更的 unalterable; irreversible. formidable ADJ. 威胁的,险恶的 menacing; threatening. malleable ADJ. 有延展性的;可锻的 capable of being shaped by pounding; impressionable. permeable ADJ. 可渗透的,可学习的 penetrable; porous; allowing liquids or gas to pass through. impermeable ADJ. 不能渗透的 impervious; not permitting passage through its substance. affable ADJ. 平易近人的 easily approachable; warmly friendly. infable ADJ. 不可言喻的,无法用语言表达的;不能说的,避讳的 unutterable; cannot be expressed in speech. indatigable ADJ. 疲倦 tireless. navigable ADJ. 可以通航的 wide and deep enough to allow ships to pass through; able to be steered. unimpeachable ADJ. 无懈可击的 blameless and exemplary. irreproachable ADJ. 无可指责的;没有缺点的 blameless; impeccable. remediable ADJ. 可挽回的 reparable. irremediable ADJ. 不能挽回的;不能治愈的 incurable; uncorrectable. pliable ADJ. 圆滑的;柔韧的;易弯曲的 flexible; yielding; adaptable. amiable ADJ. 可爱的,友好的,惬意的 agreeable; lovable; warmly friendly. insatiable ADJ. 不容易伺候的;贪婪的 not easily satisfied; unquenchable; greedy. viable ADJ. 能养活的;可行的 practical or workable; capable of maintaining life. unassailable ADJ. 攻不破的 not subject to question; not open to attack. irreconcilable ADJ. 不相容的;矛盾的 incompatible; not able to be resolved. inviolable ADJ. 无敌的;神圣不可亵渎的 secure from corruption, attack, or violation; unassailable. unfathomable ADJ. 不可理解的;不能渗透的 incomprehensible; impenetrable. inalienable ADJ. 无可取代的;不能给与的 not to be taken away; nontransferable. amenable ADJ. 有服从义务的,随时服从的 readily managed; willing to be led. untenable ADJ. 防不住的;防不胜防的;站不住的 indensible; not able to be maintained. impregnable ADJ. 不受影响的;无敌的 invulnerable. abominable ADJ. 可恶的,非常糟糕 detestable; extremely unpleasant; very bad. interminable ADJ. 无尽的 endless. unconscionable ADJ. 不合理的;不道德的;过度的 unscrupulous; excessive. exceptionable ADJ. 不可的,可反对的 objectionable. personable ADJ. 有吸引力的 attractive. palpable ADJ. 易于领会的;明显的 tangible; easily perceptible; unmistakable. impalpable ADJ. 难以明了,难以觉察的 imperceptible; intangible. arable ADJ. 可耕种的 fit for growing crops. parable N. 寓言 short, simple story teaching a moral. reparable ADJ. 可修复的 capable of being repaired. irreparable ADJ. 不能弥补的,不能修复的;无可挽救的 not able to be corrected or repaired. comparable ADJ. 相似的 similar. execrable ADJ. 非常糟糕的 very bad. venerable ADJ. 庄严的;值得尊重的 deserving high respect. vulnerable ADJ. 易受攻击的 susceptible to wounds. invulnerable ADJ. 无懈可击的 incapable of injury. insuperable ADJ. 不可战胜的,不能克服的 insurmountable; unbeatable. inexorable ADJ. 无情的;残酷的 relentless; unyielding; implacable. impenetrable ADJ. 难以进入的;难以渗透的;不可理解的 not able to be pierced or entered; beyond understanding. impassable ADJ. 无路可通的;没法通行 not able to be traveled or crossed. table V. 搁置 set aside a resolution or proposal for future consideration. palatable ADJ. 可接受的;美味的 agreeable; pleasing to the taste. unpalatable ADJ. 厌恶的;不好吃的;味道糟糕的 distastul; disagreeable. redoubtable ADJ. 可怕的 formidable; causing fear. tractable ADJ. 驯良的;温顺的;易处理的 docile; easily managed. intractable ADJ. 难以处理的 unruly; stubborn; unyielding. delectable ADJ. 使人愉快的 delightful; delicious. indubitable ADJ. 不容置疑的;无疑的 unable to be doubted; unquestionable. illimitable ADJ. 无限 infinite. inimitable ADJ. 独一无二的,独特的;防伪的,难以模仿的 matchless; not able to be imitated. indomitable ADJ. 不屈服的;不可被征服的 unconquerable; unyielding. equitable ADJ. 公平的,公允的 fair; impartial. inevitable ADJ. 不可避免地 unavoidable. unaccountable ADJ. 无责任的;无法解释的 inexplicable; unreasonable or mysterious. insurmountable ADJ. 不能克服的,不能超越的 overwhelming; unbeatable; insuperable. notable ADJ. 显著的;值得注意的 conspicuous; important; distinguished. potable ADJ. 可饮用的 suitable for drinking. irrutable ADJ. 不可否认的;不能驳倒的 indisputable; incontrovertible; undeniable. immutable ADJ. 不可动摇的,不能改变的 unchangeable. reputable ADJ. 著名的;令人尊敬的 respectable. indisputable ADJ. 没有争论余地;非常清楚的 too certain to be disputed. inscrutable ADJ. 不可渗透的;不可理解的,谜 impenetrable; not readily understood; mysterious. equable ADJ. 平静的,均衡的,稳定的 tranquil; steady; uniform. irretrievable ADJ. 不能复原的;不能挽回的 impossible to recover or regain; irreparable. babble V. 嘟囔 chatter idly. dabble V. 涉猎,尝试;溅 work at in a non-serious fashion; splash around. squabble N. 争吵 minor quarrel; bickering. quibble N. 遁词;狡辩;支吾;吹毛求疵 minor objection or complaint. rubble N. 碎片 broken fragments. invincible ADJ. 无敌的 unconquerable. irascible ADJ. 易怒的;暴躁的 irritable; easily angered. deducible ADJ. 可推导的,可推论的 derived by reasoning. negligible ADJ. 可忽略不计的 so small, trifling, or unimportant that it may be easily disregarded. incorrigible ADJ. 不可救药 not correctable. tangible ADJ. 可触摸的;真实的 able to be touched; real; palpable. intangible ADJ. 难以明了的,无形的;暧昧的,模糊的 not able to be perceived by touch; vague. indelible ADJ. 去不掉的;不可磨灭的 not able to be erased. fallible ADJ. 容易犯错的 liable to err. infallible ADJ. 一贯正确的 unerring. gullible ADJ. 易受骗的 easily deceived. foible N. 缺点;弱点 weakness; slight fault. feasible ADJ. 可行的 practical. reprehensible ADJ. 应该谴责的 deserving blame. insensible ADJ. 迟钝的;硬心肠的 unconscious; unresponsive. ostensible ADJ. 显然的;虚假的 apparent; professed; pretended. accessible ADJ. 可得到的 easy to approach; obtainable. irrepressible ADJ. 压不住的,抑制不住的 unable to be restrained or held back. plausible ADJ. 似是而非的 having a show of truth but open to doubt; specious. implausible ADJ. 难以置信的;不像是真的 unlikely; unbelievable. compatible ADJ. 和谐的 harmonious; in harmony with. incompatible ADJ. 不和谐;不兼容 inharmonious. imperceptible ADJ. 察觉不到的 unnoticeable; undetectable. susceptible ADJ. 易受影响的;易感动的;易患病的 impressionable; easily influenced; having little resistance, as to a disease; receptive to. incontrovertible ADJ. 无疑的,无可争议的 indisputable; not open to question. combustible ADJ. 易燃的 easily burned. amble N. 漫步,缓行 moving at an easy pace. preamble N. 导言;介绍词 introductory statement. ramble V. 游荡;漫无目的游荡 wander aimlessly (physically or mentally). ensemble N. 全体;歌舞团;套装 group of (supporting) players; organic unity; costume. dissemble V. 伪装,做作,掩饰 disguise; pretend. ignoble ADJ. 不高贵的;不光彩的 of lowly origin; unworthy. warble V. 颤声轻唱;鸟鸣 sing; babble. bauble N. 小玩意儿 trinket; trifle. soluble ADJ. 可溶解的;可解决的 able to be dissolved; able to be explained. indissoluble ADJ. 不能分解的;永久的 permanent. voluble ADJ. 口齿伶俐的;爱说话的 fluent; glib; talkative. debacle N. 崩溃 sudden downfall; complete disaster. pinnacle N. 顶尖;顶点 peak. chronicle V. 编年史 report; record (in chronological order). addle V. 使变疯,腐坏 muddle; drive crazy; become rotten. riddle V. 刺出无数窟窿,打排孔;充斥,弥漫;通过粗眼筛子过滤;谜语;解决,解释;提出,解谜 pierce with holes; permeate or spread throughout. coddle V. 娇养,溺爱 to treat gently. buddle V. 迷惑 confuse thoroughly. muddle V. 迷惑的;搞乱了的,混淆了的 confuse; mix up. wheedle V. 哄骗;诱骗 cajole; coax; deceive by flattery. kindle V. 点燃,照亮,激起 start a fire; inspire. dwindle V. 缩水;减少 shrink; reduce. doodle V. 涂鸦;浪费时间 scribble or draw aimlessly; waste time. dawdle V. 游手好闲;混日子 loiter; waste time. clientele N. 常客 body of customers. baffle V. 挫败 frustrate; perplex. waffle V. 闲聊;胡扯 speak equivocally about an issue. scuffle V. 徘徊(思考问题);混战 struggle confusedly; move off in a confused hurry. stifle V. 使窒息;扑灭 suppress; extinguish; inhibit. haggle V. 讨价还价 argue about prices. bedraggle V. 邋遢的;湿的 wet thoroughly; stain with mud. spangle N. 衣服上亮晶晶的小金属饰件 small metallic piece sewn to clothing for ornamentation. bungle V. 搞砸 mismanage; blunder. ogle V. 抛媚眼;送秋波 look at amorously; make eyes at. mobile ADJ. 移动的 movable; not fixed. facile ADJ. 充足的;容易完成的;肤浅的 easily accomplished; ready or fluent; superficial. domicile N. 家 home. reconcile V. 抛弃前嫌;不打不相识;结为好友;化解冲突 correct inconsistencies; become friendly after a quarrel. docile ADJ. 驯服的,听话的;善良的 obedient; easily managed. dile V. 污染;亵渎 pollute; profane. simile N. 明喻;比较 comparison of one thing with another, using the word like or as. facsimile N. 复制品 COPY. compile V. 聚集,积累,汇集 assemble; gather; accumulate. rile V. 激怒 vex; irritate; muddy. puerile ADJ. 幼稚的,孩子气的 childish. virile ADJ. 男子的;男子气概的 manly. prehensile ADJ. 可以得到的;可以抓住的 capable of grasping or holding. tensile ADJ. 可伸展的;可拉长的 capable of being stretched. missile N. 投掷物 object to be thrown or projected. volatile ADJ. 挥发的;飞行的;可变的;爆炸的 changeable; explosive; evaporating rapidly. versatile ADJ. 万能的;通用的;多面手的 having many talents; capable of working in many fields. tactile ADJ. 触觉的 pertaining to the organs or sense of touch. projectile N. 发射;导弹 missile. ductile ADJ. 柔软的,有韧性 malleable; flexible; pliable. infantile ADJ. 婴儿的,幼稚的 childish. futile ADJ. 没出息;无望,没效果的 useless; hopeless; infectual. guile N. 奸诈狡猾;诡计 deceit; duplicity; wiliness; cunning. beguile V. 欺骗,骗住;消磨时间 mislead or delude; pass time. revile V. 辱骂,谩骂,诽谤 attack with abusive language; vilify. servile ADJ. 奴隶的;奴性的 slavish; cringing. shackle V. 手铐;枷锁;脚镣 chain; fetter. ramshackle ADJ. 摇摆的;摇摇欲坠的 rickety; falling apart. fickle ADJ. 变化无常的;薄情的 changeable; faithless. rankle V. 激怒;溃烂;化脓 irritate; fester. hyper N. 夸张 exaggeration; overstatement. aureole N. 日冕 sun&aposs corona; halo. cajole V. 哄骗,勾引 coax; wheedle. ample ADJ. 丰富的,富足的 abundant. grapple V. 格斗,摔跤 wrestle; come to grips with. supple ADJ. 柔顺的;顺从的;柔韧的 flexible; pliant. scruple V. 踌躇;忧郁 fret about; hesitate, for ethical reasons. title N. 名字;等级;拥有权 right or claim to possession; mark of rank; name (of a book, film, etc. dismantle V. 拆除 take apart. disgruntle V. 使郁闷 make discontented. chortle V. 得意的笑 chuckle with delight. hurtle V. 冲击;碰撞;急冲 crash; rush. jostle V. 推,挤;撞 shove; bump. bustle V. 喧嚣,繁忙,熙熙攘攘 move about energetically; teem. prattle V. 闲聊;胡说;废话;唠叨 babble. 上12下




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