2017-08-05 238阅读
F sheaf N. 捆;扎(秸秆) bundle of stalks of grain; any bundle of things tied together. oaf N. 愚蠢的人 stupid, awkward person. chaff N. 废物;糠;假货;开玩笑;打趣 worthless products of an endeavor. quaff V. 一饮而尽 drink with relish. whiff N. 一吹;一喷 puff or gust (of air, scent, etc. skiff N. 小船 small, light sailboat or rowboat. scoff V. 嘲弄,奚落 mock; ridicule. doff V. 脱 take off. rebuff V. 回绝 snub; beat back. bluff ADJ. 直率的 rough but good-natured. bluff N. 虚伪;欺骗;悬崖 pretense (of strength); deception; high cliff. gruff ADJ. 粗糙的;粗暴的 rough-mannered. waif N. 流浪儿童;流浪者 homeless child or animal. motif N. 主旨,本意;动机 theme. aloof ADJ. 分离,保留 apart; reserved. dwarf V. 使看上去矮小 cause to seem small. G flag V. 萎缩;衰退 droop; grow feeble. slag N. 矿渣;炉渣;渣滓 residue from smelting metal; dross; waste matter. rig V. 配备;装备 fix or manipulate. mincing ADJ. 装腔作势的 affectedly dainty. impending ADJ. 接近的;附近的 nearing; approaching. foreboding N. 不详的预感 premonition of evil. chaffing ADJ. 开玩笑 bantering; joking. engaging ADJ. 有魅力的,有吸引力的 charming; attractive. grudging ADJ. 不情愿;勉强 unwilling; reluctant; stingy. painstaking ADJ. 辛勤的 showing hard work; taking-Dreat care. hulking ADJ. 大量的,巨大的 massive; bulky; great in size. sibling N. 兄弟姐妹 brother or sister. grueling ADJ. 重罚;使其筋疲力尽 exhausting. trifling ADJ. 不重要的 trivial; unimportant. fledgling ADJ. 无经验的 inexperienced. inkling N. 暗示,提示 hint. compelling ADJ. 强制的 overpowering; irresistible in fect. bristling ADJ. 竖立的 rising like bristles; showing irritation. booming ADJ. 快速增长的,欣欣向荣;深刻的 deep and resonant; flourishing, thriving. unassuming ADJ. 谦逊的 modest. fawning ADJ. 奉承 courting favor by cringing and flattering. carping ADJ. 挑剔的,吹毛求疵 finding fault. overbearing ADJ. 傲慢专横的 bossy and arrogant; decisively important. glaring ADJ. 耀眼的 highly conspicuous; harshly bright. bantering ADJ. 可笑的,嘲弄的 good-natured ridiculing. retiring ADJ. 退休的;谦虚的,害羞的 modest; shy. enduring ADJ. 持久的;不朽的 lasting; surviving. enterprising ADJ. 有魄力 full of initiative. unprepossessing ADJ. 不吸引人的 unattractive. rousing ADJ. 活跃的;煽动的 lively; stirring. unintimidating ADJ. 无惧的 unfrightening. undulating ADJ. 波浪的 moving with a wavelike motion. discriminating ADJ. 有识别能力的;有偏见的 able to see differences; prejudiced. exhilarating ADJ. 爽快的,使人愉快的 invigorating and rreshing; cheering. exacting ADJ. 苛刻的 extremely demanding. riveting ADJ. 迷人的 absorbing; engrossing. halting ADJ. 犹豫的 hesitant; faltering. unstinting ADJ. 慷慨的;无保留的 giving generously; not holding back. unwitting ADJ. 不知情的 unintentional; not knowing. billowing ADJ. 波涛翻滚 swelling out in waves; surging. harrowing ADJ. 痛苦;悲怆 agonizing; distressing; traumatic. underlying ADJ. 根本的;在下面的;潜在的 fundamental; lying below. cloying ADJ. 倒胃口;过度的 distastul (because excessive); excessively sweet or sentimental. headlong ADJ. 轻率的 hasty; rash. prolong V. 拖延 make longer; draw out; lengthen. throng N. 聚集 crowd. headstrong ADJ. 硬脖子;任性;不屈 stubborn; willful; unyielding. log N. 日志;圆木 record of a voyage or flight; record of day to day activities. H pariah N. 贱民;被社会遗弃的人 social outcast. impeach V. 控告,检举;弹劾 charge with crime in office; indict. breach N. 违约;突破;打破 breaking of contract or duty; fissure or gap. broach V. 介绍,提出,引见 introduce; open up. reproach V. 表示失望;责备 express disapproval or disappointment. beseech V. 乞求,恳求 beg; plead with. filch V. 偷 steal. blanch V. 漂白 bleach; whiten. stanch V. 止血;血流变检测 check flow of blood. clench V. 牢牢抓住 close tightly; grasp. retrench V. 裁减,削减;紧缩,节约 cut down; economize. wrench V. 扭曲;扭伤;曲解;折磨;拉 pull; strain; twist. quench V. 弄湿;扑灭;熄灭;淬火 douse or extinguish; assuage or satisfy. flinch V. 畏首畏尾,退缩;犹豫 hesitate, shrink. brooch N. 胸针 ornamental clasp. epoch N. 时代 period of time. matriarch N. 女家长;掌管全家的老太婆 woman who rules a family or larger social group. patriarch N. 长者,家长;酋长,族长 father and ruler of a family or tribe. besmirch V. 弄脏 soil, dile. dispatch N. 急速;急件 speediness; prompt execution; message sent with all due speed. debauch V. 堕落,放荡 corrupt; seduce from virtue. furlough N. 休假 leave of absence; vacation granted a soldier or civil servant. slough V. 脱落;蜕皮 cast off. trough N. 槽;低谷 container for feeding farm animals; lowest point (of a wave, business cycle, etc. epitaph N. 墓志铭,挽联 inscription in memory of a dead person. abash V. 使难堪 embarrass. slapdash ADJ. 匆促的 haphazard; careless; sloppy. rurbish V. 刷新;修复;擦亮 renovate; make bright by polishing. outlandish ADJ. 奇异的;偏僻的;前卫的 bizarre; peculiar; unconventional. brandish V. 挥舞 wave around; flourish. waggish ADJ. 滑稽的;爱开玩笑的 mischievous; humorous; tricky. sluggish ADJ. 行动迟缓的 Slow; lazy; lethargic. mawkish ADJ. 过分多愁善感;感情脆弱到令人作呕的 mushy and gushy; icky-sticky sentimental; maudlin. relish V. 品味;享受 savor; enjoy. embellish V. 装饰 adorn; ornament. abolish V. 废除 cancel; put an end to. churlish ADJ. 粗鲁的 boorish; rude. skirmish N. 小规模战争;小打小闹 minor fight. replenish V. 补充 fill up again. admonish V. 警告,训斥 warn; reprove. garnish V. 装饰 decorate. burnish V. 擦拭 make shiny by rubbing; polish. garish ADJ. 俗气;颜色太杂 over-bright in color; gaudy. gibberish N. 胡话;嘟囔 nonsense; babbling. boorish ADJ. 粗鲁;笨拙 rude; clumsy; ungentlemanly. flourish V. 生长;繁荣;装饰 grow well; prosper; decorate with ornaments. anguish N. 极度痛苦 acute pain; extreme suffering. languish V. 无力的,憔悴的 lose animation; lose strength. relinquish V. 不情愿的屈服,放弃(某物) give up something with reluctance; yield. lavish ADJ. 浪费的,大方的 liberal; wastul. bequeath V. 遗赠,(代代)相传 leave to someone by a will; hand down. aftermath N. 后果,结果 consequences; outcome; upshot. loath ADJ. 不情愿的;勉强 reluctant; disinclined. wrath N. 恼火;愤怒 anger; fury. breadth N. 宽度 width; extent. zenith N. 顶点 point directly overhead in the sky; summit. stealth N. 隐秘;隐藏;隐蔽行动 slyness; sneakiness; secretiveness. labyrinth N. 迷宫 maze. behemoth N. 怪物;怪兽 huge creature; monstrous animal. mammoth ADJ. 巨大的 gigantic; enormous. betroth V. 订婚 become engaged to marry. dearth N. 稀缺;缺乏 scarcity. unearth V. 出土;发掘 dig up. girth N. 方圆;周围环境 distance around something; circumference. mirth N. 欢笑 merriment; laughter. uncouth ADJ. 笨拙的;粗俗的 outlandish; clumsy; boorish. I ennui N. 厌倦 boredom. K bleak ADJ. 冷淡;凄凉 cold or cheerless; unlikely to be favorable. quack N. 骗子;吹嘘的人 charlatan; impostor. check V. 控制;阻止 stop motion; curb or restrain. fleck V. 使起斑点 spot. flick N. 轻弹;轻打 light stroke as with a whip. limerick N. 五行打油诗 humorous short verse. maverick N. 没打烙印的动物;闹独立的人;非国教徒;造反者 rebel; nonconformist. deadlock N. 僵局 standstill; stalemate. mock V. 嘲弄,嘲笑 ridicule; imitate, often in derision. unfrock V. 解除神职 to strip a priest or minister of church authority. meek ADJ. 谦卑的,驯服的;温和的;顺从的 quiet and obedient; spiritless. reek V. 散发(气味) emit (odor). trek N. 旅行 travel; journey. balk V. 反对;阻止 foil or thwart; stop short; ruse to go on. bilk V. 骗 swindle; cheat. caulk V. 填;补漏 make watertight by filling in cracks. skulk V. 偷懒;偷偷的移动 move furtively and secretly. dank ADJ. 湿的;湿透的 damp. prank N. 胡闹;打扮 mischievous trick. hoodwink V. 欺骗,迷惑,蛊惑 deceive; delude. debunk V. 揭穿;奚落 expose as false, exaggerated, worthless, etc; ridicule. embark V. 开始旅程,开始,登机,上船,上车 commence; go on board a boat or airplane; begin a journey. disembark V. 登陆;靠岸 go ashore; unload cargo from a ship. bulwark N. 壁垒 earthwork or other strong dense; person who dends. berserk ADV. 疯狂的,狂暴的 frenzied. shirk V. 逃避,推卸;避免 avoid (responsibility, work, etc. smirk N. 傻笑 conceited smile. quirk N. 反复无常;怪僻 startling twist; caprice. lurk V. 埋伏 stealthily lie in waiting; slink; exist unperceived. bask V. 享受(温暖);愉快,舒适 luxuriate; take pleasure in warmth. gawk V. 张着嘴呆看 stare foolishly; look in open-mouthed awe.
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