SAT巴朗单词3500 T部分.

2017-08-05 作者: 159阅读

T browbeat V. 吓唬 bully; intimidate. entreat V. 恳求 plead; ask earnestly. turncoat N. 叛徒;叛逆者 traitor. scapegoat N. 替罪羊 someone who bears the blame for others. gloat V. 垂涎;幸灾乐祸,洋洋得意 express evil satisfaction; view malevolently. spat N. 争论;口角;扇巴掌 squabble; minor dispute. carat N. 克拉;开;K unit of weight for precious stones; measure of fineness of gold. squat ADJ. 矮壮的;又短又厚的;蹲着的 stocky; short and thick. artifact N. 人造物品 object made by human beings, either handmade or mass-produced. pact N. 和约;条约 agreement; treaty. compact ADJ. 紧密的,结实的 tightly packed; firm; bri. compact N. 合约,合同 agreement; contract. cataract N. 大瀑布;白内障 great waterfall; eye abnormality. tract N. 地域;小册子 region of land (often imprecisely described); pamphlet. retract V. 撤回,撤退 withdraw; take back. protract V. 延长 prolong. abstract ADJ. 抽象的 theoretical; not concrete; nonrepresentational. abject ADJ. 穷困潦倒,卑微 wretched; lacking pride. dlect V. 反射,偏转 turn aside. intellect N. 智力 higher mental powers. circumspect ADJ. 慎重;周到 prudent; cautious. edict N. 法令,号令;布告 decree (especially issued by a sovereign); official command. indict V. 控告;起诉 charge. derelict ADJ. 遗弃的;废弃的 abandoned; negligent. depict V. 描述 portray. sacrosanct ADJ. 非常神圣的 most sacred; inviolable. succinct ADJ. 简洁的;紧身的 bri; terse; compact. precinct N. 行政区 district or division of a city. dunct ADJ. 死的;不存在的,报废的 dead; no longer in use or existence. adjunct N. 无用的附加物 something added on or attached (generally nonessential or inferior). abet V. 帮助,鼓励 aid, usually in doing something wrong; encourage. facet N. (宝石的)琢面;方面 small plane surface (of a gem); a side. dulcet ADJ. 甜美的(声音) sweet sounding. buffet N. 自助餐 table with food set out for people to serve themselves; meal at which people help themselves to food that&aposs been set out. buffet V. 殴打,斗殴 slap; batter; knock about. beget V. 得子;产生 father; produce; give rise to. epithet N. 绰号 word or phrase characteristically used to describe a person or thing. whet V. 锐化;刺激 sharpen; stimulate. disquiet V. 使焦虑,使难受 make uneasy or anxious. trinket N. 小玩意儿;密谋 knickknack; bauble. amulet N. 护身符 charm; talisman. rivulet N. 小溪 small stream. plummet V. 垂直落下 fall sharply. gourmet N. 品尝家;美食比赛的评委 connoisseur of food and drink. tenet N. 原则;信条 doctrine; dogma. martinet N. 严格纪律的人 strict disciplinarian. fret V. 被激怒 to be annoyed or vexed. ferret V. 侦查;搜出;赶出 drive or hunt out of hiding. beset V. 困扰 harass or trouble; hem in. onset N. 开始,发作,肇端;攻击 beginning; attack. graft N. 移植;移植物;嫁接 piece of transplanted tissue; portion of plant inserted in another plant. waft V. 飘荡;信号 moved gently by wind or waves. dt ADJ. 灵巧的,敏锐地 neat; skillful. Clt N. 裂缝;开裂 split. bert ADJ. 失去的,缺少的 deprived of; lacking; desolate because of a loss. rift N. 裂缝;破口 opening; break. spendthrift N. 挥霍的人 someone who wastes money. aloft ADV. 向上 upward. sleight N. 灵巧的 dexterity. plight N. 情况,状况;困境 condition, state (especially a bad state or condition); predicament. slight N. 怠慢;斥责;侮辱 insult to one&aposs dignity; snub. forthright ADJ. 坦率的;豪爽的 outspoken; straightforward; frank. foresight N. 洞察力 ability to foresee future happenings; prudence. fraught ADJ. 满的 filled. distraught ADJ. 使悲伤;使焦虑 upset; distracted by anxiety. overwrought ADJ. 歇斯底里的 extremely agitated; hysterical. bait V. 欺负,玩弄,折磨 harass; tease. gait N. 步态,步法;速度 manner of walking or running; speed. inhibit V. 限制,防止;阻碍 restrain; retard or prevent. gambit N. 弃子抢先 opening in chess in which a piece is sacrificed. tacit ADJ. 默许的;会意的 understood; not put into words. elicit V. 得出 draw out by discussion. illicit ADJ. 非法的 illegal. solicit V. 恳求 request earnestly; seek. implicit ADJ. 会意的,意会而不言传;暗示的 understood but not stated. explicit ADJ. 清晰的;坦率的 totally clear; dinite; outspoken. discredit V. 不信任;丢脸 dame; destroy confidence in; disbelieve. pundit N. 博学者;梵文学家 authority on a subject; learned person; expert. audit N. 核算,稽核 examination of accounts. plaudit N. 喝彩 enthusiastically worded approval; round of applause. conceit N. 自负,自大;离奇古怪的想法 vanity or self-love; whimsical idea; extravagant metaphor. surfeit V. 饮食过度;恶心 satiate; stuff; indulge to excess in anything. discomfit V. 扰乱 put to rout; deat; disconcert. flit V. 掠过 fly; dart lightly; pass swiftly by. summit N. 巅峰;顶点 utmost height or pinnacle; highest point (of a mountain, etc. knit V. 编织;结合 contract into wrinkles; grow together. exploit N. 壮举 deed or action, particularly a brave deed. exploit V. 开发,开拓 make use of, sometimes unjustly. adroit ADJ. 熟练,有技巧 skillful. maladroit ADJ. 搞砸的;笨拙的 clumsy; bungling. decrepit ADJ. 老化,磨损 worn out by age. affidavit N. 宣誓书 written statement made under oath. outwit V. 欺骗;瞒骗 outsmart; trick. exalt V. 晋升;赞扬 raise in rank or dignity; praise. smelt V. 冶炼;精炼 melt or blend ores, changing their chemical composition. bolt N. 门闩;螺钉;布匹的长度 door bar; fastening pin or screw; length of fabric. bolt V. 猛冲,上门闩,囫囵吞下 dash or dart off; fasten (a door); gobble down. dolt N. 愚蠢的人,蠢货 stupid person. molt V. 换毛;褪毛 shed or cast off hair or feathers. dault N. 不作为,无动于衷 failure to act. tumult N. 吵闹;混乱 commotion; riot; noise. catapult N. 弹弓;弹射器 slingshot; a hurling machine. exult V. 高兴,兴高采烈 rejoice. cant N. 伪善;黑话 insincere expressions of piety; jargon of thieves. recant V. 放弃;宣布放弃 disclaim or disavow; retract a previous statement; openly confess error. mendicant N. 乞丐 beggar. descant V. 全面而详细的讨论 discuss fully. pedant N. 学究式人物 scholar who overemphasizes book learning or technicalities. pendant N. 装饰品;首饰 ornament (hanging from a necklace, etc. abundant ADJ. 丰富,富足 plentiful; possessing riches or resources. redundant ADJ. 冗余的;多余的 superfluous; repetitious; excessivejy wordy. verdant ADJ. 翠绿的;生疏的;无经验的 green; lush in vegetation. discordant ADJ. 不和谐的;冲突的 not harmonious; conflicting. penchant N. 倾向;趣味 strong inclination; liking. trenchant ADJ. 锋利的 cutting; keen. sycophant N. 马屁精;阿谀奉承者 servile flatterer; bootlicker; yes man. pliant ADJ. 顺从的 flexible; easily influenced. compliant ADJ. 顺从 yielding. luxuriant ADJ. 丰富的,富足的;丰富多彩;肥沃的 abundant; rich and splendid; fertile. supplant V. 篡位;取代 replace; usurp. petulant ADJ. 脾气坏的 touchy; peevish. adamant ADJ. 坚硬,不动摇 hard; inflexible. dormant ADJ. 睡着的;隐匿的 sleeping; lethargic; latent. stagnant ADJ. 静止的;单调的 motionless; stale; dull. malignant ADJ. 恶性的,伤害的;致命的 injurious; tending to cause death; aggressively malevolent. repugnant ADJ. 不一致的;令人讨厌的 loathsome; hatul. remnant N. 残留物 remainder. resonant ADJ. 共鸣的 echoing; resounding; deep and full in sound. rampant ADJ. 猖獗的;滋生的;猛烈的 growing in profusion; unrestrained. flippant ADJ. 轻率的,没礼貌的,嬉皮笑脸的 lacking proper seriousness. rant V. 咆哮;激昂的演说;斥责 rave; talk excitedly; scold; make a grandiloquent speech. itinerant ADJ. 巡回的 wandering; traveling. flagrant ADJ. 非常坏的;残忍的;恶名昭著的 conspicuously wicked; blatant; outrageous. vagrant N. 无家可归的流浪者 a homeless wanderer. migrant ADJ. 移居的;候鸟的 changing its habitat; wandering. aspirant N. 有志者;有抱负的人 seeker after position or status. warrant V. 授权;证明;批准 justify; authorize. aberrant N. 不正常的 abnormal or deviant. recalcitrant ADJ. 反抗的;顽抗的 obstinately stubborn; determined to resist authority; unruly. complaisant ADJ. 彬彬有礼;殷勤 trying to please; obliging. conversant ADJ. 熟悉 familiar with.

incessant ADJ. 不停的 uninterrupted; unceasing. blatant ADJ. 喧闹;俗丽 flagrant; conspicuously obvious; loudly offensive. exorbitant ADJ. 过度的 excessive. militant ADJ. 好战的 combative; bellicose. distant ADJ. 冷漠的;远离的 reserved or aloof; cold in manner. extant ADJ. 现存的 still in existence. piquant ADJ. 开胃的;辛辣的;刺激的;淘气顽皮的 pleasantly tart-tasting; stimulating. savant N. 专家,学者 scholar. relevant ADJ. 有关的;相对的 pertinent; rerring to the case in hand. irrelevant ADJ. 不相关的,不照号的 not applicable; unrelated. flamboyant ADJ. 华丽的 ornate. buoyant ADJ. 可漂浮的,乐观的 able to float; cheerful and optimistic. clairvoyant ADJ. N. bent ADJ; N. 先天的 determined; natural talent or inclination. recumbent ADJ. 靠着的;斜躺的;不动的;休息的 reclining; lying down completely or in part. incumbent ADJ. 义不容辞的,职责在身的 obligatory; currently holding an office. adjacent ADJ. 邻近的,毗邻的 adjoining; neighboring; close by. munificent ADJ. 宽宏大量的;慷慨大方的 very generous. nascent ADJ. 初生的 incipient; coming into being. iridescent ADJ. 虹彩的 exhibiting rainbowlike colors. incandescent ADJ. 白炽的 strikingly bright; shining with intense heat. quiescent ADJ. 睡眠的;休息的;暂停活动的 at rest; dormant; temporarily inactive. opalescent ADJ. 乳白的 iridescent; lustrous. evanescent ADJ. 消散的;凋零的 fleeting; vanishing. translucent ADJ. 半透明的 partly transparent. precedent N. 先例 something preceding in time that may be used as an authority or guide for future action. strident ADJ. 刺耳的;尖锐的;坚持不懈的 loud and harsh; insistent. dissident ADJ. 持不同意见的;难于对付的 dissenting; rebellious. provident ADJ. 有远见的 displaying foresight; thrifty; preparing for emergencies. improvident ADJ. 浪费的 thriftless. transcendent ADJ. 卓越的;非比寻常的 surpassing; exceeding ordinary limits; superior. resplendent ADJ. 辉煌的;光辉的 dazzling; glorious; brilliant. despondent ADJ. 忧郁的;沮丧的 depressed; gloomy. ardent ADJ. 激烈的;热心肠的;有激情的 intense; passionate; zealous. prudent ADJ. 谨慎的 cautious; carul. imprudent ADJ. 轻率的,判断错误的 lacking caution; injudicious. agent N. 方法,工具;代表 means or instrument; personal representative; person acting in an official capacity. indigent ADJ. 穷困的 poor; destitute. indulgent ADJ. 宽容,纵容,溺爱 humoring; yielding; lenient. stringent ADJ. 严厉的;迫切的 binding; rigid. astringent ADJ. 收敛的 binding; causing contraction. pungent ADJ. 刺激的;辛辣的;尖锐的 stinging; sharp in taste or smell; caustic. cogent ADJ. 有说服力的 convincing. detergent N. 洗洁精;洗涤剂 cleansing agent. divergent ADJ. 分歧的 differing; deviating. insurgent ADJ. 造反的,起义的 rebellious. omniscient ADJ. 无所不知的 all-knowing. expedient ADJ. 合适的,有利的;策略性的 suitable; practical; politic. salient ADJ. 显著的;突出的;卓越的 prominent. resilient ADJ. 弹性的 elastic; having the power of springing back. emollient N. 缓和,安抚 soothing or softening remedy. ebullient ADJ. 热情的,激动的 showing excitement; overflowing with enthusiasm. recipient N. 接受的东西;容器 receiver. incipient ADJ. 开始;早期的 beginning; in an early stage. orient V. 确定方向;校准 get one&aposs bearings; adjust. nutrient N. 营养品 nourishing substance. prurient ADJ. 好色的;渴望的 having or causing lustful thoughts and desires. transient ADJ. 暂时的 momentary; temporary; staying for a short time. subservient ADJ. 奴隶似的;奴性的 behaving like a slave; servile; obsequious. prevalent ADJ. 普遍的;流行的 widespread; generally accepted. relent V. 变宽厚;变温和 give in. repellent ADJ. 排斥的 driving away; unattractive. redolent ADJ. 有味道的;有香味儿的 fragrant; odorous; suggestive of an odor. indolent ADJ. 懒惰 lazy. somnolent ADJ. 催眠的;半睡半醒的 half asleep. malevolent ADJ. 坏心肠的 wishing evil. benevolent ADJ. 慈善的 generous; charitable. succulent ADJ. 多汁的 juicy; full of richness. fraudulent ADJ. 欺骗的 cheating; deceitful. corpulent ADJ. 肥胖 very fat. virulent ADJ. 剧毒的 extremely poisonous; hostile; bitter. predicament N. 困境;危险的境地;两难 tricky or dangerous situation; dilemma. lament V. 悲伤,恸哭 grieve; express sorrow. filament N. 灯丝;精细的织物或线 fine thread or fiber; threadlike structure within a light bulb. temperament N. 气质;性情 characteristic frame of mind; disposition; emotional excess. bombardment N. 轰击(导弹) attack with missiles. vehement ADJ. 激烈的;热烈的 forcul; intensely emotional; with marked vigor. inclement ADJ. 险恶的;严酷的 stormy; unkind. implement V. 贯彻,实现;用工具实现 put into fect; supply with tools. complement V. 补足;完善 complete; consummate; make perfect. entitlement N. 权利 right to claim something; right to benits. embezzlement N. 偷窃,侵占 stealing. increment N. 增加 increase. denouement N. 结局;结果 outcome; final development of the plot of a play. bereavement N. 丧亲 state of being deprived of something valuable or beloved. figment N. 发明;臆造的事务 invention; imaginary thing. pigment N. 色素 coloring matter. augment V. 增长 increase; add to. encroachment N. 侵蚀;“和平演变” gradual intrusion. blandishment N. 阿谀奉承 flattery. raiment N. 衣服 clothing. impediment N. 妨碍;障碍物 hindrance; stumbling-block. liniment N. 药膏;擦油 ointment; lotion; salve. presentiment N. 预感 feeling something will happen; anticipatory fear; premonition. foment V. 鼓动,煽动 stir up; instigate. endearment N. 爱慕;爱的表示 fond statement. ferment N. 激怒;挑起骚动、暴乱 agitation; commotion. interment N. 埋葬 burial. assessment N. 评价,评估;判断 evaluation; judgment. resentment N. 怨恨;愤恨 indignation; bitterness; displeasure. document V. 书面证明 provide written evidence. eminent ADJ. 高的 high; lofty. preeminent ADJ. 出色的;出类拔萃的 outstanding; superior. imminent ADJ. 即将到来,逼近的 near at hand; impending. prominent ADJ. 显著的;突出的;卓越的 conspicuous; notable; sticking out. incontinent ADJ. 缺乏自制力,放肆 lacking self-restraint; licentious. pertinent ADJ. 说到点子上的;中肯的;有关的 To the point; relevant. impertinent ADJ. 不相干的;鲁莽的 insolent; rude. component N. 成分 element; ingredient. proponent N. 支持者;建议者 supporter; backer; opposite of opponent. rent N. 撕;裂口 rip; split. transparent ADJ. 透明的;容易检测的,明晰的 easily detected; permitting light to pass through freely. indifferent ADJ. 普通的,无关紧要的 unmoved or unconcerned by; mediocre. belligerent ADJ. 好斗的,好斗嘴的 quarrelsome. adherent N. 支持者,追随者 supporter; follower. inherent ADJ. 固有的,内在的;与生俱来的 firmly established by nature or habit. incoherent ADJ. 缺乏逻辑的,不聪明的;陈腐的 unintelligible; muddled; illogical. reverent ADJ. 尊敬的;可敬的 respectful; worshipful. deterrent N. 挫败;使气馁 something that discourages; hindrance. torrent N. 急流;洪水 rushing stream; flood. recurrent ADJ. 一遍又一遍发生的;循环发生的 occurring again and again. misrepresent V. 误传;有意制造误解 give a false or incorrect impression, often deliberately; serve unsatisfactorily as a representative. omnipresent ADJ. 无所不在的 universally present; ubiquitous. assent V. 同意;接受 agree; accept. dissent V. 反对 disagree. latent ADJ. 潜在的 potential but undeveloped; dormant; hidden. patent ADJ. 显而易见的;公开查阅的 open for the public to read; obvious. penitent ADJ. 悔过的 repentant. impenitent ADJ. 执迷不悟的 not repentant. malcontent N. 不满的;不满现状的 person dissatisfied with existing state of affairs. potent ADJ. 有效的 powerful; persuasive; greatly influential. omnipotent ADJ. 无所不能的;全能的 all-powerful.

impotent ADJ. 无能的;弱的 weak; infective. portent N. 征兆 sign; omen; forewarning. intermittent ADJ. 间歇的;断断续续的 periodic; on and off. extent N. 范围;程度 degree; magnitude; scope. subsequent ADJ. 后来的;接下来的 following; later. grandiloquent ADJ. 语言夸张的;词藻浮华的 pompous; bombastic; using highsounding language. vent N. 出口,出路 a small opening; outlet. vent V. 表达;发泄 express; utter. advent N. 到来,出现 arrival. solvent ADJ. 有偿付能力的 able to pay all debts. insolvent ADJ. 破产 bankrupt; unable to repay one&aposs debts. circumvent V. 智取;包围 outwit; baffle. fervent ADJ. 炙热的 ardent; hot. restraint N. 抑制;控制 moderation or self-control; controlling force; restriction. taint V. 污染,感染;污点 contaminate; cause to lose purity; modify with a trace of something bad. quaint ADJ. 离奇古怪的;做的精巧的;过时的 odd; old-fashioned; picturesque. feint N. 假的,淡的,不鲜明的;佯攻 trick; shift; sham blow. skinflint N. 守财奴;吝啬鬼 stingy person; miser. anoint V. 神圣化 consecrate. stint N. 供应;分配;限量分配 supply; allotted amount; assigned portion of work. stint V. 紧缩,节省 be thrifty; set limits. affront N. 侮辱,冒犯;蓄意蔑视 insult; offense; intentional act of disrespect. daunt V. 惊吓;胁迫 intimidate; frighten. gaunt ADJ. 瘦骨嶙峋,憔悴;荒芜 lean and angular; barren. jaunt N. 短途旅行 trip; short journey. flaunt V. 招摇;炫耀 display ostentatiously. recount V. 解说,告诉;重新数 narrate or tell; count over again. discount V. 漠视;解散 disregard; dismiss. paramount ADJ. 极其重要的 foremost in importance; supreme. tantamount ADJ. 同等的 equivalent in fect or value. surmount V. 克服 overcome. brunt N. 冲击 main impact or shock. upshot N. 结果 outcome. zealot N. 狂热者 fanatic; person who shows excessive zeal. polyglot ADJ. 多语言 speaking several languages. despot N. 暴君 tyrant; harsh, authoritarian ruler. adapt V. 改变 alter; modify. rapt ADJ. 迷住的;全神贯注的 absorbed; enchanted. precept N. 规则 practical rule guiding conduct. adept ADJ. 擅长于 expert at. inept ADJ. 不相称的,不合适的,不称职的 lacking skill; unsuited; incompetent. nondescript ADJ. 普通的 undistinctive; ordinary. preempt V. 排挤,代替;阻止;抢占;先发制人 head off; forestall by acting first; appropriate for oneself; supplant. unkempt ADJ. 蓬乱的;粗野的;不洁的 disheveled; uncared for in appearance. exempt ADJ. 被免除的 not subject to a duty, obligation. prompt V. 提示;鼓动;迅速及时的 cause; provoke; provide a cue for an actor. excerpt N. 摘抄,摘录 selected passage (written or musical). braggart N. 自夸,吹嘘 boaster. impart V. 赋予;告诉 reveal or tell; grant. thwart V. 阻碍;挫败 baffle; frustrate. stalwart ADJ. 坚定的;强壮的 strong, brawny; steadfast. disconcert V. 迷惑;扰乱;使难堪 confuse; upset; embarrass. inert ADJ. 惰性的,不活跃的 inactive; lacking power to move. pert ADJ. 爱管闲事的,无理的 impertinent; forward. assert V. 断言 declare or state with confidence; put oneself forward boldly. avert V. 转移;防止 prevent; turn away. revert V. 回复;故态复萌 relapse; backslide; turn back to. culvert N. 水管 artificial channel for water. invert V. 倒转,翻转 turn upside down or inside out. convert N. 改变;转换;皈依 one who has adopted a different religion or opinion. overt ADJ. 明显的;公然的 open to view. controvert V. 辩论;反驳 oppose with arguments; attempt to rute; contradict. extrovert N. 性格外向的人 person interested mostly in external objects and actions. exhort V. 劝诫,忠告 urge. rapport N. 情感的亲近;和谐 emotional closeness; harmony. transport N. 运输;狂喜 strong emotion. passport N. 护照 legal document identifying the bearer as a citizen of a country and allowing him or her to travel abroad. retort N. 反驳;曲颈甑 quick sharp reply. distort V. 扭曲,歪曲 twist out of shape. extort V. 敲诈,勒索 wring from; get money by threats, etc. blurt V. 脱口而出 utter impulsively. recast V. 重建 reconstruct (a sentence, story, etc. downcast ADJ. 沮丧 disheartened; sad. steadfast ADJ. 坚定的;不渝的;忠诚的 loyal; unswerving. aghast ADJ. 吓坏了的 horrified. ballast N. 配重;沙袋 heavy substance used to add stability or weight. repast N. 餐;宴会 meal; feast; banquet. manifest ADJ. 明白的,显然的;证明,表现 evident; visible; obvious. arrest V. 阻止;引起注意;吸引 stop or slow down; catch someone&aposs attention. attest V. 证明 testify, bear witness. divest V. 剥夺 strip; deprive. pacifist N. 和平主义者 one opposed to force; antimilitarist. gist N. 精华 essence. suffragist N. 扩大参政权;扩大妇女参政权 advocate of voting rights (for women). ecologist N. 生态学家 a person concerned with the interrelationship between living organisms and their environment. ornithologist N. 鸟类学家 scientific student of birds. cardiologist N. 心脏病专家 doctor specializing in the heart. apologist N. 辩护者 one who writes in dense of a cause or institution. anthropologist N. 人类学家 a student of the history and science of mankind. dermatologist N. 皮肤病专家 one who studies the skin and its diseases. masochist N. 受虐狂 person who enjoys his own pain. anarchist N. 无政府主义者 person who seeks to overturn the established government; advocate of abolishing authority. list V. 倾斜 tilt; lean over. pugilist N. 拳击家 boxer. nihilist N. 虚无主义者 one who believes traditional belis to be groundless and existence meaningless; absolute skeptic; revolutionary terrorist. somnambulist N. 梦游症患者 sleepwalker. polygamist N. 多配偶 one who has more than one spouse at a time. optimist N. 乐观者 person who looks on the good side. chauvinist N. 盲目爱国主义 blindly devoted patriot. hedonist N. 享乐主义者 one who believes that pleasure is the sole aim in life. opportunist N. 机会主义者 individual who sacrifices principles for expediency by taking advantage of circumstances. jingoist N. 狂热好战分子;侵略主义者 extremely aggressive and militant patriot; warlike chauvinist. philanthropist N. 慈善家 lover of mankind; doer of good. podiatrist N. 足病医生 doctor who treats ailments of the feet. narcissist N. 自我陶醉的人;逞能的人 conceited person; someone in love with his own image. deatist ADJ. 失败主义者 attitude of one who is ready to accept deat as a natural outcome. pragmatist N. 爱管闲事的人;实用主义者 practical person. numismatist N. 硬币收藏家 person who collects coins. ventriloquist N. 口技表演者 someone who can make his or her voice seem to come from another person or thing. accost V. 搭讪,邂逅 approach and speak first to a person. host N. 很多;主人;宿主 great number; person entertaining guests; animal or plant from which a parasite gets its nourishment. robust ADJ. 健壮的 vigorous; strong. august ADJ. 威严的;令人印象深刻的 impressive; majestic. oust V. 剥夺;驱逐 expel; drive out. catalyst N. 催化剂 agent which brings about a chemical change while it remains unaffected and unchanged. tryst N. 约会;幽会 meeting. boycott V. 抵制 rrain from buying or using. taut ADJ. 紧张的;整洁的 tight; ready. abut V. 毗邻 border upon; adjoin. glut V. 充斥;过量 overstock; fill to excess. gamut N. 整个领域 entire range. lout N. 笨人,呆子 clumsy person. Clout N. 巨大的影响(政治社会) great influence (especially political or social). flout V. 轻视;嘲笑;愚弄 reject; mock. rout V. 吓跑;赶出;击退 stampede; drive out. tout V. 吹捧 publicize; praise excessively. devout ADJ. 虔诚的;诚恳的 pious. strut N. 支柱 supporting bar. strut N. 大摇大摆;高视阔步 pompous walk; swagger. pretext N. 借口;托辞 excuse. SAT巴朗单词3500 T部分SAT巴朗单词3500 T部分SAT巴朗单词3500 T部分

T browbeat V. 吓唬 bully; intimidate. entreat V. 恳求 plead; ask earnestly. turncoat N. 叛徒;叛逆者 traitor. scapegoat N. 替罪羊 someone who bears the blame for others. gloat V. 垂涎;幸灾乐祸,洋洋得意 express evil satisfaction; view malevolently. spat N. 争论;口角;扇巴掌 squabble; minor dispute. carat N. 克拉;开;K unit of weight for precious stones; measure of fineness of gold. squat ADJ. 矮壮的;又短又厚的;蹲着的 stocky; short and thick. artifact N. 人造物品 object made by human beings, either handmade or mass-produced. pact N. 和约;条约 agreement; treaty. compact ADJ. 紧密的,结实的 tightly packed; firm; bri. compact N. 合约,合同 agreement; contract. cataract N. 大瀑布;白内障 great waterfall; eye abnormality. tract N. 地域;小册子 region of land (often imprecisely described); pamphlet. retract V. 撤回,撤退 withdraw; take back. protract V. 延长 prolong. abstract ADJ. 抽象的 theoretical; not concrete; nonrepresentational. abject ADJ. 穷困潦倒,卑微 wretched; lacking pride. dlect V. 反射,偏转 turn aside. intellect N. 智力 higher mental powers. circumspect ADJ. 慎重;周到 prudent; cautious. edict N. 法令,号令;布告 decree (especially issued by a sovereign); official command. indict V. 控告;起诉 charge. derelict ADJ. 遗弃的;废弃的 abandoned; negligent. depict V. 描述 portray. sacrosanct ADJ. 非常神圣的 most sacred; inviolable. succinct ADJ. 简洁的;紧身的 bri; terse; compact. precinct N. 行政区 district or division of a city. dunct ADJ. 死的;不存在的,报废的 dead; no longer in use or existence. adjunct N. 无用的附加物 something added on or attached (generally nonessential or inferior). abet V. 帮助,鼓励 aid, usually in doing something wrong; encourage. facet N. (宝石的)琢面;方面 small plane surface (of a gem); a side. dulcet ADJ. 甜美的(声音) sweet sounding. buffet N. 自助餐 table with food set out for people to serve themselves; meal at which people help themselves to food that&aposs been set out. buffet V. 殴打,斗殴 slap; batter; knock about. beget V. 得子;产生 father; produce; give rise to. epithet N. 绰号 word or phrase characteristically used to describe a person or thing. whet V. 锐化;刺激 sharpen; stimulate. disquiet V. 使焦虑,使难受 make uneasy or anxious. trinket N. 小玩意儿;密谋 knickknack; bauble. amulet N. 护身符 charm; talisman. rivulet N. 小溪 small stream. plummet V. 垂直落下 fall sharply. gourmet N. 品尝家;美食比赛的评委 connoisseur of food and drink. tenet N. 原则;信条 doctrine; dogma. martinet N. 严格纪律的人 strict disciplinarian. fret V. 被激怒 to be annoyed or vexed. ferret V. 侦查;搜出;赶出 drive or hunt out of hiding. beset V. 困扰 harass or trouble; hem in. onset N. 开始,发作,肇端;攻击 beginning; attack. graft N. 移植;移植物;嫁接 piece of transplanted tissue; portion of plant inserted in another plant. waft V. 飘荡;信号 moved gently by wind or waves. dt ADJ. 灵巧的,敏锐地 neat; skillful. Clt N. 裂缝;开裂 split. bert ADJ. 失去的,缺少的 deprived of; lacking; desolate because of a loss. rift N. 裂缝;破口 opening; break. spendthrift N. 挥霍的人 someone who wastes money. aloft ADV. 向上 upward. sleight N. 灵巧的 dexterity. plight N. 情况,状况;困境 condition, state (especially a bad state or condition); predicament. slight N. 怠慢;斥责;侮辱 insult to one&aposs dignity; snub. forthright ADJ. 坦率的;豪爽的 outspoken; straightforward; frank. foresight N. 洞察力 ability to foresee future happenings; prudence. fraught ADJ. 满的 filled. distraught ADJ. 使悲伤;使焦虑 upset; distracted by anxiety. overwrought ADJ. 歇斯底里的 extremely agitated; hysterical. bait V. 欺负,玩弄,折磨 harass; tease. gait N. 步态,步法;速度 manner of walking or running; speed. inhibit V. 限制,防止;阻碍 restrain; retard or prevent. gambit N. 弃子抢先 opening in chess in which a piece is sacrificed. tacit ADJ. 默许的;会意的 understood; not put into words. elicit V. 得出 draw out by discussion. illicit ADJ. 非法的 illegal. solicit V. 恳求 request earnestly; seek. implicit ADJ. 会意的,意会而不言传;暗示的 understood but not stated. explicit ADJ. 清晰的;坦率的 totally clear; dinite; outspoken. discredit V. 不信任;丢脸 dame; destroy confidence in; disbelieve. pundit N. 博学者;梵文学家 authority on a subject; learned person; expert. audit N. 核算,稽核 examination of accounts. plaudit N. 喝彩 enthusiastically worded approval; round of applause. conceit N. 自负,自大;离奇古怪的想法 vanity or self-love; whimsical idea; extravagant metaphor. surfeit V. 饮食过度;恶心 satiate; stuff; indulge to excess in anything. discomfit V. 扰乱 put to rout; deat; disconcert. flit V. 掠过 fly; dart lightly; pass swiftly by. summit N. 巅峰;顶点 utmost height or pinnacle; highest point (of a mountain, etc. knit V. 编织;结合 contract into wrinkles; grow together. exploit N. 壮举 deed or action, particularly a brave deed. exploit V. 开发,开拓 make use of, sometimes unjustly. adroit ADJ. 熟练,有技巧 skillful. maladroit ADJ. 搞砸的;笨拙的 clumsy; bungling. decrepit ADJ. 老化,磨损 worn out by age. affidavit N. 宣誓书 written statement made under oath. outwit V. 欺骗;瞒骗 outsmart; trick. exalt V. 晋升;赞扬 raise in rank or dignity; praise. smelt V. 冶炼;精炼 melt or blend ores, changing their chemical composition. bolt N. 门闩;螺钉;布匹的长度 door bar; fastening pin or screw; length of fabric. bolt V. 猛冲,上门闩,囫囵吞下 dash or dart off; fasten (a door); gobble down. dolt N. 愚蠢的人,蠢货 stupid person. molt V. 换毛;褪毛 shed or cast off hair or feathers. dault N. 不作为,无动于衷 failure to act. tumult N. 吵闹;混乱 commotion; riot; noise. catapult N. 弹弓;弹射器 slingshot; a hurling machine. exult V. 高兴,兴高采烈 rejoice. cant N. 伪善;黑话 insincere expressions of piety; jargon of thieves. recant V. 放弃;宣布放弃 disclaim or disavow; retract a previous statement; openly confess error. mendicant N. 乞丐 beggar. descant V. 全面而详细的讨论 discuss fully. pedant N. 学究式人物 scholar who overemphasizes book learning or technicalities. pendant N. 装饰品;首饰 ornament (hanging from a necklace, etc. abundant ADJ. 丰富,富足 plentiful; possessing riches or resources. redundant ADJ. 冗余的;多余的 superfluous; repetitious; excessivejy wordy. verdant ADJ. 翠绿的;生疏的;无经验的 green; lush in vegetation. discordant ADJ. 不和谐的;冲突的 not harmonious; conflicting. penchant N. 倾向;趣味 strong inclination; liking. trenchant ADJ. 锋利的 cutting; keen. sycophant N. 马屁精;阿谀奉承者 servile flatterer; bootlicker; yes man. pliant ADJ. 顺从的 flexible; easily influenced. compliant ADJ. 顺从 yielding. luxuriant ADJ. 丰富的,富足的;丰富多彩;肥沃的 abundant; rich and splendid; fertile. supplant V. 篡位;取代 replace; usurp. petulant ADJ. 脾气坏的 touchy; peevish. adamant ADJ. 坚硬,不动摇 hard; inflexible. dormant ADJ. 睡着的;隐匿的 sleeping; lethargic; latent. stagnant ADJ. 静止的;单调的 motionless; stale; dull. malignant ADJ. 恶性的,伤害的;致命的 injurious; tending to cause death; aggressively malevolent. repugnant ADJ. 不一致的;令人讨厌的 loathsome; hatul. remnant N. 残留物 remainder. resonant ADJ. 共鸣的 echoing; resounding; deep and full in sound. rampant ADJ. 猖獗的;滋生的;猛烈的 growing in profusion; unrestrained. flippant ADJ. 轻率的,没礼貌的,嬉皮笑脸的 lacking proper seriousness. rant V. 咆哮;激昂的演说;斥责 rave; talk excitedly; scold; make a grandiloquent speech. itinerant ADJ. 巡回的 wandering; traveling. flagrant ADJ. 非常坏的;残忍的;恶名昭著的 conspicuously wicked; blatant; outrageous. vagrant N. 无家可归的流浪者 a homeless wanderer. migrant ADJ. 移居的;候鸟的 changing its habitat; wandering. aspirant N. 有志者;有抱负的人 seeker after position or status. warrant V. 授权;证明;批准 justify; authorize. aberrant N. 不正常的 abnormal or deviant. recalcitrant ADJ. 反抗的;顽抗的 obstinately stubborn; determined to resist authority; unruly. complaisant ADJ. 彬彬有礼;殷勤 trying to please; obliging. conversant ADJ. 熟悉 familiar with.





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