SAT单词巴朗3500 U-Y.

2017-08-05 作者: 186阅读

U milieu N. 环境;(社会)背景 environment; means of expression. impromptu ADJ. 一时冲动的;即兴的 without previous preparation; off the cuff; on the spur of the moment. W guffaw N. 狂笑,哄笑 boisterous laughter. eschew V. 避免 avoid. askew ADJ. 歪斜 crookedly; slanted; at an angle. strew V. 散开;随意散开;散播 spread randomly; sprinkle; scatter. foreshadow V. 预言;预测 give an indication borehand; portend; prefigure. low V. 牛叫,哞 moo. bungalow N. 小平房 small cottage. callow ADJ. 年幼,稚嫩;无经验 youthful; immature; inexperienced. fallow ADJ. 休耕地;潜伏的;不活跃的 plowed but not sowed; uncultivated. wallow V. 打滚;沉湎;堕落 roll in; indulge in; become helpless. winnow V. 扬谷;分出好坏 sift; separate good parts from bad. bestow V. 给予 give. avow V. 宣布 declare openly. X Iax ADJ. 粗心 careless. anticlimax N. 反高潮,突降 letdown in thought or emotion. hoax N. 伎俩;小聪明 trick; practical joke. wax V. 增长 increase; grow. annex V. 接手 attach; take possession of. apex N. 高点,顶点,高潮 tip; summit; climax. vertex N. 顶点 summit. vortex N. 漩涡;漩涡中心;(争斗、讨论的)中心 whirlwind; whirlpool; center of turbulence; predicament into which one is inexorably plunged. vex N. 激怒;惹恼 annoy; distress. convex ADJ. 凸的 curving outward. affix V. 增加,附于 fasten; attach; add on. phoenix N. 凤凰(象征不死和重生、涅磐) symbol of immortality or rebirth. paradox N. 悖论;佯谬 something apparently contradictory in nature; statement that looks false but is actually correct. orthodox ADJ. 传统的;保守的 traditional; conservative in beli. heterodox ADJ. 非主流;异端 unorthodox; unconventional. lummox N. 大而笨重的(通常指人) big, clumsy, often stupid person. equinox N. 昼夜平分点,春分,秋分 period of equal days and nights; the beginning of Spring and Autumn. flux N. 变迁;流动 flowing; series of changes. influx N. 注入,流入 flowing into. Y heyday N. 鼎盛时期 time of greatest success; prime. allay V. 平静下来,(使)冷静下来 calm; pacify. waylay V. 埋伏;伏击;抢劫 ambush; lie in wait. dismay V. 使沮丧;使害怕 discourage; frighten. fray N. 争吵 brawl. dray V. 偿付 pay the costs of. array V. 衣服;穿着,装饰 clothe; adorn. array V. 排列;整理 marshal; draw up in order. betray V. 出卖;背叛 be unfaithful; reveal (unconsciously or unwillingly). gainsay V. 否认,拒绝 deny. assay V. 分析;化验 analyze; evaluate. quay N. 码头 dock; landing place. ficacy N. 功效 power to produce desired fect. advocacy N. 支持,辩护 support; active pleading on something&aposs behalf. legacy N. 遗赠 a gift made by a will. intimacy N. 亲密;隐私 closeness, often affectionate; privacy; familiarity. theocracy N. 神权政治 government run by religious leaders. aristocracy N. 贵族 hereditary nobility; privileged class. plutocracy N. 富豪统治 society ruled by the wealthy. bureaucracy N. 官僚机构 over-regulated administrative system marked by red tape. ascendancy N. 统治,控制 controlling influence; domination. fancy N. 爱好;奇特;想象 notion; whim; inclination. necromancy N. 巫术,妖术,招魂术 black magic; dealings with the dead. poignancy N. 强烈的;感人的;尖锐的 quality of being deeply moving; keenness of emotion. discrepancy N. 相差;缺乏一致 lack of consistency; difference. complacency N. 自满;装模作样 self-satisfaction; smugness. exigency N. 紧急情况 urgent situation. leniency N. 温和;宽大,仁慈 mildness; permissiveness. clemency N. 温和;仁慈 disposition to be lenient; mildness, as of the weather. inconsistency N. 不一致的,自相矛盾的 state of being self-contradictory; lack of uniformity or steadiness. fluency N. (语言)流利 smoothness of speech. malady N. 疾病 illness. toady N. 谄媚的人;马屁精 servile flatterer; yes man. eddy N. 漩涡 swirling current of water, air, etc. giddy ADJ. 眼花缭乱 light-hearted; dizzy. shoddy ADJ. 以次充好的;赝品 sham; not genuine; inferior. ruddy ADJ. 红的;红润的,白里透红的;健康的 reddish; healthy-looking. seedy ADJ. 破烂不堪的;褴褛的;不合适的 run-down; decrepit; disreputable. subsidy N. 政府的补助 direct financial aid by government, etc. unwieldy ADJ. 糟糕的;笨拙的 awkward; cumbersome; unmanageable. bandy V. 传话 discuss lightly or glibly; exchange (words) heatedly. embody V. 具体化;包含,收录 personify; make concrete; incorporate. parody N. 拙劣的模仿 humorous imitation; spoof; takeoff; travesty. hardy ADJ. 艰苦的;勇敢的 sturdy; robust; able to stand inclement weather. foolhardy ADJ. 愚勇的;傻大胆儿 rash. gaudy ADJ. 华而不实的 flashy; showy. bawdy ADJ. 猥亵的;下流的;卖淫的 indecent; obscene. dowdy ADJ. 邋遢的;衣衫不整 slovenly; untidy. medley N. 混合 mixture. motley ADJ. 多彩的,杂色的;混合的 multi-colored; mixed. prey N. 猎物;受害人,牺牲品 target of a hunt; victim. odyssey N. 长期的冒险旅行 long, eventful journey. stupy V. 使麻木;使大吃一惊 make numb; stun; amaze. pacify V. 安抚;平静 soothe; make calm or quiet; subdue. edify V. 教导;启迪,陶冶 instruct; correct morally. codify V. 编纂 arrange (laws, rules) as a code; classify. deify V. 神化 turn into a god; idolize. vilify V. 诽谤;辱骂 slander. mollify V. 平息;安抚 soothe. nullify V. 使无效 to make invalid. amplify V. 放大 broaden or clarify by expanding; intensify; make stronger. exemplify V. 作为典型;具体化 serve as an example of; embody. ramify V. 分支;分开 divide into branches or subdivisions. petrify V. 石化 turn to stone. ossify V. 硬化;骨化;化石化 change or harden into bone. ratify V. 批准,认可 approve formally; confirm; verify. gratify V. 取悦 please. stratify V. 分门别类;分类;分层 divide into classes; be arranged into strata. rectify V. 纠正 set right; correct. stultify V. 使徒劳;使显得愚笨;拆台,办难堪 cause to appear or become stupid or inconsistent; frustrate or hinder. mortify V. 侮辱;体罚 humiliate; punish the flesh. mystify V. 迷惑,蛊惑 bewilder purposely. demystify V. 澄清;揭秘 clarify; free from mystery or obscurity. stodgy ADJ. 乏味的;保守的 stuffy; boringly conservative.

elegy N. 挽歌,悲歌 poem or song expressing lamentation. muggy ADJ. 又热又潮的(天气) warm and damp. prodigy N. 奇才;天才 marvel; highly gifted child. figy N. 假人(被人憎恨的,如秦桧) dummy. pedagogy N. 教育学 teaching; art of education. genealogy N. 家谱 record of descent; lineage. analogy N. 类比,相似 similarity; parallelism. archaeology N. 考古学 study of artifacts and relics of early mankind. ideology N. 意识形态 system of ideas of a group. ornithology N. 鸟类学 study of birds. anthology N. 选集 book of literary selections by various authors. philology N. 语言学 study of language. entomology N. 昆虫学 study of insects. etymology N. 语源学 study of word parts. terminology N. 术语学 terms used in a science or art. paleontology N. 古生物学 study of prehistoric life. tautology N. 同义反复 unnecessary repetition. ichthyology N. 鱼类学 study of fish. eulogy N. 颂词;赞美词 expression of praise, often on the occasion of someone&aposs death. orgy N. 放荡,旷野;纵酒狂欢 wild, drunken revelry; unrestrained indulgence in a tendency. oligarchy N. 寡头政治 government by a privileged few. anarchy N. 无政府主义 absence of governing body; state of disorder. monarchy N. 君主制;君主整体 government under a single ruler. hierarchy N. 分级,排序了的 arrangement by rank or standing; authoritarian body divided into ranks. touchy ADJ. 暴躁的;难以处理的;易上火的 sensitive; irascible. calligraphy N. 漂亮的书法 beautiful writing; excellent penmanship. choreography N. 舞蹈术;舞蹈记谱 art of representing dances in written symbols; arrangement of dances. topography N. 拓扑学 physical features of a region. atrophy N. 萎缩,变得没用 wasting away. apathy N. 漠不关心 lack of caring; indifference. antipathy N. 反对,厌恶 aversion; dislike. empathy N. 移情作用,心入 ability to identify with another&aposs feelings, ideas, etc. pithy ADJ. 精炼的;抓住灵魂的 concise; meaningful; substantial; meaty. earthy ADJ. 粗糙的;未加工的 unrined; coarse. swarthy ADJ. 暗的;有雾的 dark; dusky. finicky ADJ. 过分讲究;鸡毛蒜皮 too particular; fussy. murky ADJ. 暗的,模糊的,暧昧的 dark and gloomy; thick with fog; vague. musky ADJ. 麝香味儿的 having the odor of musk. anomaly N. 不正常 irregularity. treacly ADJ. 甜蜜的 sticky sweet; cloyingly sentimental. worldly ADJ. 世俗的 engrossed in matters of this earth; not spiritual. gamely ADV. 勇敢的,有精神的 bravely; with spirit. comely ADJ. 清秀,美丽,漂亮;有吸引力的 attractive; agreeable. gadfly N. 牛蝇;招人烦的人 animal-biting fly; an irritating person. unerringly ADJ. 正确无误的 infallibly. wily ADJ. 狡猾的 cunning; artful. rally V. 复原,恢复;召集,集合 call up or summon (forces, vital powers, etc. sully V. 弄脏;玷污 tarnish; soil. seemly ADJ. 适宜的,合适的 proper; appropriate. unseemly ADJ. 不体面的 unbecoming; indecent; in poor taste. slovenly ADJ. 邋遢的;漫不经心的 untidy; careless in work habits. ungainly ADJ. 糟糕的;笨拙的 awkward; clumsy; unwieldy. melancholy ADJ. 忧郁 gloomy; morose; blue. imply V. 暗示;表示 suggest a meaning not expressed; signify. gingerly ADV. 小心翼翼地 very carully. miserly ADJ. 吝啬的;贪婪的;坏的 stingy; mean. burly ADJ. 魁伟,结实 husky; muscular. surly ADJ. 粗暴的;阴沉的;板着脸的;无礼的 rude; cross. grisly ADJ. 毛骨悚然的;恐怖的,可怕的 ghastly. unsightly ADJ. 难看的 ugly. inadvertently ADV. 不经意的 unintentionally; by oversight; carelessly. portly ADJ. 健壮的;肥胖的;魁梧的 stately; stout. ghastly ADJ. 恐怖的 horrible. unruly ADJ. 不服从的;倔强的 disobedient; lawless. seamy ADJ. 丑恶的;露出嘴脸的 sordid; unwholesome. alchemy N. 炼金术士 medieval chemistry. blasphemy N. 亵渎 irreverence; sacrilege; cursing. balmy ADJ. 柔和的;芳香的 mild; fragrant. economy N. 俭省节约的,经济的 ficiency or conciseness in using something. miscellany N. 杂记 mixture of writings on various subjects. litany N. 连续虔诚的祈祷 supplicatory prayer. zany ADJ. 滑稽的;疯狂的 crazy; comic. larceny N. 盗窃 tht. progeny N. 后裔 children; offspring. ignominy N. 丢脸;抹黑;耻辱 deep disgrace; shame or dishonor. calumny N. 诽谤;中伤 malicious misrepresentation; slander. canny ADJ. 谨慎的;节约的 shrewd; thrifty. uncanny ADJ. 离奇的 strange; mysterious. tyranny N. 暴政;专制 oppression; cruel government. whinny V. 马嘶 neigh like a horse. alimony N. (离婚后的)生活费,抚养费 payment by a husband to his divorced wife (or vice versa). parsimony N. 过度俭省;吝啬 stinginess; excessive frugality. irony N. 反话;讽刺 hidden sarcasm or satire; use of words that seem to mean the opposite of what they actually mean. monotony N. 千篇一律的 sameness leading to boredom. puny ADJ. 不显著的;不明显的;细微的 insignificant; tiny; weak. decoy N. 引诱 lure or bait. killjoy N. 扫兴的人;煞风景 grouch; spoilsport. alloy V. 混合,中和 mix; make less pure; lessen or moderate. alloy N. 合金 a mixture as of metals. deploy V. 散开;部署 spread out [troops] in an extended though shallow battle line. raspy ADJ. 刺耳的;焦躁的 grating; harsh. wispy ADJ. 纤细的;脆弱的 thin; slight; barely discernible. quandary N. 两难的困境 dilemma. chary ADJ. 谨慎;吝啬 cautious; sparing or restrained about giving. beniciary N. (遗产)受益人 person entitled to benits or proceeds of an insurance policy or will. subsidiary ADJ. 次要的;辅助的 subordinate; secondary. incendiary N. 纵火者 arsonist. auxiliary ADJ. 辅助的 helper, additional or subsidiary. pecuniary ADJ. 钱的,货币的 pertaining to money. apiary N. 蜂房 a place where bees are kept. aviary N. 鸟舍 enclosure for birds. ancillary ADJ. 辅助的 serving as an aid or accessory; auxiliary. corollary N. 结果,产物 consequence; accompaniment. epistolary ADJ. 书信的 consisting of letters. SAT单词巴朗3500 U-YSAT单词巴朗3500 U-Y

U milieu N. 环境;(社会)背景 environment; means of expression. impromptu ADJ. 一时冲动的;即兴的 without previous preparation; off the cuff; on the spur of the moment. W guffaw N. 狂笑,哄笑 boisterous laughter. eschew V. 避免 avoid. askew ADJ. 歪斜 crookedly; slanted; at an angle. strew V. 散开;随意散开;散播 spread randomly; sprinkle; scatter. foreshadow V. 预言;预测 give an indication borehand; portend; prefigure. low V. 牛叫,哞 moo. bungalow N. 小平房 small cottage. callow ADJ. 年幼,稚嫩;无经验 youthful; immature; inexperienced. fallow ADJ. 休耕地;潜伏的;不活跃的 plowed but not sowed; uncultivated. wallow V. 打滚;沉湎;堕落 roll in; indulge in; become helpless. winnow V. 扬谷;分出好坏 sift; separate good parts from bad. bestow V. 给予 give. avow V. 宣布 declare openly. X Iax ADJ. 粗心 careless. anticlimax N. 反高潮,突降 letdown in thought or emotion. hoax N. 伎俩;小聪明 trick; practical joke. wax V. 增长 increase; grow. annex V. 接手 attach; take possession of. apex N. 高点,顶点,高潮 tip; summit; climax. vertex N. 顶点 summit. vortex N. 漩涡;漩涡中心;(争斗、讨论的)中心 whirlwind; whirlpool; center of turbulence; predicament into which one is inexorably plunged. vex N. 激怒;惹恼 annoy; distress. convex ADJ. 凸的 curving outward. affix V. 增加,附于 fasten; attach; add on. phoenix N. 凤凰(象征不死和重生、涅磐) symbol of immortality or rebirth. paradox N. 悖论;佯谬 something apparently contradictory in nature; statement that looks false but is actually correct. orthodox ADJ. 传统的;保守的 traditional; conservative in beli. heterodox ADJ. 非主流;异端 unorthodox; unconventional. lummox N. 大而笨重的(通常指人) big, clumsy, often stupid person. equinox N. 昼夜平分点,春分,秋分 period of equal days and nights; the beginning of Spring and Autumn. flux N. 变迁;流动 flowing; series of changes. influx N. 注入,流入 flowing into. Y heyday N. 鼎盛时期 time of greatest success; prime. allay V. 平静下来,(使)冷静下来 calm; pacify. waylay V. 埋伏;伏击;抢劫 ambush; lie in wait. dismay V. 使沮丧;使害怕 discourage; frighten. fray N. 争吵 brawl. dray V. 偿付 pay the costs of. array V. 衣服;穿着,装饰 clothe; adorn. array V. 排列;整理 marshal; draw up in order. betray V. 出卖;背叛 be unfaithful; reveal (unconsciously or unwillingly). gainsay V. 否认,拒绝 deny. assay V. 分析;化验 analyze; evaluate. quay N. 码头 dock; landing place. ficacy N. 功效 power to produce desired fect. advocacy N. 支持,辩护 support; active pleading on something&aposs behalf. legacy N. 遗赠 a gift made by a will. intimacy N. 亲密;隐私 closeness, often affectionate; privacy; familiarity. theocracy N. 神权政治 government run by religious leaders. aristocracy N. 贵族 hereditary nobility; privileged class. plutocracy N. 富豪统治 society ruled by the wealthy. bureaucracy N. 官僚机构 over-regulated administrative system marked by red tape. ascendancy N. 统治,控制 controlling influence; domination. fancy N. 爱好;奇特;想象 notion; whim; inclination. necromancy N. 巫术,妖术,招魂术 black magic; dealings with the dead. poignancy N. 强烈的;感人的;尖锐的 quality of being deeply moving; keenness of emotion. discrepancy N. 相差;缺乏一致 lack of consistency; difference. complacency N. 自满;装模作样 self-satisfaction; smugness. exigency N. 紧急情况 urgent situation. leniency N. 温和;宽大,仁慈 mildness; permissiveness. clemency N. 温和;仁慈 disposition to be lenient; mildness, as of the weather. inconsistency N. 不一致的,自相矛盾的 state of being self-contradictory; lack of uniformity or steadiness. fluency N. (语言)流利 smoothness of speech. malady N. 疾病 illness. toady N. 谄媚的人;马屁精 servile flatterer; yes man. eddy N. 漩涡 swirling current of water, air, etc. giddy ADJ. 眼花缭乱 light-hearted; dizzy. shoddy ADJ. 以次充好的;赝品 sham; not genuine; inferior. ruddy ADJ. 红的;红润的,白里透红的;健康的 reddish; healthy-looking. seedy ADJ. 破烂不堪的;褴褛的;不合适的 run-down; decrepit; disreputable. subsidy N. 政府的补助 direct financial aid by government, etc. unwieldy ADJ. 糟糕的;笨拙的 awkward; cumbersome; unmanageable. bandy V. 传话 discuss lightly or glibly; exchange (words) heatedly. embody V. 具体化;包含,收录 personify; make concrete; incorporate. parody N. 拙劣的模仿 humorous imitation; spoof; takeoff; travesty. hardy ADJ. 艰苦的;勇敢的 sturdy; robust; able to stand inclement weather. foolhardy ADJ. 愚勇的;傻大胆儿 rash. gaudy ADJ. 华而不实的 flashy; showy. bawdy ADJ. 猥亵的;下流的;卖淫的 indecent; obscene. dowdy ADJ. 邋遢的;衣衫不整 slovenly; untidy. medley N. 混合 mixture. motley ADJ. 多彩的,杂色的;混合的 multi-colored; mixed. prey N. 猎物;受害人,牺牲品 target of a hunt; victim. odyssey N. 长期的冒险旅行 long, eventful journey. stupy V. 使麻木;使大吃一惊 make numb; stun; amaze. pacify V. 安抚;平静 soothe; make calm or quiet; subdue. edify V. 教导;启迪,陶冶 instruct; correct morally. codify V. 编纂 arrange (laws, rules) as a code; classify. deify V. 神化 turn into a god; idolize. vilify V. 诽谤;辱骂 slander. mollify V. 平息;安抚 soothe. nullify V. 使无效 to make invalid. amplify V. 放大 broaden or clarify by expanding; intensify; make stronger. exemplify V. 作为典型;具体化 serve as an example of; embody. ramify V. 分支;分开 divide into branches or subdivisions. petrify V. 石化 turn to stone. ossify V. 硬化;骨化;化石化 change or harden into bone. ratify V. 批准,认可 approve formally; confirm; verify. gratify V. 取悦 please. stratify V. 分门别类;分类;分层 divide into classes; be arranged into strata. rectify V. 纠正 set right; correct. stultify V. 使徒劳;使显得愚笨;拆台,办难堪 cause to appear or become stupid or inconsistent; frustrate or hinder. mortify V. 侮辱;体罚 humiliate; punish the flesh. mystify V. 迷惑,蛊惑 bewilder purposely. demystify V. 澄清;揭秘 clarify; free from mystery or obscurity. stodgy ADJ. 乏味的;保守的 stuffy; boringly conservative. 上12下




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