
2017-08-05 作者: 355阅读

Questions 30-35 rer to the following passage.(P411) (1) A castle is not the same thing as a palace, though some people use the terms “castle” and “palace” interchangeably. (2) Castle are fortified dwellings, built by feudal lords of the Middle Ages. (3) Their stone walls, moats, iron gates, and drawbridges were designed to ward off marauding plunderers and hostile armies. (4)Small windows in castle walls allowed archers to shoot at intruders from positions of comparative safety. (5) But even welcomed guests would have found castles less than inviting. (6) In royal palaces there were to be found many comforts that medieval castles did not offer. (7) These had dark dungeons and damp, drafty living quarters in instead. (8) Though castles were made obsolete by the invention of the cannon in the fourteenth century, many survive to the present day as fascinating relics of a bygone era. (9) These structures, which were designed to keep people at a distance, now attract visitors from all over the world. (10) There are scores of medieval castles located throughout Europe. (11) Some, like Eilean Donan Castle and the Chateau de Chambonneau, are well-maintained tourist attractions. (12) In one Welsh village, the decaying remnants of a castle sit beside cozy brick houses on an ordinary street. 30. Of the following, which would most improve the first paragraph (sentences 1-7)? (A) Providing a bri summary of medieval history (B) Tracing the origin of the word “castle” (C) Explaining more fully what a palace is (D) Placing sentence 7 immediately after sentence 1 (E) Deleting sentence 3 31. which of the following sentences, if inserted immediately after sentence 3, would most fectively link sentences 3 and 4? (A) These walls were built by laborers known as “serfs.” (B) Drawbridges had been in use since ancient times. (C) Those who died such obstacles did so at their peril. (D) Under feudalism, all land was considered property of the king. (E) Still, not all visitors came with hostile intentions. 32. In context, which of the following is the best way to combine sentence 6 and 7 (reproduced below)? In royal palaces there were to be found many comforts that medieval castles did not offer. These had dark dungeons and damp, drafty living quarters in instead. (A) Because medieval castles had dark dungeons and damp, drafty living quarters, royal palaces offered many more comforts than could be found there. (B) Lacking many comforts compared to royal palaces, medieval castles instead offered dark dungeons and damp, drafty living quarters. (C) While medieval castles offered only dark dungeons and damp, drafty living quarters, many comforts were to be found in royal palaces. (D) Unlike medieval castles, royal palaces offered many comforts not found in dark dungeons and damp, drafty living quarters. (E) With their dark dungeons and damp, drafty living quarters, medieval castles offered few of the comforts to be found in royal palaces. 33. Which of the following would most appropriately be inserted at the beginning of sentence 9? (A) Actually, (B) Basically, (C) Ironically, (D) By contrast (E) In retrospect, 34. which of the following sentences would best be inserted between sentence 11 and 12? (A) But not all castles can be considered obsolete. (B) Elsewhere, the environment may be a factor. (C) However, many travelers prer to avoid such “tourist traps”. (D) Others crumble away in relative obscurity. (E) Besides, appearances are often misleading. 35. which of the following sentences would most fectively be placed after sentence 12 ? (A) In the final analysis, palaces are actually little more than luxurious castles. (B) There, medieval austerity stands in bold reli against a background of modern comfort. (C) The decline of the castle’s importance as an architectural form coincided with the transformation of medieval society. (D) In the United States, imposing structures like Hearst’s Castle are not really castles in the strictest sense of the world. (E) Eilean Donan Castle was named for a 7th-century saint who lived as a hermit in the Scottish Highlands


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