
2017-08-05 作者: 297阅读


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  1.A major abstract expressionist painter, Willem de Kooning is best known for having controversial paintings of women.

  Answer Choices

  (A) for having

  (B) for the

  (C) for his

  (D) because he had

  (E) because he made

  2.Though its early history is not fully known, origami, the art of folding objects out of paper without cutting, pasting, or decorating, seems that it had developed from the older art of folding cloth.

  Answer Choices

  (A) seems that it had developed from

  (B) seems to have developed from

  (C) seems to have been developed out of

  (D) had developed, it would seem, out of

  (E) developing, it seems, out of

  3.According to the study, personality traits may vary as much from one dog to another as from one person to another.

  Answer Choices

  (A) as

  (B) as it is

  (C) as when they are

  (D) than

  (E) than they do

  4.There are many famous quotations previously credited to “Anonymous,” researchers have discovered that they were in fact written by female authors.

  Answer Choices

  (A) There are many famous quotations previously credited to “Anonymous,” researchers have discovered that they were in fact written by female authors.

  (B) Many famous quotations that were in fact written by female authors were previously credited to “Anonymous” and researchers discovered this.

  (C) Researchers have discovered many famous quotations that were previously credited to “Anonymous,” they were in fact written by female authors.

  (D) Researchers have discovered that many famous quotations previously credited to “Anonymous” were in fact written by female authors.

  (E) The discovery of many famous quotations previously credited to “Anonymous” but in fact written by female authors were made by researchers.

  5.Chilean novelist and short-story writer María Luisa Bombal wrote innovative and influential stories featuring heroines which create fantasy worlds in order to escape from unfulfilling love relationships and restricted social roles.

  A. heroines which create

  B. heroines, they create

  C. heroines, they created

  D. heroines who create

  E. heroines that were creating

  6.While video games are extraordinarily popular with the younger generation, many parents view it as a waste of time and hoping that their children will grow tired of playing them.

  B. it as a waste of time, hoping that

  C. them as a waste of time and hope that

  D. them as a waste of time, they hope that

  E. them as a waste of time, hopully

  7.The well-preserved, 121-million-year-old fossilized bird embryo on display at the museum has several features that suggest that its young could move about and feed themselves very soon after they hatched.

  A. its

  B. her

  C. their

  D. the species’

  E. for this species

  8.The gong, believed to have originated in Western Asia, reached China in the sixth century, where it continues to be used for a wide range of purposes, including as a military signal, a rhythmic accompaniment for vocal performance, and a ritual instrument.

  Answer Choices

  (A) including as

  (B) which include

  (C) which includes

  (D) including

  (E) they include as

  9.Unlike an acoustic guitar, whose hollow body acts as a sound box to project sound, there is almost no sound when a solid-body electric guitar is not amplified.

  Answer Choices

  (A) there is almost no sound when a solid-body electric guitar is not amplified

  (B) there is not an amplification system, so a solid-body electric guitar makes almost no sound

  (C) an amplification system is needed for solid-body electric guitars, if they are to make much sound

  (D) the electric guitar’s solid body makes it have almost no sound without the aid of an amplification system

  (E) the solid-body electric guitar is almost soundless without the aid of an amplification system


  1.The correct answer is C

  Choice (C) is correct. It avoids the error of the original by using the pronoun “his” to indicate that the “controversial paintings” discussed in the sentence were produced by de Kooning.

  2.The correct answer is B

  Choice (B) is correct. It avoids the error of the original by linking the subject of the sentence, “origami,” with an appropriate verb form, “seems to have developed.”

  3.The correct answer is A

  Choice (A) is correct. It avoids the errors of the other options by using the idiomatic “as” to complete the phrase “as much … as.”

  4.The correct answer is D

  Choice (D) is correct. It avoids the comma splice error of the original by combining the two independent clauses that were improperly joined by only a comma (“There are many famous quotations previously credited to ‘Anonymous’” and “researchers have discovered that they were in fact written by female authors”) into one sentence consisting of a main clause (“Researchers have discovered”) and a dependent clause (“that many famous quotations previously credited to ‘Anonymous’ were in fact written by female authors”).

  5.The correct answer is E

  Choice (D) is correct. It avoids the pronoun error of the original by using an appropriate relative pronoun (“who”) to rer to people (“heroines”).

  6.The correct answer is E

  The singular pronoun "it" does not agree with the plural noun "video games" in the original sentence. This version of the sentence correctly replaces "it" with the plural pronoun "them." In addition, in the original, the present indicative tense "view" and the present participle "hoping" are incorrectly used together in the main clause. In this version of the sentence, both verbs in the main clause ("view" and "hope") are in the present indicative tense and are thus parallel in construction.

  7.The correct answer is D

  Choice (D) is correct. It avoids the pronoun rerence error of the original by using the “species’” to indicate the kind of birds (birds of the same species) whose “young could move about … hatched.”

  8.The correct answer is A

  Choice (A) is correct. It avoids the errors of the other options by correctly using the preposition “as” to introduce the “wide range of purposes” for which the gong is used.

  9.The correct answer is E

  Choice (E) is correct. It avoids the error of the original by directly comparing one type of guitar (“an acoustic guitar”) to another (“the solid-body electric guitar”).







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