
2017-08-05 作者: 306阅读


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  一)如果是,谓语划线考法有三个1)主谓一致2)时态 3)被动(很简单) 记住一句话:谓语划线看主语,主谓一致看状语:如

  The rise in the Commerce Department’s index of leading economic indicators suggest that the economy should continue its expansion into the coming months, but that the mixed performance of the index’s individual components indicates that economic growth will proceed at a more moderate pace than in the first quarter of this year.

  A suggest that the economy should continue its expansion into the coming months, but that

  B suggest that the economy is to continue expansion into the coming months but

  C suggests that the economy will continue its expanding in the coming months, but that

  D suggests that the economy is continuing to expand in the coming months, but that

  E suggests that the economy will continue to expand in the coming month, but

  此句划线部分则有谓语动词考的则的主谓一致的问题 主语为单数的rise 所以谓语应用单数

  此题也考了另外的一个常考语法点but后是加平行结构还是转折连词作用,此题中是,转折词则要直接加主谓所以答案为 E

  二) 如果不是,则为非谓语动词。常考在句首做状语逻辑主语为句子主语,或介词+分词其逻辑主语也为句子主语,在句尾表示伴随动作状态,伴随功能结果。如:

  Reared apart from each other, a recent united states study showed striking similarities in identical twins including many idiosyncrasies of behavior.

  A Reared apart from each other, a recent united states study showed striking similarities in identical twins including many idiosyncrasies of behavior.

  B Reared apart from each other, striking similarities between identical twins that include many idiosyncrasies of behavior were shown in a recent United states study.

  C A recent United states study showed striking similarities in identical twins reared apart from each other that include many idiosyncrasies of behavior

  D According to a recent United states study , identical twins reared apart from each other showed striking similarities, including many idiosyncrasies of behavior.

  E According to a recent united states study, identical twins showed striking similarities reared apart from each other, including many idiosyncrasies behavior.

  此题从题目划线部分可以看出rear apart其逻辑主语为句子主语而study不能被分开来抚养 B

  相似性也不能分开抚养 C 定语从句修饰要贴近先行词否则会引起争议,D为正确答案



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