
2017-08-05 作者: 414阅读

  II. 主谓一致(subject-verb agreement)







  →n. of n.做主语结构


  1. 主语核心名词+修饰结构/插入语+谓语动词



  例句1:Yangtze River the old stone bridge the Red Army the Communist Party has been leading for years constructed in order to escape the enclosure of its enemies have been bestriding until today still flow eastwards.

  例句1是一个非常复杂的句子,结构十分混乱,只有认清其真正的主谓才能找到问题所在。分析句子,应首先从谓语动词出发:该句中有四个谓语动词:has been leading for years, constructed in order to escape the enclosure of its enemies, have been bestriding until today和still flow eastwards;然后从意义角度找到它们对应的主语(动作发出者):the Communist Party, the Red Army, the old stone bridge和Yangtze River,这时就可以判断主谓一致了。我们可以发现the old stone bridge have been bestriding until today句中的主谓一致是错误的(主语单数,谓语复数);Yangtze River still flow eastwards句中的主谓一致也是同类错误。相似问题同样出现在例句2中,


  例句2:The rat the cat the dog chases goes after run smartly.

  该句形式和例句1基本相同,也非常奇怪,但句子结构完全没有问题,只不过是由两个定语从句叠加在一起都成的,The rat the cat goes after run smartly与the cat the dog chases goes after,所以此类主谓一致问题可以归纳为以下形式:主语核心名词+修饰结构/插入语+谓语动词。

  2. 倒装句中的主谓一致

  主谓一致的第二种考察形式是倒装句。英语句子的自然顺序是主语在前,谓语在后(主语+谓语)。把谓语动词放在主语之前(谓语+主语),就叫倒装结构。如果全部谓语放在主语之前,称为全部倒装;如果只把助动词或be 动词放在主语之前就称为部分倒装。为什么会出现倒装句呢?以下是倒装句与正常语序表达的对比,请体会:

  The men’s 110 hurdles come now.

  The athletes rush out.

  They jump up.

  Liu Xiang runs so fast that he breaks the world record.

  We shall never forget the fantastic moment.

  Now come the men’s 110 hurdles.

  Out rush the athletes.

  Up they jump.

  So fast does Liu Xiang run that he breaks the world record.

  Never shall we forget the fantastic moment.


  1) 完全倒装

  ① There be结构。另外,在此结构中可以用来代替be动词的动词有:exist, seem, happen, appear, live, rise, stand等。

  如:There exist different points of view on this issue.

  ② 方位状语在句首,即表示地点的介词词组(如along the river, nearby the hotel, under the tree, between the two mountains等)在句首时。

  如:At the foot of the hill run two runs.

  ③ 分词(过去分词/现在分词) 放句首+ be + 主语

  如:Running at the head of the troop were the lieutenant and the general.

  Gone are the days when workers, like slaves, were looked down upon.

  ④ 形容词表语放在句首,adj. + be + 主语

  如:Absent from the class are John and Jack.

  Plato is dear to me, but dearer still is truth. (我爱我师,但我更爱真理)

  2) 部分倒装

  ① 句首状语为否定词或半否定词的句子,包括never, neither, nor, little, seldom(很少,不常), rarely(很少,罕有), hardly, scarcely(几乎不,简直没有), no sooner(立即), not only, in no way(决不), at no time, few等

  如:Little does he care about what I said.

  No sooner had he arrived at the railway station than his wife called him back.

  ② only +状语或状语从句放在句首,要部分倒装。

  如:Only when World War II was over were all the soldiers able to get happily back home.

  Only by military means is it possible to settle the dispute of Huangyan Island.

  ③ so或so引导的短语放在句首,要部分倒装。

  如:So loudly did he speak that even people in the next room could hear him.

  ④ 重复倒装句型,用在以so, nor, neither开头,表示谓语所述的情况也适用于另一个人或一事物的肯定或否定句中。so用于肯定句,表示“也一样”、“也这样”;nor, neither用于否定句,表示“同样也不,也不这样”。

  如:I am watching TV. So is she.

  3. 定语从句中的主谓一致


  例句3:Apple company has released its latest product, iPhone 4S, which, compared with the old version, have nothing worth mentioning.

  定语从句的谓语部分have nothing worth mentioning应该用第三人称单数has,还是用have取决于该定语从句的先行词,即修饰对象its latest product, iPhone 4S,而不是关系代词which。明确地讲,定语从句中的动词在人称和数方面应该与它的先行词保持一致。再如,


  例句4:Anyone who have questions to ask, please come to my office this afternoon.

  如果定语从句的先行词为one of + 复数名词,在非正式的英语口语中,有时甚至在一些很正规的文体中,动词的数不是与先行词保持一致,而是与one相一致,这是因为说话者或写作者首先想到的是one,而不是one后面真正的先行词。

  如: Buenos Aires is one of the world capitals that is noted for its busy harbor.

  该句中的is不能改成are,因为用are就意味着世界上所有国家的首都都以海港热闹而出名,不符合实际,而且后面的代词its busy harbor用的是its,所以只能用单数动词is。

  另外,当one前面有the only, the most等限定词和修饰语时,定语从句的谓语动词也要与 one保持一致而取单数形式。

  如:He is the only one of those engineers who is capable of designing such a gigantesque project.

  4. n. of n.做主语结构

  最后,n. of n.结构做主语也会对判断主谓一致造成障碍,该结构的真正主语是介词of之前的名词(n.),判断主谓一致,必须根据该名词的单复数来判断;请阅读以下例句,找出其中主谓一致的错误。

  例句5:The list of words and phrases cover most of SAT difficult vocabulary.

  该句中The list of words and phrases中心词为the list,在判断主谓一致时,也应该以the list为主语判断,所以cover应该改为cover,第三人称单数。



  1. The development of cameras so small that they can be swallowed by patients have made diagnosing certain diseases much easier.

  (A) have made diagnosing certain diseases much easier.

  (B) has made it much more easier to diagnose certain diseases.

  (C) has made certain diseases much easier to diagnose

  (D) make diagnosing certain diseases much easier

  (E) are making it much easier to diagnose certain diseases

  解析:主语是The development of cameras, 即n. of n. 结构,所以谓语动词have made应该用第三人称单数形式has made.(提示:more easier不符合比较级的表达要求。)

  2. Thanks to (A) the strength of (B) the bonds between its (C) constituent carbon atoms, a diamond has exceptional physical properties that makes (D) it usul in a wide variety of industrial applications. No error (E)

  解析:该题考察的是定语从句中的主谓一致。(提示:定语从句that makes it usul的谓语动词makes应该与先行词保持人称与数量上的一致,而先行词是exceptional physical properties,所以谓语动词makes,应该用复数形式,即原形make。)

  3. Endangered for (A) decades by hunting (B) and the use of pesticides, the bald eagle, with its (C) snowy-feathered head and white tail, are now (D) making a comeback. No error (E)

  解析:该题考察的是主语核心名词+修饰结构/插入语+谓语动词结构。(提示:主语应该是the bald eagle,谓语动词是are now making。)

  4. Above the beautiful white-sand beach runs (A) two rivers that eventually (B) combine to form (C) a waterfall cascading (D) to the sand. No error (E)

  解析:该题考察的是倒装句。(提示:方位状语在句首,即表示地点的介词词组Above the beautiful white-sand beach在句首,主谓应全倒装,谓语动词是runs,主语是two rivers,所以主谓不一致。)

  5. Absent from (A) the speech were (B) any mention of the students and laboratory technicians upon whose (C) contributions the chemist had depended heavily (D). No error (E)

  解析:该题考察的是倒装句。(提示:形容词短语做表语放在句首,即Absent from the speech在句首,主谓应全倒装,谓语动词是were,主语是any mention of the students and laboratory technicians,即n. of n. 结构。)

  6. Never bore had (A) a group of artists been so isolated (B) from society and from (C) official patronage as was (D) the so-called Impressionists. No error (E)

  解析:该题考察的是倒装句。(提示:该句中有两个倒装句:第一个句首状语为否定词短语Never bore,主谓部分倒装,主语为a group of artists,谓语为had been;第二个比较结构so isolated…as,主语the so-called Impressionists与助动词was产生了倒装(见Chapter 4 比较结构))

  7. This film has earned (A) more money (B) from ticket sales than have (C) its closest (D) competitor for the Best Documentary Feature Film Award. No error (E)

  解析:该题考察的是倒装句。(提示:比较结构more…than…后主语与助动词倒装,主语为its closest competitor,所以谓语动词have应为第三人称单数。)

  8. The museum’s latest exhibition, featuring (A) the works of several relatively young (B) artists, have been (C) praised in reviews by (D) influential art critics. No error (E)

  解析:该题考察的是主语核心名词+修饰结构/插入语+谓语动词结构。(提示:主语应该是The museum’s latest exhibition,谓语动词是have been。)

  9. Across the southern surface of the Moon’s far side sprawls an asteroid-impact crater, 1.600 miles wide and 8 miles deep, called the Aitken Basin.

  (A) sprawls an asteroid-impact crater,

  (B) side there sprawls an asteroid-impact crater, it is

  (C) side, a sprawling asteroid-impact crater,

  (D) side, an asteroid-impact crater that sprawls

  (E) side, sprawl an asteroid-impact crater,

  解析:该题考察的是倒装句。(提示:方位状语在句首,即表示地点的介词词组Across the southern surface of the Moon’s far side在句首,主谓应全倒装,谓语动词是sprawls,主语是an asteroid-impact crater。)

  10. The historic Woodacre building, which house (A) several university departments, was demolished to make (B) room for (C) a parking lot, dismaying alumni who had supported (D) the university for decades. No error (E)

  解析:该题考察的是定语从句中的主谓一致。(提示:定语从句which house several university departments的谓语动词house (给...房子住; 给...房子用)应该与先行词保持人称与数量上的一致,先行词是The historic Woodacre building。)


  主谓一致是SAT语法考题的基础,一般都属于easy level,但是对中国学生而言也会出现比较难的题目:倒装句。一般形式的倒装句比较简单,然而如果与复合句或并列句进行交叉,难点就会增大。

  例句6:Observing from the helicopter, the guide finally found the path and informed the travelers linking the sides of the gorges were a suspension bridge built a hundred years earlier by local farmers seeking to expedite travel between their fields to the marketplace.

  例句6是一个典型的长难句,主句为the guide finally found the path and informed the travelers,后面的部分是inform的宾语从句(linking the sides of the gorges were a suspension bridge built a hundred years earlier by local farmers seeking to expedite travel between their fields to the marketplace),该宾语从句以现在分词短语放句首,后用be动词were,再加上后面的主语a suspension bridge,典型的倒装句结构,问题在于主谓不一致。


  例句7:Air pollution caused by industrial fumes has been studied for years, but only recently has the harmful fects of noise pollution become known.

  例句7是由but连接的并列句,后句中以only修饰时间状语recently放句首,要求主谓半倒装,助动词has出现在主语the harmful fects of noise pollution之前,正常的语序应为the harmful fects of noise pollution has become known.主语是n. of n.结构,所以主谓一致错误,has应改为have.


  1. Langston Hughes may be best known for (A) his poetry, but (B) included among (C) his many published works are (D) a sizable collection of short stories. No error (E)

  解析:该题考察的是倒装句。(提示:由but连接的并列句,后半部分以included among his many published works开头,形成倒装,主语为a sizable collection of short stories.)

  2. Linking the sides of the gorge was (A) a suspension bridge built (B) a hundred years earlier (C) by local farmers seeking to expedite travel between their fields to (D) the marketplace. No error (E)

  解析:该题考察的是倒装句。(提示:以linking the sides of the gorge现在分词开头形成倒装,主语为a suspension bridge.)

  3. Often cited by (A) the media is (B) the right to (C) freedom of speech and the claim that the public wants to know what celebrities do in their (D) off-time. No error (E)

  解析:该题考察的是倒装句。(提示:以Often cited by the media过去分词开头形成倒装,主语为the right and the claim.)

  4. Cryonics — the technique used to store human bodies at extremely low temperatures with the hope of one day reviving them — are being performed today, but their technology is still in its infancy.

  (A) are being performed today, but their technology

  (B) are being performed today, while the technology

  (C) which is being performed today, using technology that

  (D) is being performed today, but their technology

  (E) is being performed today, but the technology


  5. On the shelf (A) in the garage are (B) a collection of tools freely available (C) to any woodworkers who desire to (D) add details to their creations. No error (E)

  解析:该题考察的是倒装句与n. of n.。(提示:以方位介词放句首,形成倒装,主语是a collection of books)


  II. 主谓一致(subject-verb agreement)







  →n. of n.做主语结构


  1. 主语核心名词+修饰结构/插入语+谓语动词



  例句1:Yangtze River the old stone bridge the Red Army the Communist Party has been leading for years constructed in order to escape the enclosure of its enemies have been bestriding until today still flow eastwards.

  例句1是一个非常复杂的句子,结构十分混乱,只有认清其真正的主谓才能找到问题所在。分析句子,应首先从谓语动词出发:该句中有四个谓语动词:has been leading for years, constructed in order to escape the enclosure of its enemies, have been bestriding until today和still flow eastwards;然后从意义角度找到它们对应的主语(动作发出者):the Communist Party, the Red Army, the old stone bridge和Yangtze River,这时就可以判断主谓一致了。我们可以发现the old stone bridge have been bestriding until today句中的主谓一致是错误的(主语单数,谓语复数);Yangtze River still flow eastwards句中的主谓一致也是同类错误。相似问题同样出现在例句2中,


  例句2:The rat the cat the dog chases goes after run smartly.

  该句形式和例句1基本相同,也非常奇怪,但句子结构完全没有问题,只不过是由两个定语从句叠加在一起都成的,The rat the cat goes after run smartly与the cat the dog chases goes after,所以此类主谓一致问题可以归纳为以下形式:主语核心名词+修饰结构/插入语+谓语动词。

  2. 倒装句中的主谓一致

  主谓一致的第二种考察形式是倒装句。英语句子的自然顺序是主语在前,谓语在后(主语+谓语)。把谓语动词放在主语之前(谓语+主语),就叫倒装结构。如果全部谓语放在主语之前,称为全部倒装;如果只把助动词或be 动词放在主语之前就称为部分倒装。为什么会出现倒装句呢?以下是倒装句与正常语序表达的对比,请体会:

  The men’s 110 hurdles come now.

  The athletes rush out.

  They jump up.

  Liu Xiang runs so fast that he breaks the world record.

  We shall never forget the fantastic moment.

  Now come the men’s 110 hurdles.

  Out rush the athletes.

  Up they jump.

  So fast does Liu Xiang run that he breaks the world record.

  Never shall we forget the fantastic moment.


  1) 完全倒装

  ① There be结构。另外,在此结构中可以用来代替be动词的动词有:exist, seem, happen, appear, live, rise, stand等。

  如:There exist different points of view on this issue.

  ② 方位状语在句首,即表示地点的介词词组(如along the river, nearby the hotel, under the tree, between the two mountains等)在句首时。

  如:At the foot of the hill run two runs.

  ③ 分词(过去分词/现在分词) 放句首+ be + 主语

  如:Running at the head of the troop were the lieutenant and the general.

  Gone are the days when workers, like slaves, were looked down upon.

  ④ 形容词表语放在句首,adj. + be + 主语

  如:Absent from the class are John and Jack.

  Plato is dear to me, but dearer still is truth. (我爱我师,但我更爱真理) 上12345下




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