
2017-08-05 作者: 179阅读


  SAT改进句子(Improving Sentences)题常见考点:

  1. 支离破碎的句子。 例如: Although he studies hard.

  2. 没有用标点符号来分割句子。例如:In the past I worked at a language school in New Zealand now I am back in China.

  3. 使用不正确的逗号切割句子。例如: Alex finished her homework early, after that she drove to Maria’s house.

  4. 逻辑错误,如该使用but连接却使用了and。逻辑指代错误等。

  5. 修饰词位置不当

  6. 结构不对称等。

  有些连接词后要对称,如: neither…nor…, either… or…, both… and…, the more… the more…, not only… but also… 特别是but also 部分经常容易有错误。还有使用and 连接两个没有直接关系的两个句子。


  1. Nineteenth-century nihilists were concerned with neither the origins of philosophicalthought nor how societal laws developed. (x) (结构不对称)

  Nineteenth-century nihilists were concerned with neither the origins of philosophical thought nor the development of societal laws. (√)

  2. The junior class built a homecoming float, and it had lights and a sound system that worked amazingly well. (x) (使用and 连接两个没有直接关系的两个句子)

  The junior class built a homecoming float. It had lights and a sound system that worked amazingly well. (√)

  3. Ben Franklin was a respected and talented statesman, and he was most famous for his discovery of electricity. (x) (转折关系,连接词使用不当)

  Ben Franklin was a respected and talented statesman, but he was most famous for his discovery of electricity. (√)

  4. George and Liam argued about football while I tried to study loudly. (x) (修饰词位置不当)

  George and Liam argued loudly about football while I tried to study. √

  5. Wrapped in my towel, the sun was not a problem。(x) (逻辑错误)

  Wrapped in my towel, I found that the sun was not a problem. √


  Credulous people believe in the existence of extra-terrestrial beings, most scientists and other informed students of nature do not。

  A. Credulous people believing

  B. While credulous people believe

  C. Credulous people are always believing

  D. Since credulous people believe

  E. Credulous people tend to believe

  解析:本句划线部分为该句的主语和谓语,看完全句会发现这是个用逗号分隔的句子,显然不符合要求。但因标点处没有划线,所以不能改动。根据两句的意思可以看出应该是转折关系,所以B既解决了逻辑问题,有避免了逗号切割句子的问题。A构成句子碎片,所以不正确。C和E没有解决逗号分隔句子的问题。 D逻辑关系不对。



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