
2017-08-05 作者: 330阅读


  1. Walt Disney&aposs first success was his third Mickey Mouse film, in which Disney produced a cartoon with sound, and Mickey was made to talk.

  (A) sound, and Mickey was made to talk

  (B) sound and making Mickey talk

  (C) sound, with the result being Mickey talking

  (D) sound in where Mickey talks

  (E) sound and made Mickey talk

  2. A healthy economy can be measured not only by the growth of businesses but it has a psychological fect on people.

  (A) it has a

  (B) as well in the

  (C) also by the

  (D) also the

  (E) in the way of having a

  3. The five autobiographical volumes by Maya Angelou begin with her childhood in Arkansas and culminate in her adult years in Egypt and Ghana

  (A) begin with her childhood in Arkansas and culminate

  (B) that begin with her childhood in Arkansas and culminate

  (C) have begun with her childhood in Arkansas and culminating

  (D) beginning with her childhood in Arkansas and culminating

  (E) are begun with her childhood in Arkansas and culminated

  4. Archaeologists say that the Pueblo village of Acoma, which is 7,500 feet above sea level and 400 feet above the valley floor, is the oldest continuously inhabited spot in the United States.

  (A) which is 7,500 feet above sea level and 400 feet above

  (B) located 7,500 feet high above sea level while having measured 400 feet above

  (C) with a height 7,500 feet above sea level as well as 400 feet above that of

  (D) 7,500 feet higher than sea level, and it ascends 400 feet above

  (E) being 7,500 feet above sea level and 400 feet high measured from that of

  5. Richard Wright moved many times in his life, moving from the South first he went to the North, then eventually to France from the United States

  (A) moving from the South first he went to the North, then eventually to France from the United States

  (B) the first move he made was from the South to the North and eventually from the United States to France

  (C) first from the South to the North and eventually from the United States to France

  (D) moving fast from the South, he came to the North and eventually to France

  (E) first from the South he moved to the North and ended up in France after leaving the United States

  6. Though heavily dependent on the government for business and information while universities supply the space research center with talent, as a corporation it remains independent of both.

  (A) information while universities supply the space research center with talent, as a corporation it remains

  (B) information and on talent by universities, the space research center, a corporation

  (C) information and on universities for talent, the space research center is a corporation

  (D) information, universities supply the space research center with talent, but it is a corporation

  (E) information, universities supply the space research center with talent, while it remains a corporation

  7. Journalists should present a balanced view of the news but with their goal to stir discussion and unsettle complacent thinkers.

  (A) with their goal to stir

  (B) should also stir

  (C) aiming at the same time to stir

  (D) also trying to stir

  (E) its goal should also be in stirring

  8. Toni Morrison was honored by Harvard University not only as a great novelist but also she wrote eloquently of the history of African American culture.

  (A) she wrote eloquently of the history

  (B) having written an eloquent history

  (C) writing eloquently about the history

  (D) being an eloquent historian

  (E) as an eloquent historian

  9. Some people believe that one day we will establish not only bases on the Moon. but also a landing on Neptune will occur.

  (A) we will establish not only bases on the Moon, but also a landing on Neptune will occur

  (B) not only bases on the Moon will be established,but also a landing on Neptune will be made

  (C) we will not only establish bases on the Moon but also land on Neptune

  (D) we will not only establish bases on the Moon, but we will land on Neptune in addition

  (E) we will not only establish bases on the Moon, but we will land on Neptune

  10. The tornado ripped through the central part of town, toppling small buildings, uprooting trees,

  and power lines were snapped.

  (A) power lines were snapped

  (B) power lines snapping

  (C) snapping power lines

  (D) snapped power lines

  (E) power lines snapped

  11. Anyone who has high motivation or is reasonably intelligent can learn to play a competent game of chess

  (A) has high motivation or is reasonably intelligent

  (B) has either high motivation or else intelligence in reasonable amounts

  (C) is highly motivated or who has reasonable intelligence instead

  (D) is highly motivated or reasonably intelligent

  (E) has high motivation or else reasonable amounts of intelligence

  12. Having Florence Nightingale as their leader and a growing awareness of the need for cleanliness helped to bring about the establishment of standards of hygiene in hospitals

  (A) Having Florence Nightingale as their leader

  (B) Having the leadership of Florence Nightingale&aposs

  (C) Florence Nightingale as the Leader

  (D) To be led by Florence Nighfingale

  (E) The leadership of Florence Nightingale

  13. Just as Ireland has produced many famous writers and the Netherlands an abundance of famous painters, so Finland has provided a large number of famous architects.

  (A) so Finland has provided a large number of famous architects

  (B) Finland provides famous architects, and by large numbers

  (C) Finland&aposs contribution is to provide famous architects in a large number

  (D) and so then, for Finland, a large number of famous architects is provided

  (E) and like them Finland has provided a large number of famous architects

  14. Readers of the novice writer&aposs recent book have said that it is at once frustrating because of its chaotic structure but its originality is still a deloght.

  (A) but its originality is still a delight

  (B) although it is delightfully original

  (C) and it is delightful in its originality

  (D) while being so original as to delight them

  (E) and delightful because of its originality

  15. The price of gold has been influenced by continued inflation and because people have lost faith in the dollar

  (A) because people have lost faith

  (B) because of the loss of faith

  (C) by people which have lost faith

  (D) losing faith

  (E) loss of&apos faith

  16. Giraffes born with very long necks were able to stay alive when food was scarce and were therore able to pass this desirable trait on to their offspring.

  (A) and were therore able to pass this desirable trait on to their offspring

  (B) and this desirable trait was passed on as a result to its offspring

  (C) so that their offspring could have this desirable trait passed to them

  (D) so, therore, this desirable trait would be inherited by their offspring

  (E) and therore have this desirable trait inherited in their offspring

  17. Activist Mumeo Oku campaigned to improve the lot of womeh in Japan by exposing faulty household products, she successfully demanded that these products be recalled.

  (A) exposing faulty household products, she successfully demanded that these products be recalled

  (B) exposing faulty household products and successfully demanding their recall

  (C) her exposing faulty household products and Successful demand of their recall

  (D) exposing faulty household products, although successfully demanding that these products be recalled

  (E) exposing faulty household products whose recall she was successful in demanding

  18. The spirit of the honor code to which each student subscribes requires academic honesty, respectful behavior, and demands responsibility in action.

  (A) requires academic honesty, respectful behavior, and it demands responsibility in action

  (B) requires academic honesty, respectful behavior, and responsible action

  (C) require academic work that is honest, behavior that is respectful, and action of a responsible nature

  (D) requires academic work that is honest, being respectful in behavior, and demands responsible action

  (E) require academic honesty, respectful behavior, and the demands of responsible action

  19. Today the primary role of advertising may be to appeal and persuade rather than what it once did,educating and informing.

  (A) what it once did, educating and informing

  (B) what it once did, which was educating and informing

  (C) what it once was, education and information

  (D) educating and informing, what it once did

  (E) what it once was, to educate and inform

  20. At the beginning of George Eliot&aposs novel Silas Marner, a linen weaver has been driven by a false charge of tht away, from his home and taking ruge in the village of Raveloe.

  (A) taking ruge in the village of Raveloe

  (B) has taken ruge in the village of Raveloe

  (C) the village of Raveloe

  (D) being in the village of Raveloe

  (E) Raveloe, a village that is his ruge

  21. Finding political support, designing a campaign, and, above all, the securing of financial backing are the challenging tasks faced by candidates.

  (A) the securing of financial backing are

  (B) the security of financial backing are

  (C) to secure financial backing is

  (D) securing financial backing is

  (E) securing financial backing are

  22. The revolt against Victorianism was perhaps even more marked in poetry than either fiction or drama.

  (A) either fiction or drama

  (B) either fiction or in drama

  (C) either in fiction or drama

  (D) in either fiction or drama

  (E) in either fiction or in drama

  23. When we read, we first form innumerable impressions and then those impressions are evaluated as we read on.

  (A) impressions and then those impressions are evaluated

  (B) impressions and then evaluate those impressions

  (C) impressions, evaluating those impressions then

  (D) impressions, then we evaluate those impressions

  (E) impressions, we evaluate those impressions then

  24. Although he played a leading role in planning spacecraft expeditions, Dr. Carl Sagan rused to accept praise for the plans he designed nor otherwise profiting from later advancements in space exploration.

  (A) designed nor otherwise profiting

  (B) had designed nor otherwise did he profit

  (C) has designed nor otherwise to have profited

  (D) designed or otherwise profited

  (E) had designed or otherwise to profit

  25. The tribal council&aposs program familiarized young people with Cherokee history,


  taught them tribal traditions, and they had the opportunity to learn skills used by

  B C D

  ancient artists. No error


  26. A lack of job opportunities for recent graduate restricts their independence, often forcing

  A B C

  them to remain at home or else they move back on No error

  D E

  27. Driving less frequently is one way to save energy; to turn off all appliances when they are not

  A B C

  being used is another. No error

  D E

  28. The question of whether certain chemical fertilizers are a curse or are they a blessing is still

  A B C

  being debated. No error

  D E

  29. Social scientists agree that a system for exchanging goods and services is not only present but

  A B C

  also of necessity in all societies. No error

  D E

  30. Each time Caroline turns on her computer, she has to enter a company code, then her initials,


  and then enters a password bore she can begin working. No error

  B C D E

  31. The students criticized the administration for failing either to renovate the old dormitories nor replace them with new buildings.

  (A) nor replace

  (B) nor replacing

  (C) nor did they replace

  (D) or by replacing

  (E) or to replace

  32. Members of the Alvin Ailey Dance Company have once again shown how the

  A B

  combination of strength and being agile can produce beautiful movements. No error.

  C D E

  33. During a conference with Pravika’s parents, the teacher mentioned that Pravika had demonstrated considerable ability in math and to learn foreign languages.

  (A) considerable ability in math and to learn

  (B) considerable ability in math and that she could do it well in

  (C) ability that was considerable in math as well as in learning

  (D) considerable ability in math and in

  (E) considerable ability to learn math and in

  34. Studying dance for many years, practicing difficult steps every day, and frequent performances has enabled the young dancer to secure the leading role in the spring production.

  (A) frequent performances has enabled the young dancer

  (B) frequent performances would have enabled the young dancer

  (C) frequently performing, the young dancer being enabled

  (D) frequent performing, these enabled the young dancer

  (E) performing frequently enabled the young dancer

  35. The poetry Book Society is an organization in London that provides information and guidance for all lovers of contemporary poetry and giving them discounts on books of poetry.

  (A) provides information and guidance for all lovers of contemporary poetry and giving them discounts on books of poetry

  (B) provides information, guidance, and the getting of discounts on books of poetry for all lovers of contemporary poetry

  (C) not only provides information and guidance for lovers of contemporary poetry but also gives them discounts on books of poetry

  (D) has been providing information and guidance for lovers of contemporary poetry and were giving discounts on books of poetry

  (E) are providing information and guidance for all lovers of contemporary potery and having given them discounts on books of poetry

  专项训练:1-5:ECAAC 6-10:CBECC 11-15:DEAEE 16-20:ABBEB

  21-25:EDBEC 26-30:DBBDB 31-36:ECDEC




  1. Walt Disney&aposs first success was his third Mickey Mouse film, in which Disney produced a cartoon with sound, and Mickey was made to talk.

  (A) sound, and Mickey was made to talk

  (B) sound and making Mickey talk

  (C) sound, with the result being Mickey talking

  (D) sound in where Mickey talks

  (E) sound and made Mickey talk

  2. A healthy economy can be measured not only by the growth of businesses but it has a psychological fect on people.

  (A) it has a

  (B) as well in the

  (C) also by the

  (D) also the

  (E) in the way of having a

  3. The five autobiographical volumes by Maya Angelou begin with her childhood in Arkansas and culminate in her adult years in Egypt and Ghana

  (A) begin with her childhood in Arkansas and culminate

  (B) that begin with her childhood in Arkansas and culminate

  (C) have begun with her childhood in Arkansas and culminating

  (D) beginning with her childhood in Arkansas and culminating

  (E) are begun with her childhood in Arkansas and culminated

  4. Archaeologists say that the Pueblo village of Acoma, which is 7,500 feet above sea level and 400 feet above the valley floor, is the oldest continuously inhabited spot in the United States.

  (A) which is 7,500 feet above sea level and 400 feet above

  (B) located 7,500 feet high above sea level while having measured 400 feet above

  (C) with a height 7,500 feet above sea level as well as 400 feet above that of

  (D) 7,500 feet higher than sea level, and it ascends 400 feet above

  (E) being 7,500 feet above sea level and 400 feet high measured from that of

  5. Richard Wright moved many times in his life, moving from the South first he went to the North, then eventually to France from the United States

  (A) moving from the South first he went to the North, then eventually to France from the United States

  (B) the first move he made was from the South to the North and eventually from the United States to France

  (C) first from the South to the North and eventually from the United States to France

  (D) moving fast from the South, he came to the North and eventually to France

  (E) first from the South he moved to the North and ended up in France after leaving the United States

  6. Though heavily dependent on the government for business and information while universities supply the space research center with talent, as a corporation it remains independent of both.

  (A) information while universities supply the space research center with talent, as a corporation it remains

  (B) information and on talent by universities, the space research center, a corporation

  (C) information and on universities for talent, the space research center is a corporation

  (D) information, universities supply the space research center with talent, but it is a corporation

  (E) information, universities supply the space research center with talent, while it remains a corporation

  7. Journalists should present a balanced view of the news but with their goal to stir discussion and unsettle complacent thinkers.

  (A) with their goal to stir

  (B) should also stir

  (C) aiming at the same time to stir

  (D) also trying to stir

  (E) its goal should also be in stirring

  8. Toni Morrison was honored by Harvard University not only as a great novelist but also she wrote eloquently of the history of African American culture.

  (A) she wrote eloquently of the history

  (B) having written an eloquent history

  (C) writing eloquently about the history

  (D) being an eloquent historian

  (E) as an eloquent historian

  9. Some people believe that one day we will establish not only bases on the Moon. but also a landing on Neptune will occur.

  (A) we will establish not only bases on the Moon, but also a landing on Neptune will occur

  (B) not only bases on the Moon will be established,but also a landing on Neptune will be made

  (C) we will not only establish bases on the Moon but also land on Neptune

  (D) we will not only establish bases on the Moon, but we will land on Neptune in addition

  (E) we will not only establish bases on the Moon, but we will land on Neptune 上123下


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