
2017-08-05 作者: 236阅读


  (1)Doing/done … , SVO.

  如:Beaten black and blue, Kitty is crying.

  Beating black and blue, Kitty is crying.

  例:Contrasting with (A) most other (B) fifteenth- century rulers, Portuguese Kings could count on (C) the support of the aristocracy in any (D) overseas ventures. No error (E)

  例:Raised in a large and noisy city, it was only when I went away to college that I realized how delightful life in a small town could be.

  (A) it was only when I went away to college that I realized how delightful life in a small town could be

  (B) when I went away to college I then realized how delightful life in a small town could be

  (C) going away to college made me realize how delightful life in a small town could be

  (D) I did not realize how delightful life in a small town could be until I went away to college

  (E) delightful life in a small town was unrealized by me until I went away to college

  例:While working as a nurse in the streets of Calcutta, that was when Mother Teresa developed a profound love for the poor.

  (A) that was when Mother Teresa developed a profound love for the poor

  (B) Mother Teresa developed a profound love for the poor

  (C) then the development of Mother Teresa’s profound love for the poor took place

  (D) Mother Teresa’s profound love for the poor developed

  (E) a profound love for the poor developed in Mother Teresa

  例:Having thought the problem through with some care, that the committee did not understand her solution frustrated the chairperson extremely.(P599.5)

  (A) that the committee did not understand her solution frustrated the chairperson extremely

  (B) the chairperson’s extremely frustration resulted from the committee not understanding her solution

  (C) the chairperson’s frustration at the committee’s failing to understand her solution was extreme

  (D) the chairperson was extremely frustrated by the committee’s failure to understand her solution

  (E) the committee’s failing to understand her solution was an extreme frustration to the chairperson

  while/when/by/on/through Doing/done … , SVO.

  例:By simply entering an Internet website or calling a toll-free number, a catalog order can be placed for almost anything from cheesecakes to fully equipped desktop computers.

  (A) a catalog order can be placed

  (B) by placing a catalog order

  (C) they will place your catalog order

  (D) you can place a catalog order

  (E) your catalog order can be placed

  例:Indicating their desire to extend free enterprise, Canadians elected a member of

  the Progressive Conservative Party, Kim Campbell, as Prime Minister in 1993.


  (A) Canadians elected a member of the Progressive Conservative Party, Kim Campbell, as Prime Minister

  (B) Canadians’ election of a member of the Progressive Conservative Party as Prime Minister was Kim Campbell

  (C) Kim Campbell of the Progressive Conservative Party was elected Prime Minister of Canada

  (D) the Progressive Conservative Party’s Kim Campbell was elected Prime Minister of Canadians

  (E) a member of the Progressive Conservative Party, Kim Campbell, was elected by Canadians as Prime Minister

  例:Though now one of the most famous abstract artists, critics once ridiculed Jackson Pollock for his technique of splattering paint on canvases.

  (A) critics once ridiculed Jackson Pollock

  (B) critics once were ridiculing Jackson Pollock

  (C) Jackson Pollock once ridiculed by critics

  (D) Jackson Pollock was once ridiculed by critics

  (E) Jackson Pollock, having once been ridiculed by critics

  (2)SVO, doing/done …. S与分词

  SVO doing/done …. O与分词

  如:The boys are watching a galaxy of beauties passing by, slobbering.

  例:During (A) my most recent (B) trip, I came across (C) a wonderful antique store wandering (D) in the old quarter of the city. No error (E).



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