
2017-08-05 作者: 209阅读

elegy n. 哀歌、挽歌? a song or poem expressing sorrow or lamentation especially for one who is dead satire:ridicule=elegy:sorrow elegiac:sorrow=devotional:reverence elephantine a. 象的,巨大的,粗笨的 having enormous size or strength:MASSIVE microscopic←→elephantine elevate vt. 举起,提拔,鼓舞 to raise in rank or status:EXALT debasement←→elevation elicit vt. 引出,抽出,引起 to draw forth or bring out evoke←→fail to elicit elitism n.精英论,优秀人士统治 leadership or rule by an elite ellipsis n?省略 the omission of one or more words that are obviously understood but that must be supplied to make a construction grammatically complete apostrophes:word=ellipsis:sentence elliptical a.椭圆的;省略的 , 朦胧的,含糊的 of or relating to deliberate obscurity (as of literary or conversational style) elliptical←→palpable elongate v.延长,伸长 to extend the length of elucidate v.阐明?说明 to give a clarifying explanation garble←→elucidate obfuscate←→elucidate/illuminate/explain clearly emanate vi. 散发,发出,发源 to come out from a source emancipate v. 解放,解除 to free from restraint, control, or the power of another; especially :to free from bondage emancipate←→shackle embargo n. 禁运令,封港令? a legal prohibition on commerce embargo:commerce=quarantine:contact embark vi. 乘船,着手,从事,上飞机 to make a start conclude←→embark on embarrass vt. 使困窘,使局促不安,阻碍 to place in doubt, perplexity, or difficulties catastrophe:mishap=humiliation:embarrassment embarrass:shame=console:comfort unabashed:embarrassment=unheralded:announcement embed vt.埋 to enclose closely in or as if in a matrix embed←→extract embolden v.给……壮胆,鼓励 to instill with boldness or courage appall←→embolden/nerve embolden←→abash/faze/cow boggle←→embolden embolden←→daunt embrace n. 拥抱 close encircling with the arms and pressure to the bosom especially as a sign of affection:HUG embrace:affection=shrug:indifference abrogate←→embrace/institute/uphold eschew←→embrace, greet , welcome abjure←→embrace/espouse ostracize←→include/embrace spurn←→court ,crave, embrace encompass v. 围绕,包围 to form a circle about:ENCLOSE encompass←→exclude emigrate vi.vt. (使)移居,(使)移民 to leave one&aposs place of residence or country to live elsewhere repatriate:emigration=repeal:ratification eminence n. 卓越;显赫;(此处喻指高处) one that is eminent, prominent, or lofty:as a:an anatomical protuberance (as on a bone) b:a person of high rank or attainments c:a natural elevation master:experience=luminary:eminence maven:experience=luminary:eminence eminent←→undistinguished


elegy n. 哀歌、挽歌? a song or poem expressing sorrow or lamentation especially for one who is dead satire:ridicule=elegy:sorrow elegiac:sorrow=devotional:reverence elephantine a. 象的,巨大的,粗笨的 having enormous size or strength:MASSIVE microscopic←→elephantine elevate vt. 举起,提拔,鼓舞 to raise in rank or status:EXALT debasement←→elevation elicit vt. 引出,抽出,引起 to draw forth or bring out evoke←→fail to elicit elitism n.精英论,优秀人士统治 leadership or rule by an elite ellipsis n?省略 the omission of one or more words that are obviously understood but that must be supplied to make a construction grammatically complete apostrophes:word=ellipsis:sentence elliptical a.椭圆的;省略的 , 朦胧的,含糊的 of or relating to deliberate obscurity (as of literary or conversational style) elliptical←→palpable elongate v.延长,伸长 to extend the length of elucidate v.阐明?说明 to give a clarifying explanation garble←→elucidate obfuscate←→elucidate/illuminate/explain clearly emanate vi. 散发,发出,发源 to come out from a source emancipate v. 解放,解除 to free from restraint, control, or the power of another; especially :to free from bondage emancipate←→shackle embargo n. 禁运令,封港令? a legal prohibition on commerce embargo:commerce=quarantine:contact embark vi. 乘船,着手,从事,上飞机 to make a start conclude←→embark on embarrass vt. 使困窘,使局促不安,阻碍 to place in doubt, perplexity, or difficulties catastrophe:mishap=humiliation:embarrassment embarrass:shame=console:comfort unabashed:embarrassment=unheralded:announcement 上12下




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