
2017-08-05 作者: 286阅读


  1、(2009.1) Does planning interfere with creativity?

  2、(2009.1) Do highly accomplished people achieve more than others mainly because they expect more of themselves?

  3、(2009.1) Should people change their decisions when circumstances change, or is it best for them to stick with their original decisions?

  4、(2009.1) Is striving to achieve a goal always the best course of action, or should people give up if they are not making progress?

  5、(2009.3) Does being ethical make it hard to be successful?

  6、(2009.3) Is it sometimes necessary to be impolite?

  7、(2009.3) Should we limit our use of the term "courage" to acts in which people risk their own well-being for the sake of others or to uphold a value?

  8、(2009.5) Should we pay more attention to people who are older and more experienced than we are?

  9、(2009.5) Should people let their feelings guide them when they make important decisions?

  10、(2009.5) Has today&aposs abundance of information only made it more difficult for us to understand the world around us?

  11、(2009.5) Are people best dined by what they do?

  12、(2009.6) Do we benit from learning about the flaws of people we admire and respect?

  13、(2009.6)Is it best for people to accept who they are and what they have, or should people always strive to better themselves?

  14、(2009.6)Can common sense be trusted and accepted, or should it be questioned?

  15、(2009.6)When some people win, must others lose, or are there situations in which everyone wins?

  16、(2009.10)Is using humor the best way to approach difficult situations and problems?

  17、(2009.10)Does everyone, even people who choose to live alone, need a network or family?

  18、(2009.11)Are the values of a society most clearly revealed in its popular culture?

  19、(2009.11)Do society and other people benit when individuals pursue their own goals?

  20、(2009.11)Is it better for people to stop trying when they feel certain they will not succeed?

  21、(2009.12)Is it easier now to form friendships than ever bore?

  22、(2009.12)Should people give up their privacy in exchange for convenience or free services?

  23、(2009.12)Is it better for people to work out their own ideas on a problem or issue bore learning how others have approached it?




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