
2017-08-05 作者: 371阅读


  Assignment:Does the lack of spare time result in the absence of creativity?


  It seems plausible that people today are more creative than those of eras bore: computer boom, edifices stand up and books flood everywhere. However, those paragons of ingeniousness that we take pride in are only natural progress of certain professions. On the contrary, our individual creativity and active state languish in accord of onerous working load.

  The famous American Cartoon “The Simpsons” demonstrate well how a modern person spends his monotonous day. In the play, the master of the family, Homer Simpson, is an ordinary worker in a nuclear factory, leading a boring and routine life. Most of times when he lts his work, he will go to a bar nearby to drink his favorite Duff bear and kill the time. It is until 9 o’clock that he comes home, starting his daily “parental care”——argument, to be more direct——with his wife and children. Or there are times, although relatively rare for him, when he quietly sits on sofa and watches programs that are neither informed nor enlightening. Mr. Simpson is never an extremist; instead, he is an epitome of salaried worker who enjoyed a poor but “relaxed” entertainment. Indeed, they are not to be reproached because it is ridiculous to require people to initiate “brain storms” under countless affairs and frightening pressure.

  A sharp contrast appears when we look back at the ancient time. At the epoch of Aristotle or even later in Renaissance, ages when our technology was not that developed, people tended to deliberate more in their plentiful free time. Da Vinci, known as a revolutionary painter, is also a versatile inventor, scientist and philosopher. In addition to his preeminent painting “The Mona Lisa”, he also contributed a scheme of human’s inner body, a draft of rudimentary plane, which didn’t come into reality only thousand of years later, several far-reaching articles about human philosophy. It was because the great leisure time, slight living pressure, and considerable freedom that made him that multifaceted. In our contemporary world, we can hardly find any “social elite”, despite their professional skills or diplomatic tact, is a master of more than two disciplines.

  A balance between work and leisure apparently exists: working provides financial secure while leisure allows us to be mentally active and enjoy the life. If our work weighs too much, our imagination, innovation and temperament are sure to suffer.








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