
2017-08-05 作者: 254阅读


  题目:Is it better for people to choose the limited choice?

  There is an old saying that the choice one can make is not of his parents but the life style he will live all lifelong, which always encourages people to seek for their fortune, exerting deep influence on their destinies. What kind of choice one has made will determine the orientation of his life route. Because of the limited choice for her to choose, Liz Murray makes up her mind to live in a normal and high standard life, while Sister Carrie looses herself in various temptations of downtown life. Thus, it is helpful and hopul for people to make a decision on a limited choice to risk the only chance to get success.

  Weal and woe is the consequence of one’s decision made on his own life and it forces people to choose to become better or not. Without the perseverance of pursuing her own dream, Liz Murray may become a drug addict as her parents. The story of Homeless to Harvard let us know a miserable grown process of a Harvard girl, Liz Murray, whose mother was a drug addicted, and whose father was also abandoned himself to taking drugs. The living environment has forced Liz to put the burden of life on her soft and young shoulder. There are only two roads lay ahead: to surrender to the mangled life or to surmount all the difficulties to make a change. Fortunately, Liz Murray, the brave young girl chose the latter to realize her everlasting dream of entering a famous University to receive high standard education. Finally, she went into Harvard University with the scholarship from The New York Times. Facing with the limited choice, the girl did not hesitate to take the responsibility for her own bright destiny.

  Too many chances, however, will get along with various temptations which may become the stumbling block lying on the road to success, which Sister Carrie has set an example to prove to be true. Dissatisfied with life in her rural Wisconsin home, 18 year-old Caroline "Sister Carrie" Meeber takes the train to Chicago, a roaring hustle and bustle downtown. With the temptations of upper class life and lure of money, she made use of her love and beauty to fulfill her own American dream. Although she was perceived as superior and later as a famous actress, she lost her heart and soul bore the painted pomp.

  Liz Murray and Sister Carrie sketch two different life styles for people to believe in the truth that the less temptations people come across, the easier people will become success. Limited choice will help people to make a clear mind of their dream and inspire them to get improvement without any hesitation.

  以上就是这篇SAT作文范文的全部内容,这篇SAT作文范文的作者是站在同意题目所提出的观点的角度,应用了Liz Murray 和 Sister Carrie两个例子,文章的结构也非常的清晰。大家可以在备考SAT写作考试的时候,多参考一下上面的这篇SAT写作范文。


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