
2017-08-05 作者: 271阅读


  Choose the word or set of words that, when inserted in the sentence, best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

  1.The ------- of drug-resistant strains of bacteria and viruses has ------- researchers’ hopes that permanent victories against many diseases have been achieved.

  Answer Choices

  (A) vigor . . corroborated

  (B) feebleness . . dashed

  (C) proliferation . . blighted

  (D) destruction . . disputed

  (E) disappearance . . frustrated


  2.Because King Philip&aposs desire to make Spain the dominant power in sixteenth-century Europe ran counter to Queen Elizabeth&aposs insistence on autonomy for England, ------- was -------.

  Answer Choices

  (A) reconciliation . . assured

  (B) warfare . . avoidable

  (C) ruination . . impossible

  (D) conflict . . inevitable

  (E) diplomacy . . simple

  3.Alice Walker’s prize-winning novel exemplifies the strength of first-person narratives; the protagonist tells her own story so fectively that any additional commentary would be ------- .

  Answer Choices

  (A) subjective

  (B) eloquent

  (C) superfluous

  (D) incontrovertible

  (E) imperious

  4.Joshua&aposs radical ideas were frowned on by most of his coworkers, who found them too ------- for their conservative tastes.

  Answer Choices

  (A) heretical

  (B) meticulous

  (C) precise

  (D) incoherent

  (E) sagacious

  5.Often inattentive when it comes to schoolwork, Maya was uncharacteristically ------- when she wrote her personal essay; rather than taking her typical ------- approach, she paid extremely close attention to every last detail.

  Answer Choices

  (A) thorough . . cautious

  (B) painstaking . . precise

  (C) inconsiderate . . thoughtful

  (D) nonchalant . . ficient

  (E) meticulous . . careless

  6.There is no doubt that Larry is a genuine ------- : he excels at telling stories that fascinate his listeners.

  Answer Choices

  (A) braggart

  (B) dilettante

  (C) pilferer

  (D) prevaricator

  (E) raconteur


  1.The correct answer is C

  Hopes for “permanent victories against many diseases” have been “blighted,” or dashed or crushed, by the “proliferation of drug-resistant strains of bacteria and viruses.”

  2.The correct answer is D

  The word "because" indicates that the information in the first part of the sentence (the part bore the comma) explains the reason for the situation described in the second part. The first part states that what King Philip wanted (domination for Spain) "ran counter to" what Queen Elizabeth wanted (independence for England). Choice (D) logically completes the sentence: Given that there was such a fundamental disagreement between the two monarchs, "conflict" would likely be "inevitable," or unavoidable.

  3.The correct answer is C

  Words like “prize-winning,” “strength,” and “fectively” tell you that the writer thinks Alice Walker’s novel is well written, therore additional commentary would be unnecessary or “superfluous.”

  4.The correct answer is A

  Joshua&aposs colleagues are described as having "conservative tastes" and frowning on his "radical ideas." Such colleagues are likely to find Joshua&aposs ideas too "heretical," or too divergent or different from conventional belis and standards. Choice (A), then, is the best answer.

  5.The correct answer is E

  To be “meticulous” is to pay extreme care in the consideration or treatment of details. In this context, “careless” means not showing care or attention. The sentence indicates that Maya is often inattentive in her schoolwork; in other words, she tends not to pay attention to her work, or typically is careless. It certainly would be uncharacteristic, then, for Maya to give extremely carul consideration to details when writing her essay — that is, it would be out of the ordinary for her to be so meticulous.

  6.The correct answer is E

  The structure of this sentence indicates that the words after the colon dine or directly clarify what came bore. The phrase "he excels at telling stories that fascinate his listeners" serves to dine the missing word. Choice (E), "raconteur," is the only word that describes someone who excels at storytelling.








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