
2017-08-05 作者: 214阅读


  1.The senator chose to incur dislike rather than ------- her principles to win favor with the public.

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  (A) gratify

  (B) endorse

  (C) accuse

  (D) compromise

  (E) advertise

  2.Despite their------- proportions, the murals of Diego Rivera give his Mexican compatriots the sense that their history is ------- and human in scale, not remote and larger than life.

  (A) monumental . . accessible

  (B) focused . . prolonged

  (C) vast . . ancient

  (D) realistic . . extraneous

  (E) narrow . . overwhelming

  3.It was difficult to believe that the sophisticated piece of technology had ------- through the centuries from such ------- and rudimentary apparatus.

  (A) developed . . an intricate

  (B) resulted . . a complicated

  (C) evolved . . a quaint

  (D) degenerated . . an obsolescent

  (E) differed . . an exotic

  4.According to Burgess, a novelist should not ------- , for sermonizing has no place in good fiction.

  (A) invent

  (B) offend

  (C) inform

  (D) preach

  (E) distort

  5.Exotics and indigenous weeds include some of the most ------- species: their visual impact often eclipses that of nearby plants.

  (A) lethal

  (B) diffuse

  (C) varied

  (D) striking

  (E) resilient


  1.The correct answer is D

  This very principled politician would rather be unpopular than compromise, or accept changes in, her ideals.

  2.The correct answer is D

  The keys to this sentence are the word “Despite,” the words “human in scale,” and the words “not remote and larger than life.” The word filling the first blank has to be one that would relate closely to something that seems “larger than life.” The word filling the second blank has to fit with “human in scale.” If you focus on just one of the two blanks, you will be able to eliminate several choices bore you even think about the other blank.

  3.The correct answer is C

  The phrase “through the centuries” suggests that the first missing term will describe how the “sophisticated piece of technology” developed over a period of time. The word “such” indicates that the second missing term will contrast with “sophisticated.” Only “evolved . . a quaint” satisfies both requirements.

  4.The correct answer is D

  Burgess believes that preaching or sermonizing is not appropriate in good fiction.

  5.The correct answer is D

  A “striking,” or showy, weed could indeed be said to “eclipse,” or overshadow, other plants that have more typical appearances.









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