
2017-08-05 作者: 414阅读



  Section 1

  1. 反叛者认为独裁者巨大的塑像是极权主义政权的__________,反叛者很快的把这个建筑推翻了。

  The rebels saw the huge statue of the dictator as ___________ of the totalitarian regime and swiftly toppled the monument.

  (A) an indictment n. 控告

  (B) an illusion n. 错觉

  (C) a copy n. 复制本

  (D) a symbol n. 象征

  (E) a mockery n. 嘲笑

  2. 住在孤岛上的居民无可奈何的要精通航海技术,要成为海上最_________的海员。

  Residents of the isolated island were forced to master the art of navigation, becoming the ocean&aposs most __________ sailors.

  (A) adept adj. 专家

  (B) temperamental adj. 易怒的

  (C) congenial adj. 适宜的

  (D) vulnerable adj. 易受伤的

  (E) reclusive adj. 隐居的

  3. 宝儿鸟有个_________去积累又光又亮的东西用来装饰它的凉亭:它会飞进屋子里去_________刀叉,硬币,顶针,钉子,螺丝钉,车钥匙。

  The spotted bowerbird has a __________ for amassing the bright shiny objects it needs for decorating its bower: it will enter house to __________ cutlery, coins, thimbles, nails, screws, even car keys.

  (A) knack n. 才能...assess v. 估计

  (B) penchant n. 嗜好,倾向...pilfer v. 偷窃

  (C) purpose n. 目的...dispense v. 免除,分配

  (D) predilection n. 偏爱,嗜好...disturb v. 打扰

  (E) remedy n. 补救,赔偿...raid v. 袭击

  4. 邱德佳和宾格的科学不仅仅_________她的神学,而且她的宗教洞察力协助了让她的科学工作_________通过从中世纪教堂里取得支持。

  Not only was the science of Hildegard of Bingen ___________ her theology, but her religious vision helped give her scientific works __________ by winning her the support of medieval church authorities.

  (A) inseparable from adj. 不可分离的...legitimacy n. 正统

  (B) unconcerned with adj. 不关心的...prestige n. 声望

  (C) derived from adj. 来源于...profundity n. 深奥

  (D) related to adj. 与有关...accuracy n. 精确度

  (E) diminished by adj. 减少...detachment n. 分离

  5. 研究所的对手把它标记为__________时代错误;它的学者,他们宣称已经_________与法国革命前的贵族竞争。

  Opponents of the research institute label it _________anachronism; its scholars, they allege, have __________ rivaling those of pre-Revolutionary French nobility.

  (A) an elitist adj. 优秀人才...perquisites n. 额外津贴

  (B) a monarchical adj .君主的...tribulations n. 苦难

  (C) an irreproachable adj . 无过失的...luxuries n. 奢侈品

  (D) a reprehensible adj. 应该谴责的...afflictions n. 折磨,苦恼

  (E) a commendable adj. 值得赞美的...privileges n. 特权

  Section 2

  1. 欧李瑞能忍受虫子和蛇但是_________昆虫:他非常害怕它们。

  O&aposLeary tolerates worms and snakes but is __________ about insects: he has an exaggerated fear of them.

  (A) agnostic adj. 不可知论的

  (B) eclectic adj. 折中主义的

  (C) empiric adj. 经验主义的

  (D) phobic adj. 病态性恐惧的

  (E) quixotic adj. 不切实际的

  2. 社会医疗人士所面临的挑战是去__________一个疾病的蔓延和__________让学校学生得到免疫。

  The challenge facing public health officials is to __________an outbreak of disease and then ___________ that school-children are immunized.

  (A) foster v. 培养,促进...provide v. 提供

  (B) predict v. 预言...allege v. 断言,宣称

  (C) sustain v. 承受...question v. 怀疑,审问

  (D) fect v. 产生,达到目的...ascertain v. 确定

  (E) anticipate v. 期望...ensure v. 确保,担保

  3. 派对里的客人觉得派对的气氛很愉快和很认可派对的__________。

  Guests at the party found the general merriment infectious and were won over by the party&aposs __________.

  (A) presumption n. 认定

  (B) gaiety n. 快乐

  (C) conspicuousness n. 显眼

  (D) unexpectedness n. 意外

  (E) brevity n. 短暂,简洁

  4. 煽动者为了去年暑假公众暴乱被无辜的责备:虽然他们化悲愤为力量,他们其实是_________它的。

  Demagogues do not deserve full blame for last summer&aposs public hysteria: although they turned the mood to their political advantage, they did not actually _________ it.

  (A) oppose v. 反对

  (B) subdue v. 征服

  (C) create v. 创造

  (D) postpone v. 延期

  (E) confirm v. 证实

  5. 猩猩是_________猿:他们生命的绝大部分都是在热带雨林里的树上过的。

  Orangutans are ___________ apes: they typically conduct most of their lives up in the trees of tropical rain forests.

  (A) indigenous adj. 土生土长的

  (B) transitory adj. 短暂的

  (C) inhibiting adj. 阻止

  (D) elusive adj. 难以捉摸的

  (E) antagonistic adj. 敌对的

  6. 从1973设立学生防卫基金以来,马里昂怀特易德曼是一个_________拥护者,坚定的和始终如一的。

  Since establishing the Children&aposs Dense Fund in 1973, Marian Wright Edelman has been an __________ advocate, steadfast and constant.

  (A) unwitting adj. 不知情的

  (B) unswerving adj. 坚定不移的

  (C) inhibiting adj. 阻止,仰制

  (D) elusive adj. 难以捉摸的

  (E) antagonistic adj. 敌对的

  7. 作者_________她剧本最后的一幕来平息(appease)这些评论家,这些评论家________作品简短。

  The author __________ the last act of her play to appease those critics who __________ the work for its brevity.

  (A) eliminated v. 删除...extolled v. 颂扬

  (B) condensed v. 浓缩的...censured v. 责备

  (C) expanded v. 扩大...disparaged v. 蔑视

  (D) intensified v. 增强,强化...glorified v. 美化

  (E) rearranged v. 重新排列...endorsed v. 支持,批注

  8. 编辑者声称州长竞选人对社会不够了解还有他的_________看样子会使他失败。

  The editorial claimed that the gubernatorial candidate lacked worldly wisdom and that his __________ would likely be his undoing.

  (A) naivete n. 天真

  (B) furtiveness n. 偷偷摸摸

  (C) venality n. 唯利是图,受贿

  (D) indecisiveness n. 犹豫不定

  (E) sarcasm n. 讽刺

  Section 3

  1. 19世纪60年代的美国人_________金托木在1923年写的书藤条,当时大家对黑人文化很感兴趣_________很多人看了经典的黑人小说。

  In the 1960&aposs Americans _________ Jean Toomer&aposs 1923 book Cane when an interest in Black culture _________ many of them to read the classics of Black fiction.

  (A) neglected v. 忽视...coerced v. 强制,迫使

  (B) rediscovered v. 重新发现...inspired v. 鼓舞,受启发的

  (C) limited v. 限制...required v. 要求

  (D) collected v. 收集...allowed v. 允许

  (E) circulated v. 流通...disinclined v. 不愿意的

  2. 除了_________一堆堆简历和参考外,有些雇主想要__________聘用过程用笔迹学家通过分析申请人的笔记来了解性格特征。

  In addition to _________ stacks of resumes and rerences, some employers want to __________ the hiring process by employing graphologists to study applicants&apos hand-writing for character analysis.

  (A) evaluating v. 评估...supplement v. 补充

  (B) envisioning v. 预想...circumvent v. 包围

  (C) ignoring v. 忽略...depersonalize v. 使失去个性

  (D) ameliorating v. 改善...revisit v. 再访问

  (E) condoning v. 宽恕...belabor v. 痛打,痛击,过度说明,反复讨论

  3. 被游客抱着的驯服了的卡拉熊是__________, 但是野生的卡拉熊很难控制,通常需要两个人来应付。

  Tame koala bears handled by tourists are __________, but wild koalas are hard to control and typically require two people to hold them.

  (A) mischievous adj. 顽皮的

  (B) gluttonous adj . 贪吃的

  (C) supple adj. 柔软的

  (D) adroit adj. 机敏的,敏捷的

  (E) docile adj. 驯服的,温顺的

  4. 瑞福女士给出了一个显著的_________演出: 她的钢琴演奏曲目包括了从古典到爵士的音乐。

  Ms. Rivers gave a performance of noteworthy __________: her piano repertoire ranged from classical music to jazz.

  (A) intensity n. 强度

  (B) precision n. 精确度

  (C) scope n. 范围

  (D) polish n. 擦亮

  (E) duration n. 持续

  5. 怀疑某些古代的哲学家_________和帮助说明,解释十九世纪初出现的不同的无政府主义。

  The skepticism of some ancient philosophers _________ and helps to elucidate varieties of nihilism that appeared in the early nineteenth century.

  (A) suppresses v. 镇压

  (B) disseminates v . 散布,传播

  (C) undermines v. 逐渐削弱

  (D) confounds v. 惊惶,使惊疑

  (E) foreshadows v. 预示

  6. 委员会议的有些评论家声称关于议题的主要辩论被一个________谴责和控告所损毁,也会妨碍_________演讲。

  Some critics of congressional proceedings contend that important debates on issues are marred by a __________ of denunciations and accusation that precludes __________ discourse.

  (A) repertory n. 仓库,储备...expendable adj 可牺牲的,消耗品

  (B) paucity n. 缺乏...meaningful adj 有意义的

  (C) barrage n. 阻塞...libelous adj. 诽谤的,损害名誉的

  (D) rehash n. 改变...repetitive adj. 重复的

  (E) cacophony n. 刺耳的音调...orderly adj. 顺序的









  Section 1

  1. 反叛者认为独裁者巨大的塑像是极权主义政权的__________,反叛者很快的把这个建筑推翻了。

  The rebels saw the huge statue of the dictator as ___________ of the totalitarian regime and swiftly toppled the monument.

  (A) an indictment n. 控告

  (B) an illusion n. 错觉

  (C) a copy n. 复制本

  (D) a symbol n. 象征

  (E) a mockery n. 嘲笑

  2. 住在孤岛上的居民无可奈何的要精通航海技术,要成为海上最_________的海员。

  Residents of the isolated island were forced to master the art of navigation, becoming the ocean&aposs most __________ sailors.

  (A) adept adj. 专家

  (B) temperamental adj. 易怒的

  (C) congenial adj. 适宜的

  (D) vulnerable adj. 易受伤的

  (E) reclusive adj. 隐居的

  3. 宝儿鸟有个_________去积累又光又亮的东西用来装饰它的凉亭:它会飞进屋子里去_________刀叉,硬币,顶针,钉子,螺丝钉,车钥匙。

  The spotted bowerbird has a __________ for amassing the bright shiny objects it needs for decorating its bower: it will enter house to __________ cutlery, coins, thimbles, nails, screws, even car keys.

  (A) knack n. 才能...assess v. 估计

  (B) penchant n. 嗜好,倾向...pilfer v. 偷窃

  (C) purpose n. 目的...dispense v. 免除,分配

  (D) predilection n. 偏爱,嗜好...disturb v. 打扰

  (E) remedy n. 补救,赔偿...raid v. 袭击

  4. 邱德佳和宾格的科学不仅仅_________她的神学,而且她的宗教洞察力协助了让她的科学工作_________通过从中世纪教堂里取得支持。

  Not only was the science of Hildegard of Bingen ___________ her theology, but her religious vision helped give her scientific works __________ by winning her the support of medieval church authorities.

  (A) inseparable from adj. 不可分离的...legitimacy n. 正统

  (B) unconcerned with adj. 不关心的...prestige n. 声望

  (C) derived from adj. 来源于...profundity n. 深奥

  (D) related to adj. 与有关...accuracy n. 精确度

  (E) diminished by adj. 减少...detachment n. 分离

  5. 研究所的对手把它标记为__________时代错误;它的学者,他们宣称已经_________与法国革命前的贵族竞争。

  Opponents of the research institute label it _________anachronism; its scholars, they allege, have __________ rivaling those of pre-Revolutionary French nobility.

  (A) an elitist adj. 优秀人才...perquisites n. 额外津贴

  (B) a monarchical adj .君主的...tribulations n. 苦难

  (C) an irreproachable adj . 无过失的...luxuries n. 奢侈品

  (D) a reprehensible adj. 应该谴责的...afflictions n. 折磨,苦恼

  (E) a commendable adj. 值得赞美的...privileges n. 特权 上123下


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