
2017-08-04 作者: 300阅读

  大家参加SAT考试时,在考场上考官全程都是用英文发令,所以沁彦同学尽量多的回忆了考试时的考场规则,帮助更多考生做好充分准备。   Several things you need to take note bore entering the test center ——Things you need to have with you (I believe those are stated in your test entry proof) Your entry proof Your passport or IC Pencils Snacks if necessary Calculators 进考场携带的物品:准考证,护照或者身份证,铅笔,食物,计算器 ——Ensure you go to the right room (I am sure that your name will be stated on a list placed on the door to the test room) ——Switch your cell-phone and other electronic devices 关闭手机和其他电子设备   Procedures undergone when you enter the test room ——There will be two or more invigilators near the doorway, helping to check your IC/passport and other information and lead you to your seat 在门口会有两位或更多的监考人来检查你的身份证或者护照,引导你坐下。 ——After everyone is settled down. The invigilator in charge will announce the test regulations and other stuff 大家都入座后,监考人员宣读考试规章。 ——There is one particular point announced by the invigilator in charge requiring you to place your bag and stuff in front of your row. After which, the invigilator will proceed to announce other rule. 监考人员会要求考生把包和其他东西放在前排。 ——After all the rules are read, the invigilator will give instructions for the candidates to fill in their particulars 接下来考官会教考生如何填写个人资料。   The announcement regarding the test rules (关于考试规则的指令)   I cannot remember the whole thing, but the announcement roughly goes like the following: Please switch off your cell-phone and other electronic devices, including electronic watches that have alarms. If any unnecessary noise heard is from you, you may be considered disqualified. 请关上手机和其他电子设备,如果一旦在考试中出现异样的声音,你将被取消考试资格。 (time for you switch off your cell-phone)    If you, for any reasons, want to cancel your score, please do so by next Thursday. Any later requirements regarding cancelation of your score will not be entertained. Details can be found on the official SAT website: 如果你因为一些原因想取消考试成绩,请在下周四之前完成。 You are allowed to put only pencils, IC and other necessary stuff on the table. Please leave your bag in front of your row. Please do so now. 你只可以携带铅笔,身份证和必要物品。把包放在前排。 (time for you to put your bag)    Please note that you are only allowed to use calculator for the Math sections. If you are attempting sections other than Math, please place your calculator on the floor beside your table. Please note that all the Math questions can be done without a calculator. 只有数学部分可以使用计算器。  Please check that whether there is any error regarding your name, address and other particulars. If so, please come up to fill in a ... form. 请检查个人信息是否填错,如果填错,就到前面来重新填表。   Please note that there is time limit for every section. You are not allowed to cross section. If any invigilator find you doing so, your may be disqualified. 注意,每部分都有时间限制,要按照顺序完成每个部分,否则会被取消考试资格。   There will be breaks allocated in between the sections. 大家会有休息时间。   Is everything understood? Any questions?   If you want to go to the bathroom now please do so now as nobody is allowed to go to the bathroom until the first rest from then. 在考试中大家不允许去洗手间,所以如果要去现在可以去,否则要等到第一次休息时才可以。


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