关于support letter的合集摘录

2017-03-27 作者: 430阅读

最好签证的时候有两篇support letter,一封来自你美国老板,介绍他自己的实验室, [b]他自己是谁,讲你去他实验室做什麽,他为什麽要你(表扬表扬你,呵呵),你的待遇,医 [b]疗保险之类也可以写上,请求领事馆协助之类的话。 [b][b] 另外一封来自你在国内的导师,表扬你的聪明才智,介绍你在国内的卓越工作,支持你 [b]出国深造,也可以谈到你的归国计划,说多麽的合情合理,他会不遗余力的支持你实现理想 [b]之类。当然也要请领事馆协助啦。 [b][b] 哎呀,反正怎么好听怎么写呗。国外老板一般都会自己给你写的,国内老板可就说不定 [b]了 大多数情况是你写,他签字,呵呵。 [b][b] It is my pleasure to have Miss XXX as my graduate student and research [b]ssistant in my group from Sep. 1999 till now. She exhibits solid background [b]and strong ability in her research work. I believe that Miss XXX will make [b]many valuable contributions in her future research fields. After she gets [b]her Ph.D degree, I strongly hope that she can join my group and work with [b]me again. If further information about her is needed, please do not esitate [b]to contact me. [b][b] 这是导师写的,愿意做我回来以后的推荐人的 其实很简单 [b][b] It is my pleasure to have Ms. LIU Shanshan as my graduate student and [b]ese arch assistant in our department from 2000 till now. As her advisor, I [b]was impressed by her diligence and talent in her study and research work. [b]She is the only one to graduate one year in advance in her class this year. [b][b] As a returnee from USA, I know the education there could do what a [b]great help for working in China. I encouraged her to pursue her PHD deg ree [b]in the United States with the highest enthusiasm. I believe she deserv es [b]such opportunity to learn more advanced knowledge there. [b] [b] And I have talked about her future plan with her. I will be her rerence [b]after she gets her PHD degree and comes back to realize her plan. I really [b]hope she could join our department, but I know her ambition is not only to [b]do the research, but also to emerge her research result into industry [b]application in China. Upon her request, I will recommend her to the R&D [b]center founded by leading company, such as Delta, GE, HUAWEI and UTRC. I [b]personally have good relationship with these companies and have cooperated [b]with the ir R&D center. I am sure Shanshan will surely get her position [b]there, along with her excellent academic performance and overall ability. [b][b] I would like to provide more information upon your request. [b][b] 这是我要去的Delta的: [b] With fast business growth, continuous progress and new product [b]development, Delta has become the world's leading switching power supply [b]manufacturer and a major supplier of video displays & electronic components [b]for computer, telecommunication, networking and other industries. [b][b] Each year, Delta devotes 5% of its sales revenues into R&D, and it's [b]still in expanding. So we really welcome people with strong theoretical [b]background and research experience, especially those with an international [b]background, We will offer a competitive salary, outstanding benits [b]package and the professional advantages of an environment that supports [b]their development. [b][b] As for Miss. Shanshan Liu, she is clearly among those kind of promising [b]peop le that we needed. As far as I know, she has demonstrated strong [b]research and development ability during her graduate study. We sincerely [b]hope she would join Delta Power Electronics Center after she gets her Ph.D. [b]degree from th e United States. following is a message I sent to my [b]prospective advisor. [b][b]-------------------- [b][b] I do not have an example, but the following information should be [b]helpful. The supporting letter may include the following tips: 0. Title: [b]Consular Officers at U.S. Embassies and Consulates in China [b]1. Introduction of you and your lab. [b]2. The reason why you want me to go to the States to study with you . [b]3. What I will do in your team. ( Please make it related with life, not [b]army research. No need to be too specific). [b]4. Tell the visa officer that I will probably come back to China after [b]graduation to seek a research position in a Chinese University. [b]5. State that you would be happy if the consular officer can issue me a [b]visa. [b]6. Anything you feel like to say is welcome. [b]7. Your signature and date. [b][b]Dear consular officer, [b][b] It is my pleasure to have Miss Ren as my undergraduate student and [b]research assistant in my group from Nov.2002 till now. She holds a solid [b]background and shows strong abilities in the experiments as well as in her [b]research work. I believe that Miss Ren will make valuable contributions to [b]our country in her future research fields. [b][b] Through our communication, I find that her motivation of studying in [b]the US is very clear: she just wants to improve her academic capability [b]with the guidance of excellent faculty and advanced research equipment. I [b]think Electrical Engineering is the right major for Miss Ren and she should [b]fully take advantage of this precious opportunity to study abroad. After [b]she gets her Ph.D degree, I strongly hope that she return to China and work [b]with me again. With those advanced skills and theories that she would have [b]learnt in US, I'm sure that she will hopully improve the research quality [b]of our lab and take her responsibility to make China a colorful country. [b]I appreciate your assistance regarding her visa interview. If any further [b]information about Miss Ren is needed, please do not hesitate to contact me. [b][b]Sincerely Yours [b]Prof. xxx [b]Dept. of Electrical Engineering [b]Tsinghua University [b][b] 大家看看能对付的过去不,英语作文比较烂的说 Dear Sir/Madam, [b][b] I am very glad to have Mr. myMascot as my graduate student in the [b]Department of XXX of XXX University in this fall. [b][b] Mr. myMascot contacted me from last fall, when he found one of my [b]papers from my website that just solved some problems in his project. From [b]his emails, I c an see his talent in his specialty and research work. I [b]encouraged him to appl y for the graduate program of my department. On [b]basis of his impressed applica tion, he is given the assistantship of XX [b]and a complete waiver tuition. This is a master program. After he gets his [b]M.S. degree, he can transfer to PhD pr ogram automatically in the [b]department, when, I believe he can also get his ful l financial aid from [b]the department naturally. [b][b] Mr. myMascot has strong research ability in the area of intelligent [b]control and robotics and he is the most appropriate candidate for my [b]program this year. He will play an important role in my program. And [b]through his emails, I can catch his affectionate feelings about his [b]hometown and his alma mater. I believe his ambition is in China. [b][b] I really hope to see Mr. myMascot in XXX University in this August. So, [b]if you could take full consideration of his visa application, I will [b]appreciate it very much. [b][b][b] I would like to provide more information upon your request. It is my [b]pleasure to have Miss ** as my undergraduate student and research assistant [b]in my group from Mar.2002 till July.2002. She exhibits solid background and [b]strong ability in the experiment and her research work. I believe that Miss [b]** will make many valuable contributions in her future research fields. [b]Through our communication, I find that her motive to the US is very clear: [b]she ju st wants to improve her academic capability under the guidance of [b]excellent faculty and with advanced research method and equipment. I think [b]chemistry is the right major for her and she should fully take advantage of [b]this precious oversea-study opportunity. After she gets her Ph.D degree, I [b]strongly hope that he can return to China and join my group and work with [b]me again to use what she has learned to improve the research quality and [b]level of our lab. I would be very sorry if she missed this chance. If [b]further information about her is needed, please do not hesitate to contact [b]me. [b][b] 外国人写的是dear consulate officer . [b][b]立即咨询


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