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why the U.S?

2017/03/27 09:15:24 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:323 移动端
Many people all over the world dream of coming to the U.S. Lucky enough, I’ [b]m one of those whose dream becomes “true”. However, since I arrived in [b]the U.S, I keep asking myself a very “stupid” question: Why do I come [b]here? [b][b]In order to get the chance to be qualified as an exchange student, I worked [b]extremely hard for the past 2 years. In another words, I gave up too much [b]things may goes beyond a “normal” person’s imagination. Several days [b]ago, I met a girl on a party, she’s 3 years younger than me. To be frank, [b]I was attracted by her although she’s not pretty. However, in the same [b]night soon after the party was over, my “reasonable analysis” told me: I [b]can do nothing with her. Because it doesn’t make any sense that I travel [b]thousands miles away from China to the U.S just to find a girlfriend who [b]speaking Chinese. [b][b]“Lucky” enough again, things went under control. However, I do realize I’ [b]ve come to the very time that I have to face the life, and, myself. [b][b]Suppose that I were not in the U.S, what I’m doing? I may chat with my [b]girl friend in a elegant cafeteria; I may enjoy a delectable dinner paid by [b]my father; I may stay in my dormitory playing TV games with my Chinese [b]classmate. But what I’m actually doing now? I’m struggling for [b]understanding a joke that make every body laugh in the classroom except me; [b]I’m eating chicken and be with boiling water every day just because it’ [b]s the cheapest meat that I can find here; I’m listen to a Chinese songs in [b]my computer after I come back to my dormitory because those are the only [b]things that can “pronounce” besides me. And, I’m trying to restrict me [b]from falling in love with girls. [b]Am I nuts? [b][b]Dinitely the answer is no. I’m not that stupid to choose “tough” life [b]deliberately instead of a “comfortable” one. And, I’m not a “saint” [b]like Newton who sacrificed his own happiness for the sake of “All the [b]human beings”. What drive me to suffer all the things that are not [b]supposed to imposed on me is: Seeking for the very truth and freedom of [b]life. [b][b]It’s true I have “every thing” in China, however, I’m not happy. [b]Because I want to spend my holiday with my girl friend in a hotspring in [b]Japan rather than a small cafeteria; Because I want to be regarded as [b]independent individual in the dinner and share my idea equally with those [b]“uncles”, “aunts” rather than a “silent boy” just keep eating; [b]Because I want to appreciate the real life of my own rather than hiding [b]behind the virtual world created by someone else. However, how to put them [b]into fect? The U.S may be one of the answers. [b][b]The U.S has the strongest economy in the world, it’s much easier for me to [b]gain enough money here to bring my girlfriend to lie in the outdoors hot [b]water in a cold winter. Because I have to outshine most of the people [b]around me in China to get there and then now I’ve the rare chances to [b]learn from those top professors who graduate from Yale, Standford or MIT, [b]my understanding of the world becomes more profound than ordinary people [b]not only in China but also the general America publics, and believe it or [b]not, whatever I say when I come back to China will attract more attention [b]just because I ‘ve been to the U.S, it’s the reality. Additionally, the [b]happy, the sad whatever I get from my journey to the U.S will give me a new [b]perspective on life that I may never get in China, for example, now I feel [b]much happier than my peers when I phoned my family, and I do appreciate [b]more the chance to love and be loved. [b][b]People who died at his 70 just means that he had been a advanced creature [b]in the earth for 70 years not necessarily means he had been a people in the [b]society for 70 years supposed that he spend his rest of life since 25 in a [b]very small office doing the same work everyday. Because at the very moment [b]his heart stop beating, what he can live back over for his life may be very [b]tedious: several segments of his childhood, his first date with a girl, the [b]day his mother passed away, and, the office and those every day paper [b]works. I hope that my life won’t stop in this way hundred years later. [b][b]“You can’t get out of mediocrity bore you go into loneliness”, I first [b]picked up this sentence in a book named , [b]a collection of the interviews of those students come from Peking [b]University and Tsinghua University who were on their threshold of leaving [b]for the U.S to pursue their graduate study. “Loneliness” here doesn’t [b]just mean you have no friends or you always stay alone, it’s a loneliness [b]of heart that not being understand. I do agree with it. [b][b]Now, it’s my own turn to appreciate it. [b][b][b][b]立即咨询


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