
2017-03-27 作者: 97阅读

背景:本来是2003秋季入学,读本科,top LAC,4/5奖。夏天分别被Terry, YYMM据 [b]过。早在7月15日放弃再签,把offer推迟到2004年秋季。于是跑出去游山玩水错过了8 [b]月放水,9月进国内大学读临床医学。开学前又和学校联系把offer提前到春季,准备 [b]一旦再次失败就在中国好好学医,照样发达。 [b][b]12/11,9:00AM. [b]8:50点名,9点多一点就进去了。领事馆大门修好了,不同往昔风景我不禁嗟叹万 [b]分。收材料的窗口也变了位置,到左边那面墙去了。开始我以为里面是中密,后来怎 [b]么瞟到一双白生生得手在里面,到我前面那个阿姨的时候我才看清楚原来是Terry~ [b](偷笑:原来你沦落至此!)我一直对terry印象不错,一直记得他上次很诚恳的说 [b]“I really wish i could give you visa, but i am sorry i can't this time. [b]It's very hard for us to give visa to a student who'll study for her [b]bachlor's degree so young as you...."到我交材料的时候 [b]Me: good morning, sir. [b]T:Good morning. how are you? [b]Me: I am fine, thanks. nice to meet you, again. [b]T: Really? ah..i don't remember your face. Have you come here recently? [b]Me: not quite recently. but last summer. :P [b]T: Good. why do you want to study in america? [b]Me收材料都要问...FT) for education. [b]T:ahh..BEST education...(比我还清楚呀,又FT) [b][b]Terry 瘦材料的时候只有韩GG在签,韩GG声音比较大很清楚,每个面谈时间都不短。 [b]但是据得很厉害,从他那里过来的都黑着脸,似乎有个F1得GG惨遭不幸。有个返签得 [b]GG过了。我有点紧张,和旁边的一个女儿去年大二转学去得阿姨聊了几句。我后面是 [b]一个F1得GG.好像也是延期得。等了很久一直到10点多了。我很希望能碰上Terry.但是 [b]眼看Terry叫了我后面的GG. 吓,按理说我应该落到韩GG手上,但是那个黑衣服得GG要 [b]求回避Terry,terry 就把他转给韩GG了。于是我的表被terry从架子上拿下来,听到叫 [b]名字,我有点高兴走上去。 [b][b]Me: Hey~ sir. (刚才已经见过我就难得说复杂了) [b]T: Morning. How are you? [b]Me: fine. Thanks. How are you?( 说fine顺口了) [b]T: I am OK. So I have interviewed you, and the lady has interviewed you [b]too.(指着以前的据签章) [b]Me: Yea. (我看他犹豫,怕他回避我)but i want to talk to you. (with big [b]smile) [b]T: (自言自语scholarship什么得) [b]Me: oh, the scholarship in this form is only for spring semester. they [b]can't calculate the expense for next year. [b]T: (smile, look at my old forms and my new forms) Why do you want to go to [b]the states when you are attending such a good university now? [b]Me: Well, you know after my last visa rejection in the summer, without any [b]better choice, i have to obey my dad's wish and became a medical student [b]in XX University. i tried to love my present major but i failed. it's [b]painful to study sth you dont even have any interest in, you know. I just [b]want to study biology. I've got a very detailed plan for my future, so i [b]am not going to give it up. [b]T: So tell me about your plan. [b]Me: Firstly i want to show you this diagram( it's a pyrimid of my personal [b]development). Do you see where I am I? (我在第一层和第二层之间画了一个卡通 [b]头像ME)i am just on the edge of the first and the second stage. i think [b]i've already finished the first step of the plan.( that's "strong [b]motivation+ positive attitude). I made many forts in my high school, do [b]you want to see this? ( 申请得时候用的一个好几页图文并茂得"a bri history [b]of my growth", 我翻到最后一页递给他居然塞不进去,看来翻开是无法塞进了,我只 [b]能把它贴在玻璃上) [b]T: give it to me.. [b]ME:合上封面塞进去。正好封面有长我的照片,他指着照片说:who is this? [b]MEf course that's me!! [b]他一页页翻开,指着里面有张我小时候练二胡得照片说: this? [b]ME: Me!! [b]T: Good. you can play Erhu...(gee, 他看来挺了解中国传统乐器)然后我让他安静 [b]地看了最后一页上关于生物得那些内容。 [b]然后我又说了我希望通过choice of upper level classes 来emphasize的宏观方面的 [b]生物学领域。 [b]T:so what are you going to do after graduation? i mean as soon as you [b]graduate. [b]Me: i want to do some basic research on China's blah blah blah.......(反正 [b]所有工作对象都与中国的现状有关) [b]T: So is there any particular company you will work for? [b]Me: Not yet have. u know it's hard to foresee at this time. but, wait, not [b]company, i want to work for the chinese government!!(之前那一大段都提到过 [b]他也就没有再问了) [b]T:(大概说如果美国一个工作有一mol多美元可以赚,中国一个工作只有点点,你会回 [b]来么?) [b]ME:of course i will choose china. 然后我说了些关于中国目前得状况,包括我夏 [b]天去青藏高原的见闻,遭遇泥石流危险等等。反正意思就是你们美国都做的那么好 [b]了,我们中国没人管我不做贡献谁做贡献怎么怎么得。 [b]T: (nod) environmental work... [b]然后见他问我为什么选择这个学校,我又blah了些,拿些网页出来秀不过他没怎么理 [b]我,看他没兴趣我也不说了。 [b]T: what does your father do? [b]Me:My father is a doctor and that's why he want me to attend my present [b]school....he works as ....in .... [b]T: what about your mother? [b]Me:my mother is a XXXXist in.... [b]T: ah..does that similar toXXX? [b]ME:yes, sth like that, and she..... [b]我看他开始折表,也就轻松起来了,窃喜 [b]他递出来信封我还蠢蠢得说does that mean i get it?随即白条也飞出来了我很高兴 [b]的谢谢他还说什么you've made my day什么得。然后我觉得象做梦一样,命运跟我开 [b]了个多大的玩笑呀,我晕乎乎就出去了,出大门门都走错了。。。 [b][b]曾经在gter看了那么多签经,终于轮到自己写了,写得比较罗嗦哦。。希望能对他人 [b]又帮助,希望每一个朋友都能最终顺利通关。 [b]立即咨询


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