
2017-07-25 作者: 237阅读


  Wharton MBA Recommendation Question 2010-2011

  Please answer the following questions in a separate document, using the Upload Document button at the bottom of the screen. Please also:

  Answer all of the questions in a single document.

  Single space your answers.

  Separate your answers by writing each question at the top of each response.

  1) How long have you known the applicant and describe your relationship to the applicant?

  2) Provide an example of constructive feedback you have provided to the applicant. How did the applicant receive this feedback and what forts did the applicant make to address the concern?

  3) Please provide an example of a time when the applicant was particularly successful at interacting with others in a team (employees, peers, managers, etc.); how was the applicant successful? How does the applicant compare to his/her peers in this dimension?

  4) Provide an example of a time when the applicant did not meet expectations. What was the outcome? How did s/he handle the setback?

  5) How has the applicant’s career progressed over the time that you have known him/her? How does this growth compare to his/her peer group? Please describe the peer group that you are comparing this applicant.

  6) Provide any additional comments you think would assist the Admissions Committee in making its decision.


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