2017-07-25 820阅读
昨天半夜面的,比约定的时间晚了几分钟,我正要打过去,Admin Officer打来电话。 AO:既然很晚了,我们尽快说完 Me:that&aposs all right
1. Help me to walk through your resume (why you chose to study this major and why you chose to goto country A) 2. Current work duties 3. good part of your job 4. not-that-interesting part of your job 5. strength(in terms of personality) 6. Do you have any plan to improve the shortcomings you mentioned in our program? (It was a totally unexpected question, but I managed to respond to it in a smart way. It was the only one shinning point of myanswers) 7. how do your close friends describe you? 8. Describe a situation that you in a team collaborate with team members and persuaded them to do XX? 9. Why MBA? What are you looking for in MBA program? 10. Career goal after graduation 11. What parts of Global MBA program attract you most? 12. What kind of role do you plan to play in class discussion group?Me:XX role. AO:Why do think that role fits you? 13. What kind of challenge do you expect to meet in class discussion? 14. Is there anything you want to add to your application? 15. Ah, almost forget, tell me more about your experience in XXX charity fund?
值得注意的是,由于我几个星期没和Native Speaker聊天了,面之前就自己和自己叨咕了几遍常见的问题,但还是在某些烂熟于胸的问题上有点张嘴忘词。部分是因为面试前几天工作不忙,比较懈怠,没有进入兴奋状态。二是尽管都是关于Leadership,关于Teamwork等常规问题,提问的角度有可能不一样,俺没有做好根据上下文答这些问题的准备。总之感觉比较一般,亮点不多,未发挥出应有状态,只好听天由命了。希望我的这些教训大家吸取一下:练习mock Interview一定要Dialogue不要Monologue,常规的问题说得不结巴和切合提问随机应变的技术同样重要。
Best wishes to other applicants!
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