
2017-07-21 作者: 231阅读


  Your relationship with your girlfriend or boyfriend.

  Your religious belis—unless you’re applying to a college with a strong religious orientation.

  Your conservative (or any other) political views.

  The evils of drugs. They are evil, but essays tend to sound contrived.

  Your SAT scores. Never ever mention your scores no matter how good or bad they are.

  Any topic that doesn’t appeal to you but that you think will appeal to an admission officer. They have built in phoniness alarms.

  Anything that will make the reader, who might be a grandmotherly type, blush or be embarrassed.

  Anything that will reveal that you are a poor college prospect—such as how you hate to study.

  Big or general ideas about how you will help the world live together in peace and harmony. Stick with details.

  Any topic that draws attention to your academic weaknesses.

  How you saw very poor but very happy people on an Interim trip and realized how “lucky” they are or you are.

  How you helped the team win the big game.

  Anything that makes it sound like you’re going to college for the sole purpose of learning how to make a lot of money.

  Any topic specifically mentioned as a great essay topic in one of those how-to-get-into-college books. Several thousand other students read the same book and will write on the same topic.



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