威斯康辛麦迪逊分校申请Essay范文8:Perfect Fit.

2017-07-21 作者: 305阅读

威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校Essay申请范文:Perfect Fit

Write a concise statement with any additional information that is important to convey to the admissions committee. Information that may be important might include your aspirations, work experience, creative talents, factors affecting your academic record, or why you are applying to UWMadison. You may wish to attach a separate page for your statement. This is an important part of your application.

Growing up in a family of doctors, I have always been fascinated by the medical field. This fascination has prompted me to involve myself in many science related areas, from taking numerous science classes to participating in the many scientific extracurricular programs offered at my school. I have shadowed physicians at St. Joseph’s Hospital, Marshfield, and I have observed medical research in progress at a laboratory. These experiences have given me insight into the rigorous daily routines of physicians, as well as the intricacies of research. Although at this time I have not determined what specialty I would like to go into, I have set my ultimate goal at becoming a physician, and would like to attend the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW-Madison) Medical School. However, for me, attending college means more than studying just one particular area – the wide range of academic programs at the UW-Madison offers me the opportunity to pursue my goal of becoming a physician and also allows me to pursue my other interests.

I am a person who seeks and excels at academic challenges and who has a variety of academic and social interests. Upon graduation from high school, I will have taken over 10 Advanced Placement (AP) classes and tests. I believe that this experience has prepared me for college, as the rigorous classes demand a high level of commitment. The excellent grades I have received on AP tests rlect on my ability to meet the demands of challenging classes. My dedication to academics is also seen in my achievements on the ACT and SAT, as well as my high school rank.

Apart from the classroom, I am very active in music. Madison’s prevailing music scene is an excellent fit to my passion for music. With a friend, I have co-organized a performing local band, which has been playing together since Junior High. Our band performs a diverse range of music, including old rock, funk, rhythm and blues, and pop; we have played at garden parties, performance centers, and dances. I also have found ways to incorporate my passion for music into my other interests. Within school, I have integrated music in academic projects and have volunteered to play for the American Cancer Society Walk Against Cancer. Additionally, I contribute a portion of the money I earn at performances to non-profit organizations such as the Cystic Fibrosis Research Foundation. I also excel at solo instruments such as the piano and clarinet, and have won several state Wisconsin School Music Association Solo/Ensemble Festival awards. I am excited about the musical opportunities available at UW-Madison and throughout the city, and I look forward to partaking in these events.

I seek a university that offers a variety of academic subjects to keep me challenged as well as one that rlects my wide range of interests. I believe that UW-Madison is an excellent match for my interests both academically and socially.


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