【TED系列精华演讲-超模自白 外表没有那么重要】演讲中/英对稿解读

2017-07-18 作者: 789阅读

摘要:Cameron Russell承认她是个遗传的幸运儿,她是个高挑漂亮的内衣模特。在这场无所畏惧的演讲中,她用另类的方式来看待这个让她16岁时就变得充满魅力的的行业。

Cameron Russell承认她是个遗传的幸运儿,她是个高挑漂亮的内衣模特。16岁便开始她的职业模特生涯,从一开始就与Steven Meisel, Craig McDean等许多大牌摄影师合作,这也为她以后的成功奠定了基础,后来为Calvin Klein、Emporio Armani、YSL等多个世界顶级名牌代言。但不要光用外表来评判她。在这场无所畏惧的演讲中,她用另类的方式来看待这个让她16岁时就变得充满魅力的的行业。




Hi. My name is Cameron Russell, and for the last little while I've been a model. Actually, for 10 years. And I feel like there's an uncomfortable tension in the room right now because I should not have worn this dress. (Laughter)

So luckily I brought an outfit change. This is the first outfit change on the TED stage, so you guys are pretty lucky to witness it, I think. If some of the women were really horrified when I came out, you don't have to tell me now, but I'll find out later on Twitter. (Laughter)

I'd also note that I'm quite privileged to be able to transform what you think of me in a very bri 10 seconds. Not everybody gets to do that. These heels are very uncomfortable, so good thing I wasn't going to wear them. The worst part is putting this sweater over my head, because that's when you'll all laugh at me, so don't do anything while it's over my head. All right.

So why did I do that? That was awkward. Well, hopully not as awkward as that picture. Image is powerful, but also image is superficial. I just totally transformed what you thought of me in six seconds. And in this picture, I had actually never had a boyfriend in real life. I was totally uncomfortable, and the photographer was telling me to arch my back and put my hand in that guy's hair. And of course, barring surgery, or the fake tan that I got two days ago for work, there's very little that we can do to transform how we look, and how we look, though it is superficial and immutable, has a huge impact on our lives.

So today, for me, being fearless means being honest. And I am on this stage because I am a model. I am on this stage because I am a pretty, white woman, and in my industry we call that a sexy girl. And I'm going to answer the questions that people always ask me, but with an honest twist.

So the first question is, how do you become a model? And I always just say, "Oh, I was scouted," but that means nothing. The real way that I became a model is I won a genetic lottery, and I am the recipient of a legacy, and maybe you're wondering what is a legacy. Well, for the past few centuries we have dined beauty not just as health and youth and symmetry that we're biologically programmed to admire, but also as tall, slender figures, and femininity and white skin. And this is a legacy that was built for me, and it's a legacy that I've been cashing out on. And I know there are people in the audience who are skeptical at this point, and maybe there are some fashionists who are, like, "Wait. Naomi. Tyra. Joan Smalls. Liu Wen." And first, I commend you on your model knowledge. Very impressive. (Laughter) But unfortunately I have to inform you that in 2007, a very inspired NYU Ph.D. student counted all the models on the runway, every single one that was hired, and of the 677 models that were hired, only 27, or less than four percent, were non-white.想要看到完整版本的英文演讲原文,你可以点击查看这里:TED演讲【外表不是一切】【内含中英文对照演讲稿】


嗨,我是 Cameron Russell, 过去的一段时间里 我是个模特 其实,(我干了)10 年。现在,我在这个房间内感到一种令人不适的紧张感,因为我不该穿这条裙子。幸亏我带了另外一套。这是 TED 讲台上第一次现场换装,所以我觉得今天在场的人都很幸运啊, 如果有些女士对的我出现感到惊恐,不必现在告诉我。但我马上就会在 twitter 上知道的。


那么,我为什么做这个呢(现场换装)?这很怪。呃,希望不会像图片上这样怪。图象是强大的,但同时又是表面化的。我只是在 6 秒内就彻底改变了自己在你们心中的形象。

在这张照片里,我事实上在现实生活中根本没有男朋友。当摄影师要我弓起背,摸那个男士的头发时,我非常不自在。确定的是,除了手术或像两天前我为了工作做的棕褐色(皮肤),我们基本上是没法改变外表的。我们的外表,虽然是表面化的,固定的,还是极大地影响着我们的生活。所以今天,对我来说,变的无惧就意味着要诚实。今天我站在这里是因为我是个模特,我在这个舞台上是因为我是个漂亮的白种女性,在我们业内我们称此为“性感女孩” 我要回答下人们常常问我的那些问题,(而且是)以一种诚实的方式。想要看到完整版本的中文演讲原文,你可以点击查看这里:TED演讲【外表不是一切】【内含中英文对照演讲稿】



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