
2017-07-10 作者: 211阅读


Write about the following topic:

In a recent survey conducted in this country, it was found that up to 20% of twelve year-olds in some schools were showing early signs of nicotine addiction. In the eighteen to twenty year age bracket the percentage was as high as 70%. A large contributing factor to this high level of addiction is attributed to the uncensored TV advertising of cigarettes. For this reason all cigarette advertising should be banned.


Model Answer:

The issue of cigarette advertising is an important one, especially in this country where so many young adolescents smoke. One of the main causes of this problem is peer pressure. Another cause is advertising, especially TV advertising. Smoking, as we all know, leads to a number of health problems such as cancer and heart disease. Many people think that cigarette advertising should not be banned since this would limit our free choice in this matter. However there is growing evidence that this serious problem is getting out of control. Let us examine the facts more closely.

The most important reason why cigarette advertising should be banned is that cigarette is bad for our health. Smoking causes lung cancer and heart disease. Many people also suffer from slow and painful death from a disease called emphysema.

Another important reason why cigarette advertising should be banned is that it costs the tax payer money. People who become sick from smoking have to be cared for in expensive hospitals. In addition their deaths often results in financial problem for their families.

Finally cigarette smoking may lead to another problem namely drug addiction. Although there is not conclusive evidence that this often happens, many experts in this area feel that there is a connection between the two.

Perhaps a solution to this problem is the education of young children concerning the dangers of taking up this habit. Also a heavy tax could be placed on cigarettes so that youngsters would not be able to afford them. In any case, it seems beyond any reasonable doubt that cigarette advertising should be banned.


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