2017-07-10 241阅读
Nature or Nurture
1. Learning is very important in determining who we are.
2. You can’t change your genes, but you can choose how to live yourlife.
3. If we take identical twins, and give one the best environment possible,and put the other one in closet for eighteen years, the differences will beprofound , and caused totally by environmental differences between the twochildren,
4. Identical twins living in parallel universes do not necessarily leadidentical lives.
5. Environment is more influential.
6. There is also substantial proof that an individual’s environment affectshis mental aptitude.
7. It is often difficult to separate learning from our biology because webegin learning at the moment we are born.
8. Biology certainly determines part of what we are, but we start learningas soon as we are conceived.
9. We hardly separate biologically determined behavior from learnedbehavior.
10. Socialization is learning. Socialization rers to all learningregardless of setting or age of the individual.
11. A person’s entire environment seems to be more fectual in determininghis mental ability than heredity is.
12. Experiments such as these ones prove that a person’s environment canhave a crucial fect on him and on his manner of thinking.
13. A study done in Great Britain in the late 1980s shows that nutritionplays a very large role in a person’s development.
14. Starving people across the globe show why lack of nutrients in humanbodies can stunt mental evolutions as well as physical growth.
15. Unique environmental factors (unique to children reared together) causedifferences in behavior.
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