
2017-07-10 作者: 165阅读


Children's lives these days are quite different from our generation's. Describe what are the biggest changes in younger generation and explain some factors of this phenomenon.

Model Answer:

Over the past few decades, the world has significantly changed. Nowadays, many have begun to wonder what the reasons behind [=for] these changes are. Two major factors contributing to this phenomenon are advances in media and change family dynamics [=organization].

First, advances in media, such as the Internet and TV, have meant that children spend a large portion of their leisure time in front of a screen. Consequently, they are not getting proper amounts of exercise, which results in an increase in the number of children who are overweight and obese. In addition, fast food restaurants have become increasingly popular, which has also contributed to children's health problems

Moreover, another leading force of this trend is changes in the family unit. Compared with a half century ago, nuclear families have become way more common in modern society. People tend to have only one child, which has caused personality disorders such as depression, loneliness, and selfishness. This is mainly because parents with one child have tendency to put all their focus and money into their only son or daughter. Studies have indicated that over 65% of children who are brought up without siblings show self-centered behavior find it difficult cooperating with their peers.

In summary, there are many factors that have caused children to live very differently from the generation bore them. There are high hopes that parents exercise(s) wisdom in treating their children.


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