
2017-07-10 作者: 59阅读



From:The Guardian,Sunday 3 April 2011 18.01 BST

Historic buildings sold off by public sector tomeet cuts shortfall

Cash-strapped councils could sell hundreds of listed buildings, warns heritage organisation

Hundreds of historic buildings could be sold off by councils to fill funding gaps caused bysevere budge cuts, a heritage organisation has warned.

The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings said buildings at risk ranged fromVictorian libraries to windmills and detailed some public buildings already up for auction,including swimming baths in Rotherham, 19th century Lluesty hospital in north Wales and theGrade II listedConisbrough Priory, near Doncaster.

The society said other buildings could be boarded up and lt vacant to save on runningcosts. "The situation could well become something of a gamble for hundreds of historicbuildings," said Philip Venning, secretary of the society. "While there may be some positiveoutcomes, [we're] deeply concerned that great swathes of the nation's built heritage will facean uncertain future under new ownership – or will simply be mothballed."

He added that "a steadily increasing number of such buildings is likely to hit the market assavage spending cuts mean their disposal becomes unavoidable".

Other public bodies, such as the NHS, could also increasingly look to heritage asset sales toraise money.

While the government wants community groups to take on the ownership and running ofassets formerly owned by councils to prevent them falling into disrepair, in many areas theydon't exist, said Ian Lush, chi executive of the Architectural Heritage Fund, which supportslocal groups. "It is a threat because the number of historic buildings which are being declaredredundant by public sector owners—and this is not just local authorities, but also includes theMinistry of Dence, fire services, health trusts—exceeds the number of community groups andcommercial developers able to take them on," said Lush.


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