【独家视角】New Launching Application System CAA

2017-06-21 作者: 178阅读

By Victor H. Sparrow Ⅲ

Victor H. Sparrow Ⅲ






Interpretation from Official Website


Why the Coalition?

The Coalition for Access, Affordability, and Success was developed to improve the college application process for all students as they search for and apply to their perfect college. The platform provides a single, centralized toolkit for students to organize, build, and rine their applications to numerous institutions.

In addition, Coalition members hold VALUES AND BELIEFS that align with recent RESEARCH which, among other things, demonstrates that students thinking about college early in high school beget higher application rates.

The letter from CAAS Board of Directors to High School Counselors


We represent the newly formed Coalition for Access, Affordability, and Success, a diverse group of more than 80 public and private colleges and universities around the country that have come together with the goal of improving the college admission application process for all students.

The Coalition is in the process of developing new college planning and application tools that will allow students to begin planning for college much earlier in high school. The platform tools, which will include a digital portfolio, a collaboration platform, and an application portal, seek to recast the college admission process as a natural culmination of high school rather than a single senior-year transaction.


The Coalition for Access, Affordability, Success (CAAS) iscomposed of almost all of anyone's top one hundred (100) colleges anduniversities in the United States. Members of the Coalition include a diversegroup of public universities that have affordable tuition along with need-basedfinancial aid for in-state residents and private colleges and universities that provide sufficient financial aid to meet the full, demonstrated financial need of every domestic student they admit.

It was founded for the express purpose of assisting minority students (blacks, Hispanics, and native Americans rerredto as low-income and underrepresented )in the United States who have frequently have difficulty in application preparation and in completing the irdegree programs within six years. (The Coalition views the principal issues as informational as well as lack of financial means to attend and/or to complete their programs.)

The Coalition intends to accomplish its objectives through a single free on-linedigital tool for each student where all of the relevant information could be aggregated bore the formal application process.

My only reservation regarding the student digital locker is that itinitially appears to be duplicative of some of the features and functionality of the Common Application.


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