
2017-06-16 作者: 164阅读

在周一,“漫步东伦敦”活动会分三批从主校区Mile End出发,会有专业的领队带领同学们分小组步行游览东伦敦,带大家了解学校附近的各类设施和资源,为大家介绍“家门口”的趣事。 此外,还有一场“东伦敦艺术之旅”,带大家在东伦敦最多元、充满活力和文艺范儿的Shoreditch和Spitalfields一代,寻找街头涂鸦。 你将看到著名的涂鸦艺术家包括Banksy, Ben Eine和Shepherd Fairey的作品。 这两个活动费用分别是4镑,需要提前在网上报名。 “漫步东伦敦”分三个时段 2pm, 2.30pm和3pm,报名请访问下面链接: http://eshop.qmul.ac.uk/browse/extra_info.asp?compid=1 modid=1 deptid=42 catid=81 prodvarid=40 “东伦敦艺术之旅” 3.30pm,报名请访问下面链接: http://eshop.qmul.ac.uk/browse/extra_info.asp?compid=1 modid=1 deptid=42 catid=81 prodid=1139 9月20日(周二) 为了迎接新一批的国际学生,伦敦玛丽女王大学将在9月20日晚上6点40到11点在泰晤士河举办游船Party。 游船将带大家领略夜晚泰晤士河两岸的风光,途径塔桥、伦敦眼和国会大厦知名景点。 All whilst dancing the night away with a resident DJ on board! “国际学生迎新游船趴” 6.40pm 集合地点:Canary Wharf Pier, Ontario Way, E14 8RH 费用:20镑 报名链接:http://eshop.qmul.ac.uk/browse/extra_info.asp?compid=1 modid=1 deptid=42 catid=81 prodid=1130 9月21日(周三) Jack The Ripper Walking Tour 7.30pm和8pm “开膛手杰克”的故事就不多说啦,感兴趣的同学可以报名参加。 费用:4镑 集合地点:Liverpool Street Station, Exit Liverpool Street side 报名链接:http://eshop.qmul.ac.uk/browse/extra_info.asp?compid=1 modid=1 deptid=42 catid=81 prodvarid=41 Ghosts of London Walking Tour 7.30pm和8pm 这个活动介绍如下,感兴趣的同学可以报名参加: 2000 years of London history. Empires, nobility, kings and queens. But there s a dark side lurking on the edges of the city. From ghostly creatures such as the Black Dog of Newgate, to an evil queen who ruses to leave this earth, to the bloody executions and inhuman prisons of past centuries, there are many things which lurk in the shadows of ourCity ghost walk! 集合地点:St Pauls Cathedral (at the front of the cathedral, bottom of the steps.) 费用:4镑 报名链接:http://eshop.qmul.ac.uk/browse/extra_info.asp?compid=1 modid=1 deptid=42 catid=81 prodvarid=42 9月22日(周四) Pub Quiz 6pm-8pm 费用:1镑/人或4镑/队 地点:Mucci’s Restaurant, Mile End Campus 活动简介:Join other First Year students in a pub quiz to test your general knowledge, London and QMUL facts. The winning team will win the entry prize fund along with the pride of being the best pub quiz team in First Year! 报名链接:http://eshop.qmul.ac.uk/browse/extra_info.asp?compid=1 modid=1 deptid=42 catid=81 prodvarid=39 这个活动既可以以四人团队形式报名,也可以单人报名参加。 单人报名者会被自动分配到一个四人队伍中。 9月23日(周五) 校园寻宝之旅 2pm 集合地点:Information Point, Library Square 费用:1镑/人或4镑/队 活动简介:Fancy your chances as the fastest team around Campus? In teams of 4 you will be tasked with completing our campus treasure hunt in the fastest time. This treasure hunt will not only prove an opportunity to make friends and win some prize money but also to explore the Mile End Campus and learn more about QMUL. 报名链接:http://eshop.qmul.ac.uk/browse/extra_info.asp?compid=1 modid=1 deptid=42 catid=81 prodvarid=38 同样,这个活动既可以以四人团队形式报名,也可以单人报名参加。 单人报名者会被自动分配到一个四人队伍中。 以上就是小编为大家带来的相关介绍,相信同学们都已经清楚了,感兴趣的同学快快来报名吧!



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