2017年温哥华——春光乍现 醉嫣红

2017-05-19 作者: 155阅读


Part 1:
Situated on British Columbia's coastline, Vancouver is a 'Pacific Pearl'. Lying between the Coast Mountain range and the Pacific Ocean, Vancouver is one of the most scenic cities in the world. Vancouver's mild temperatures and bounty of rain are also owed to its location, making even the most urban of areas lush year round. Stanley Park, occupying 400 hectares (1000 acres) just north of downtown, is a flourishing example of how Vancouver balances nature with its urban identity. A quintessential west coast city, Vancouver appeals to millions of denizens and visitors who bask in all it offers, from its beaches to its bustling streets. Its cosmopolitan character is rlected in areas like the very urban Robson Street, Canada's Rodeo Drive, contrasted by trendy Granville Island with its mix of cobblestone streets, artisan studios and eclectic market.


Spring 春天
The fresh spring air blows in early to our seaside city. February or March start to see the early crocuses and daffodils popping up; quickly followed by an eruption of spring blossoms. Active locals suddenly emerge from hibernation, flooding the streets on bicycles, inline skates, and running shoes. Pack light clothing along with a few sweaters for good measure.

Summer 夏天
Vancouver enjoys warm, comfortable summers that are rarely scorching. June to August daytime temperatures linger just above 20 degrees Celsius (70 Fahrenheit degrees). Evenings, especially in the surrounding mountains, are a bit cooler so it's best to pack a light jacket and sweater.

Autumn 秋天
Autumn on the coast is very mild with summer-like weather often stretching into October. By November, the air turns crisper in the mornings and the leaves have started to fall. Bring warm, waterproof clothing if you are visiting at this time of year.

Winter 冬天
Our winters are mild and wet-it rarely snows in this part of Canada except, of course, at our local ski hills. From November to February, temperatures average from 0 degrees to 5 degrees Celsius (around 45 Fahrenheit degrees). To stay cozy and dry, you'll need warm clothes, a raincoat and an umbrella. Waterproof footwear is always a good idea.

Vancouver Lookout at Harbor Centre

Harbor Centre Tower
Harbor Centre Tower is Vancouver and British Columbia's tallest building at a height of 177 meters (581 feet). The ascent to the Vancouver Lookout is reached via glass doored elevator in less than 50 seconds.

The Vancouver Lookout
The Vancouver Lookout is the best first stop for all visitors to the city. For those visitors or locals looking for an uplifting experience, come visit the Vancouver Lookout for a spectacular 360-degree view of cosmopolitan Vancouver, Greater Vancouver, the majestic North Shore Mountains and perhaps even Vancouver Island just off the Pacific Coast. Take a ride up the exterior glass elevator and arrive a top of Vancouver 45 seconds later to a breath-taking view, which you will hold in your memories forever.



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