
2017-05-19 作者: 156阅读



What can we learn from Penne Rusticana or Paht Thai that we can’t learn from a Big Mac? Apparently, quite a bit. Especially if you have what Slow Food has — over 600 different convivia, or local chapters, around the world, compiling and distributing information about local foods, drinks and cultures. Slow Food and its sister organization, “the Ark of Taste”, work to preserve endangered foods, encourage bio-diversity, and support small-scale producers of ethnic and local products around the world. Slow Food even publishes guides to local restaurants that serve authentic, local foods at local prices (Most are written in Italian, but it’s a start!).

And Slow Food is also about slow travel. There are a growing number of culinary tour operators that subscribe to the Slow Food Movement. The US-based “Friends and Food International” is a member of the network and sees its travel programs to Tuscany, Provence and India as "cultural and educational journeys using food and the people that produce it as the learning medium." In other words, if we are preserving culture through food, then we are also sharing that culture through tourism that is small, local, eco, culturally, and gastronomically-sensitive.
Which brings us to Slow Cities: entire communities dedicated to improving the quality of life for their citizens through environmentally sound, culturally-aware, eco-gastronomic policies and activities. And if that’s not enough to make you stop running, keep slowing down with numerous Slow Food events around the world, “the Slow Food Film Festival” and, “SLOW”, the organization’s quarterly magazine with outstanding articles about food culture around the world, including features on the highlights of African markets, how the Chinese use ltovers, Australian pizzas and the initiation rites of poultry killing in Spain.
If you’re like me and you travel to eat, Slow Food is as close to heaven as you can get. In fact, the Slow Food movement logo claims, "There are more tastes in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your gastronomy…" You just have to slow down to find them.
“慢食不仅仅是给我们的味蕾寻找美味,而且是为了保留我们的人性。”这是世界慢食协会的发起人卡洛·佩特里尼(CARLO PETRINI)最为著名的观点。现代化城市中快节奏的生活正以生产力的名义破坏我们的生活和环境。我们要以慢慢吃为开始,反抗快节奏的生活。目前已有很多人把“慢食运动”提到了生物医学和人生哲学的高度。因此,何不放慢脚步,一起来享受天堂般的慢食美味吧。

Key words 注释
savor vt. 尽情享受;使有风味
anathema n. 被疏远之物
ready-made adj. 现成的
dope n. 麻醉品
homogenous adj. 同质的;同类的
cultivate vt. 培养;磨练
culinary adj. 烹调的
part and parcel of 不可缺少的一部分
manifesto n. 宣言
eradicate v. 根除
eco-gastronomy n. eco=ecology 美食生态观
Penne Rusticana 一种末端对角切开的短且呈管状的意大利面食
Paht Thai 一种泰式面食
Big Mac 麦当劳的“巨无霸”汉堡包
convivia n. 联欢会;酒会
culturally-aware adj. 有文化意识的
rite n. 仪式;习俗



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