
2017-05-19 作者: 187阅读


The USA is home to several of the world's most exciting cities, some truly mind-blowing landscapes, a strong sense of regionalism, a trenchant mythology, more history than the country gives itself credit for and, arguably, some of the most approachable natives in the world. The US was fashioned from an incredibly disparate population who, with little in common apart from a desire to choose their own paths to wealth or heaven, rallied around the ennobling ideals of the Declaration of Independence to forge the richest,
The US is most popular with travelers during the summer, but this is when American families pack everything up and head out to visit Aunt Tilly. It’s better to go during autumn or early spring.

我的一位美国朋友,经常说自己是City Boy,在杭州,他喜欢步行,却从来不认路,靠着自己在波士顿的直觉行走西湖,随遇而安。可能这就是美国人的个性,自信、散漫又有些需偏执。

American Cities of Aspiration
Washington DC(华盛顿特区)

The United States may be the most powerful country in the world but when it comes to history many dismiss it as not having that much. Well, if you believe that, you've never been to Washington DC!

One of the best ways of seeing the American capital is by walking it, as the centre is small enough to get around easily on foot. However, there is a metro service where you can buy an all day pass which allows you to travel around Washington.

Washington Walks(漫步华盛顿), offer an excellent selection of walking tours. You can take your pick from a choice that includes a basic 'Discover Washington' tour. This starts at the Mall, an open expanse of magnificent green with the majestic white marble Washington Monument at one end. It is in the heart of the city and attracts visitors and native Washingtonians alike. This is the perfect setting for an orientation tour and the walk takes in some lesser known but inviting gardens and 'quiet' spots, as well as the site of a top-rated brothel and various former slave markets.

After the walk you'll be just about ready to get on board the Tour mobile, to visit sights further afield, or to plunge into the treasures of the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum(太空博物馆).

The popular FBI Building(五角大楼), although not that glamorous from the outside, offers tours that are well worth the wait. These include a look at the vast gun collection and pictures of the ten most wanted criminals. One couple was horrified to realize that their next door neighbor was on the list! The tour also includes an accurate shooting by an agent. All in all, a fascinating attraction.

Why not try the mysteries of Lafayette Square(拉斐特广场), facing the north side of the White House(白宫). No other area of the city can claim a more macabre past. It hosts the restless ghosts of presidents, assassins and soldiers who roam the corridors of historic homes, theatres and even the White House itself. After a suitably spooky guided tour, you'll be encouraged to calm your nerves with a restorative pint in a chummy neighborhood bar.

The Arlington National Cemetery(美国阿林顿国家公墓), burial place of the Kennedy family and some of the Lockerbie victims, is worth a visit - especially for those interested in political American history. The Metro is the most accessible way to reach this location.



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