
2017-05-19 作者: 134阅读


费城, 其名取自希腊语,意为"兄弟之爱"。该城位于美国东北部宾夕法尼亚州的特拉华河畔,是该州最大的城市。它有300多年的历史。到18世纪中叶,费城已发展成为英国美洲殖民地中最大的城市。美国许多重大的历史事件都发生在这里:1774-1775年两次大陆会议在此召开,通过独立宣言;1787年在此举行制宪会议,诞生了第一部联邦宪法。1790-1800年曾是美国首都。19世纪以来,铁路和港口发展很快,制造业兴起,1860年制造业产值层占全国30%。现仍为美国主要经济、交通、文化中心之一。

Understand 知
Philadelphia, often called the "Birthplace of America" and rerred to as the "new Athens" early in its existence, is the birthplace of America's modern democracy. Founded by William Penn in the late 17th century, the city's name translates to "City of Brotherly Love" and has been a seat of freedom since its inception; originally founded by Quakers, the colony promoted religious freedom among its residents in stark contrast to the England of the time.

History 历史
Perhaps best known for its role in the American Revolutionary War, Philadelphia saw the convening of the Continental Congress as well as the writing of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America. Shortly after the nation's inception took place in Philadelphia, the city was named the nation's capital between 1790 and 1800 bore it was relocated to its present Washington (D.C.)

Benjamin Franklin, one of the city's most famous historical residents, if not the most famous, was responsible for the city's alternative title, the "new Athens." While Franklin's most famous experiment dealt with the conducting of electricity, he was also responsible for the country's first insurance company, the city's first public library and the first fire department; Franklin also played a great role in establishing the city's Postal system as well as inventing new conveniences such as bifocal lenses and the Franklin Stove.

Philadelphia has seen its skyline and its name in lights throughout the years in such famous films as the "Rocky" series, as well as films like namesake "Philadelphia" and many of Philadelphia native M. Night Shyamalan's thrillers.

People 人民
The Philadelphia area's 6.2 million inhabitants comprise a diverse group of almost every nationality. Philadelphia's primary cultural influences can be seen in its plethora of Irish pubs, the city's Italian Market, the Chinatown District, and the Reading Terminal which plays host to a diverse crowd of merchants--from first-generation European and Asian immigrants to the area's local Amish and Mennonite farmers.

Economy 经济
Philadelphia's economy is as diverse as the population that inhabits the city. The Philadelphia Stock Exchange, the oldest such exchange in America, has been in operation since 1790. Relatedly, the city is host to several major Fortune 500 companies, including Comcast (the nation's largest cable television provider), CIGNA insurance, and Lincoln Financial Group.

Dating back to the city's roots as the nation's first capital city, government presence is also strong in Philadelphia. The United States Mint is located near Philadelphia's historic district and the Philadelphia division of the Federal Reserve Bank is not too far from the Mint. It is thanks to this Federal government presence that Philadelphia plays host to a large number of prestigious law firms and can call itself a national center of law.



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