
2018-06-19 作者: 2122阅读


Please find below the latest updates and a reminder of new courses from the Faculties of Engineering, Environment and Mathematics and Physical Sciences.

New courses for 2019 Faculty of Environment Geotechnical Engineering MSc Railway Engineering with Project Management MSc Transport Infrastructure: Design and Construction MSc Scholarship deadlines Transport Masters Excellence Scholarship - deadline 20 June 2018 Faculty of Engineering The Faculty of Engineering at Leeds has achieved excellent results in the Guardian University league table 2019. Civil Engineering, Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computing have all achieved top ten places in the rankings. Read more...

Faculty of Environment The Faculty of Environment has improved its position for Earth and Marine Sciences, jumping three places and ranking 6th in the UK in the Guardian University league table 2019. Geography and Environmental Studies have maintained their position as 11th for the second year. Read more...

Faculty of Mathematics and Physical Sciences The School of Chemistry and the School of Food Science and Nutrition within the Faculty of Mathematics and Physical Sciences have achieved outstanding results in the Guardian University league table 2019. Chemistry has jumped seventeen places from 2018 and is now ranked 9th. Food Science and Nutrition is now ranked 1st in the UK. Read more...


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