Traditional learning style

2017-09-30 作者: 1306阅读

  1. Traditional learning style & Modern learning style

  The importance of a teacher

  Information reliability

  A: Qualified teachers can tell students whether the information is authoritative or not.

  Student-oriented pattern

  B: Teachers know how to help learners figure out a certain problem and how to motivate their learning interests by considering the learning styles of target students.

  The advantages of other sources

  The diversity of information

  A: Learners can learn extensive and updated knowledge in various fields ranging from science to art.

  Learning motivation

  B: The information shown by vivid pictures and videos can interest young learners more.

  2. The purpose of schooling

  The importance of moral education

  Benefit individual development

  A: A student who does not know what rules should be obeyed and what behaviors are illegal but only understands academic knowledge might go astray due to the lack of social awareness.

  Belong to the basic responsibility of teachers

  B: Educators are supposed to help students form positive worldviews and impart knowledge of to laws and regulations to students so that they will become well-educated citizens.

  The importance of academic knowledge

  Suit the practical needs of students

  A: If a student acquires professional knowledge and skills related to a certain field, he or she will find well-paid or decent jobs.

  Achieve the main objective of schooling

  B: The major reason why parents send their children to school is that parents expect them to expand their knowledge range with the help of qualified teachers, and parents can tell their children how to distinguish right from wrong instead.


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