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Two Doctoral Candidates In Sustainable Business
Aalto University School of business is looking to hire a junior academic interested in research and teaching in the domain of sustainable business. The position is within the Organizations and Management discipline in the Department of Management Studies of Aalto University Business School ( http://management.aalto.fi ). The department hosts a strong sustainable business and corporate responsibility research group ( https://www.aalto.fi/en/department-of-management-studies/sustainability-in-business-sub ) . The group is specialized in innovations towards sustainability, including circular economy, sustainability transitions, inclusive innovations and energy system disruption. In addition to active publishing, the group is active in collaboration with companies and other stakeholders as well as creating societal impact. The department also has a very competitive group of strategy, organization theory and human resource management researchers who publish in leading management journals. Moreover, the department has a lively, international research community with numerous doctoral students and post-doctoral researchers from several countries. The working language at the department is English. Department of Management Studies has existing research on sustainability innovation, business models for sustainability, alternative economies, and organizing for sustainability. This work offers a basis for rethinking how businesses operate, how new actors and individuals can make contributions to sustainability and how sustainability debates unfold across the societies and different global contexts.
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背景偏好:Master degree in relevant discipline Track record of conducting high quality master thesis Excellent English language skills (written and verbal) Good communication skills Ability to collaborate in research groups, ability to pursue research independently and good self-management skills High level of commitment and motivation Before starting in the position, the doctoral candidate must be officially admitted to the doctoral program of Aalto BIZ, this includes a valid GMAT or GRE score. More information can be found in: https://into.aalto.fi/display/endoctoralbiz/How+to+apply 招生人:Prof. Minna Halme 招生邮箱:minna.halme@aalto.fi



