美国George Mason University评价

2017-04-05 作者: 264阅读

  据澳际教育介绍,乔治梅森大学(George Mason University,简称GMU)是美国著名的一级国家级大学,是近十年来在美国迅速崛起的一所主要的大学。学校正式成立于1972年,前身是弗吉尼亚大学的附属学院,独立后锐意拓展,在短短的40多年间就有两位诺贝尔经济学奖获得者和三位普利策奖得主先后加盟。





  1.The weather in Fairfax is great, students get to experience the best of all four seasons.

  2.Mason‘s proximity to Washington D.C. means there’s always something to do on the weekends, plus the city provides great internship and job opportunities for students.

  3.Dining-both on and off campus-provides students with plenty of different options no matter what they‘re in the mood for.

  4.Professors at Mason are very knowledgeable about what they teach. Many have had successful careers in the subjects they teach, and some even teach and work part-time in their field.

  5.An extensive transportation system exists at Mason to get students pretty much where they want to go around the area. There’s a shuttle that takes students directly to the Metro, and one that circles around to area hot spots like Fair Oaks Mall.

  6.Since Mason is a fairly new university, the classrooms have features that can‘t be found on older campuses and there is wireless Internet in a majority of the buildings on campus.

  7.Mason is consistently ranked as one of the most diverse universities in the nation, so there’s no better place to meet students from different backgrounds and ethnicities.


  1.Mason doesn‘t have a football team and not all students attend basketball games, so there’s not as much school spirit as you see at schools with Division I football teams.


  3.Mason doesn‘t have a Greek Row, so unless one’s involved in Greek life, getting to parties is tough.

  4.The primary freshmen housing area, Presidents Park, is a

  5.Students need to beware of leaving their cars parked too long in a time-restricted space. Parking Services will ticket any cars breaking the rules, no questions asked.

  6.Campus is pretty dead on the weekends, so most students head off campus to find places to drink or party.

  7.Off-campus housing is expensive and commuters are hard pressed to find parking spots when they get to campus. The cheapest option is to live on campus, however there are hardly any parties on campus during the weekends.

  澳际教育-A股上市留学机构,连续8年常青藤大满贯获得者,公司与美国、加拿大、英国、澳洲、新西兰、爱尔兰、瑞士、新加坡、马来西亚、泰国等30多个国家的800多家教育机构签约建立合作关系,协议覆盖了3000多所海外大中小学。出国留学 "10"人留学世界名校,至少"8"人选择澳际教育;澳际教育名校录取数业内领先!澳际教育,教育部认证的权威留学机构,专注互联网留学9年。



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