2017-04-05 65阅读
学校的声誉和稳定性 1的问题。是大专或大学认可? 2。什么是大学? 3 等级和分数。在学院或大学的学生的成功率是多少?计划内的吗? 4。学院或大学的认可和尊重?内的节目 5。是学院或大学本身的认可和尊重? 6。是学院或大学的财务状况稳健,资金充足吗? 7。转让给其他机构质量的学院或大学的课程吗? 关于学校的学术课程,课程和其他机会 1 问题。学校是否提供了一个程序,将支持我的目标是什么? 2。包括哪些课程在程序的课程吗? 3。多长时间才能完成的程序? 4。在节目的同伙有多大? 5。什么是学生与教师的比例在程序? 6。当课程吗?我的选择,这将是我的计划?存续期间提供的课程 7。什么是授课与知识获取样式的程序? 8。请问我有机会的实习生或获得特殊标志在我的程序? 9。什么是学生在节目中的成功率? 10。已经完成了计划的学生的就业率是什么? 由学校 1 的格式和灵活性的问题。学校是否重点放在网上,混合型,或传统的教育? 2。学校提供夜间,周末或夏季学校是否选择呢? 3。我想念我的队列中提供的课程之一不会危及我的长期成功? 学校的校园文化的问题 1。学校是否集中的节目,本科或研究生教育? 2。如果学校的重点本科和研究生教育,研究生院得到足够的重视和资源? 3。在学院或大学的网站上,什么样的文化似乎是普遍的吗?校园文化似乎围绕着学术界?体育?社会和社区激进?社交? 4。什么类型的团体,俱乐部和方案,也可参加? 5。什么类型的社团也可参加? 6。有什么机会,我的职业生涯和职业生涯的连接? 7。什么类型的学生住房提供给毕业的学生在校园里? 有关国际学生的校园支持问题 1。学院或大学是否有一个办公室或部门,专门为国际学生? 2。什么类型的学术支持是提供给国际学生?例如,学院或大学提供支持,在语言习得? 3。国际学生提供的财政支持是什么类型?例如,学院或大学提供财政援助,以拨款,贷款,勤工俭学的国际学生? 什么类型的社会支持是提供给国际学生?例如,学院或大学为国际学生举办的机会,与其他同学分享他们的文化?或者,学院或大学的辅导和指导国际学生提供心理支持? 有关计划将如何支持我的未来 1 问题。什么是学生的成功率,在节目中吗? 2。什么成功率,学生在寻找毕业后的职业生涯? 3。什么类型的工作或晋升将我的计划我准备 4。程序不起我需要什么样的教育水平,以满足我的未来目标? 5。成本的方案是值得凹凸支付我收到赚取我的研究生学位? 寻找合适的美国研究生院 下面的清单是一个快速的清单,你可以用它来 帮助确保你的一些最重要的问题找到答案: -学校是否认可?我的目标需要我出席认可的学校 -学校是否有适当职级,站在我的目标? -是备受尊敬的学校,认可,并资助 -学校/研究生课程的实惠? -学校是否提供计划和课程,我的选择 -学校是否提供更多的机会,通过实习,学徒,和其他职业导向的选择吗? -学校是否有一种文化,我觉得赏心悦目,有利于实现我的目标? -学校买不起我机会脱颖而出学术和专业? -学校是否提供支持,我希望作为一个国际学生 -学校坐落在一个城市和国家,我觉得赏心悦目,适当的和可访问的? 英文原文: Finding the perfect graduate school can put you on the road to success both personally and professionally. The following is a list of questions that could be asked when considering various graduate schools: Questions about the School’s Reputation and Stability 1. Is the college or university accredited 2. What is the rank and score of the college or university 3. What is the rate of student success within the college or university Within the program 4. Are the programs within the college or university well-recognized and respected 5. Is the college or university itself well-recognized and respected 6. Is the college or university financially sound and well-funded 7. Are the programs offered by the college or university transferable to other quality institutions Questions about the School’s Academic Programs, Courses, and other Opportunities 1. Does the school offer a program that will support my goals 2. What courses are included in the program’s curriculum 3. How long will it take to complete the program 4. How large are the cohorts in the program 5. What is the student to teacher ratio in the program 6. When are the courses offered Are the courses of my choice offered during the duration of what would be my program 7. What are the course delivery and knowledge acquisition styles of the program 8. Will I have an opportunity to intern or earn special marks during my program 9. What are the success rates of students in the program 10. What are the job placement rates for students who have completed the program Questions about the Format and Flexibility Offered by a School 1. Does the school focus on online, hybrid, or traditional education 2. Does the school offer evening, weekend, or summer-school options 3. Can I miss one of the courses offered in my cohort without jeopardizing my long-term success Questions about the School’s Campus Culture 1. Does the school focus its programs on undergraduate or graduate education 2. If the school focuses on both undergraduate and graduate education, does the graduate school receive sufficient attention and resources 3. Looking at the college or university’s website, what culture seems prevalent Does the campus culture seem focused around academia Sports Social and communal activism Socializing 4. What types of groups, clubs, and programs are available to join 5. What types of societies are available to join 6. What opportunities are available for building my career and making career-based connections 7. What types of student housing are available to graduate students on campus Questions about Campus Support for International Students 1. Does the college or university have an office or department devoted to international students 2. What types of academic support are available to international students For example, does the college or university offer support in language acquisition 3. What types of financial support are available to international students For example, does the college or university offer financial aid by way of grants, loans, or work-study programs to international students 4. What types of social support are available to international students For example, does the college or university organize opportunities for international students to share their culture with other students Or, does the college or university offer psychological support by way of counseling and guidance to international students Questions about how the Program will Support my Future 1. What are student success rates in the program 2. What rate of success do students have in finding careers after graduation 3. For what types of jobs or advancement will my program prepare me 4. Will the program afford me the level of education necessary to meet my future goals 5. Will the cost of the program be worth the bump in pay I receive for earning my graduate degree Checklist for Finding the Right U.S. Graduate School The following is a quick checklist that you can use to help ensure you find the answers to some of the most important questions: - Is the school accredited Do my goals require my attendance at an accredited school - Does the school have an appropriate rank and standing given my goals - Is the school well respected, recognized, and funded - Is the school/graduate program affordable - Does the school offer the programs and courses of my choice - Does the school offer additional opportunities by way of internships, apprenticeships, and other career-oriented options - Does the school have a culture that I find pleasing and conducive to the fulfillment of my goals - Will the school afford me the opportunity to excel academically and professionally - Does the school offer the amount of support I would expect as an international student - Is the school located in a city and state I find pleasing, appropriate, and accessible立即咨询Copyright 2000 - 2020 北京澳际教育咨询有限公司
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